• Clongriffin Dart Access
    Encourage & facilitate use of public transport. Currently women, girls, people in wheelchairs, with bikes & buggies are either afraid or cannot access station.
    2,834 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Joan Hopkins
  • Get SUVs off our roads
    SUVs are 20% more polluting regular cars. They are bigger, more dangerous and take up more room in parking spaces and on the street. Even SUVs that are fully electric are emissions-intensive, because of their battery size and the amount of energy they require. SUV and crossover sales are growing rapidly in Ireland: 55,000 were sold in 2021 (nearly 55% of all new cars). Many people do not actually need an SUV for their daily usage. SUVs popularity is driven more by fashion and marketing than practical considerations. Most SUVs are not designed for off-road use, and their larger size and weight can make them less efficient and more difficult to manoeuvre in urban areas.
    601 of 800 Signatures
  • Get SUVs off our roads
    SUVs are 20% more polluting regular cars. They are bigger, more dangerous and take up more room in parking spaces and on the street. Even SUVs that are fully electric are emissions-intensive, because of their battery size and the amount of energy they require. SUV and crossover sales are growing rapidly in Ireland: 55,000 were sold in 2021 (nearly 55% of all new cars). Many people do not actually need an SUV for their daily usage. SUVs popularity is driven more by fashion and marketing than practical considerations. Most SUVs are not designed for off-road use, and their larger size and weight can make them less efficient and more difficult to manoeuvre in urban areas.
    575 of 600 Signatures
  • Save the Douglas Road
    Widening the Douglas Road will destroy the local environment, heritage and character of this historic Cork road forever. There are much cheaper, faster and greener ways to improve public and active transport than this proposal. It will not only reduce the quality of life for many residents in the area, but also for those who use the Douglas Road. When there is more congestion around Douglas Village and on the side roads (as the plan doesn't help parents who bring children to school in the area), we will wonder why we let it happen. There will be no going back once the mature trees and walls of architectural heritage are torn down. Destroying the road is not the solution - there are alternatives. Road reallocation, school bus services etc. Please help us in our campaign to save the Douglas Road
    802 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by michele hill
  • Name the new bridge over the N40 Vernon Mount Bridge in honour of Vernon Mount House
    Vernon Mount is one of the finest examples of neo classical Georgian architecture not only in Ireland but worldwide and it's part of the rich history of Douglas. It was named after George Washington's house Mount Vernon in Virginia and it's steeped in history. It was burned down by vandals in 2016 but yet it still stands. Recent generations have fond memories of spending time there and it's simply a part of Douglas. It can be seen from the Tramore Valley park and as people walk over the bridge they'll see the ruins which are still beautiful in their unique curvature. The house finally needs to be given the recognition it has so long deserved.
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nina O'Neill
    This will help people reduce their commute time, generate economic activity in Edenderry, and enhance Irelands rail network. Edenderry is a community in crisis. 70% of people commute out for work or education. Unfortunately, there is poor public transport options. 25% of people use bus, 2.5% get a taxi, and 42% use a private car. 10% of people use their car to travel to a train station nearby and get the train from there. This doesn’t have to be the way! 95% of people support Edenderry getting a train station. This overwhelming show of support can’t be ignored! Edenderry can only grow, thrive and prosper with a train station, and this will help with people’s commute and the environment. Join the fight today. Sign and Share this petition
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eden Rail
  • See the Camac!
    People living in cities need access to nature, but in Inchicore the canal and river are largely walled off and inaccessible. Plans have existed for decades to open up "blueways" for public enjoyment and recreation but we have seen little progress between Suir Road and Blackhorse. We need public pressure to progress much needed improvements.
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Camac Community
  • Stop false direction signs on The Luas
    It's important because it gives a very poor impression to all users of the system but particularly people from outside Ireland.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Nealey
  • Make Clonroad Campus Accessible to All!
    Clonroad Campus is a busy place. It is home to Training and Education Providers, as well as Community Organisations. Learners from Streetwise Brothers of Charity last year raised their concerns with Clare County Council as to the unsafe entry/exit route for Clonroad Campus. They highlighted the risks of no footpath and broken ground for all pedestrian users of Clonroad Campus and the unsafe access to Ennis town. The learners of Streetwise Brothers of Charity are advocating for a safe, accessible route in/out of Clonroad Campus, so that they and others may access Ennis town safely. #accessibility #universaldesign #safety #campaign #advocacy #community #teamwork #activecitizenship #walkinourshoes Read more here: https://clarechampion.ie/streetwise-participants-tell-councillors-they-dont-feel-safe/
    951 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Roisín Glynn
  • Stop traffic danger for Kids walking & cycling on SCR
    Cyclists are being hit by cars at this junction. Cars are jumping the red light. Hundreds of children and cyclists walk and cycle to work & school every day here. They are not safe. Dublin City Council traffic engineers must urgently review this junction and upgrade pedestrian & cyclist safety with 2 new pedestrian crossings & cycle lanes.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • FoothPaths and Streets Lights urgently needed in Donacarney, Mornington, Bettystown, Co Meath
    For the safety and benefits of ALL residents : kids, working families, pensioners. In order to reduce car emissions and meet Ireland' green targets, we need to reduce our car use. But if its not safe to walk your kids from home to school, If you risk your live cycling from Mornington to Laytown station, to avoid using your car, that is not right.
    452 of 500 Signatures
    Created by margot ferry
  • Road Safety for Castlemartyr National School Children
    Castlemartyr National School is based on the busy N25 Cork to Waterford road, less than 200 metres from a busy junction as well as having an adjacent road servicing an estate. The school has been supported by a traffic warden for over 30 years but since November, the school has had to do without a warden due to the safety concerns expressed by a number of wardens who have held the position. Although this position is actively being recruited for, it still leaves the issue of safety around the area of paramount concern. Traffic surveys carried out at the areas have shown that a large percentage of passing traffic will regularly break the speed limit which is set at 50km/h. Footpaths opposite the school are extremely narrow and passing traffic is less than one metre away from anyone using those footpaths. This can mean that large trucks and other vehicles can be traveling at 50Km/h less than one meter away from children or families with buggies walking to and from school. The School has 245 students with over 170 families as part of its community with many having to travel to the school, particularly families from Mogeely. Children cycling or using a Scooter to get to school have no option but to use the road or narrow footpath. Parking in the locality is extremely limited due to the size of the car park in the school. Many people have to find parking locally and then walk to the school. The entrance to the car park at the school is less than 5 metres from the entrance to Kiltha park which means that there are three lanes of traffic that need to be navigated when crossing the road close to the school. This also causes concern for local residents as driveways may be used for turning or parking when dropping or picking up children. The N25 sees upwards of 15,000 vehicles pass through Castlemartyr each day. With such a large volume of traffic passing through a populated village it is vital that the safety of pedestrian and motorists alike is addressed with the highest urgency. https://trafficdata.tii.ie/sitedashboard.asp?sgid=XZOA8M4LR27P0HAO3_SRSB&spid=5229D2644906 The list can go on but we need action and we need your support, we want Castlemartyr to be a safe place for children going to and from school. Some form of traffic calming has to take place. Please sign and share this petition to show your support and help us ensure our children can walk safely to school.
    1,035 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Castlemartyr Parents Association Castlemartyr