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F*** you too Micheal Lowry!Politicians like Lowry think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. In the Dáil Chambers he even thinks its ok to give us all the two fingers. This government is bending the rules because of some secret deal with Michael Lowry and his group of independents. Together we need to speak up for politics we can trust and have respect for.186 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan O'Donoghue
Protect Lives – Create Jennie’s Law: A Domestic Abuse Register for IrelandDomestic abuse ruins lives, and in the worst cases, it ends them. Right now, people in Ireland can unknowingly enter relationships with repeat domestic abusers, because there is no way to check their history. Jennie’s story is just one example of this devastating reality. She believed she had met a kind and loving partner. What she didn’t know was that he had a history of domestic violence and had served time in prison. By the time she found out, she was trapped in a cycle of control, violence, and fear—a cycle that could have been prevented. In other countries, domestic abuse registers and the "Right to Ask" & "Right to Know" policies save lives by giving people access to vital, life-protecting information. But in Ireland, abusers are free to hide their past, moving from victim to victim with no accountability. Jennie’s Law would change that. It would: ✅ Empower people to make informed choices about their safety. ✅ Allow Gardaí to proactively warn those at risk. ✅ Hold abusers accountable for hiding their violent past. ✅ Protect victims before it’s too late. We cannot allow more people to suffer in silence, unknowingly trapped in abusive relationships. Sign this petition to demand urgent action from the Irish Government—because knowledge is power, and lives depend on it.581 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jason Poole
Trump is not welcome in IrelandWe don’t have any power to stop him, but we can show how we feel and maybe he will actually think about what he’s doing if reasonable people around the world let him know. The political opposition in the USA, whose job this really is, are virtually silent21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara Macarthur
Make Marriage Equality A Reality - 10 Years OnEquality for Children, Irish Gay Dads and LGBT Ireland are calling on the Irish Government to immediately amend and commence the AHR Act, as was promised by their predecessors, and to immediately commence the CFRA (2015) section of the AHR Act, to ensure that all children born through Assisted and Donor Reproduction to LGBTQ+ families in Ireland, have a pathway to a legal connection with both of their parents. “We urge you to sign our petition in order to push the Irish government to take the actions our children so desperately need.” Ranae von Meding, CEO of Equality for Children says, “Thousands of children in Ireland, including my youngest child, are denied legal parent-child relationship with both of their parents. This includes children born to gay dads through surrogacy, children conceived outside of clinical settings and children conceived or born outside of Ireland. As we celebrate 10 years of Marriage Equality, we cannot help but reflect on the fact that we have not truly achieved equality until children born into same-sex marriages in Ireland are afforded the same protections as children born into all other marriages in Ireland." “This must change. It’s not equal and it’s not what we voted for.” Seamus Kearney Martone, Chairperson of Irish Gay Dads says, "As we approach the 10-year anniversary of the marriage equality referendum, we celebrate how far Ireland has come—but we also recognize the work that remains. For gay dads in Ireland, the journey to parenthood is still filled with legal and practical barriers. We urge the government to amend and commence the Assisted Human Reproduction legislation without further delay. We’ve had positive discussions with the Departments of Health, Justice, and Children, and now that a new government has been formed we are committed to continuing these conversations to ensure that the voices of gay dads are heard and included in shaping this legislation. " "Equality must extend to all families, and now is the time to make that a reality."1,209 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ranae von Meding
Say no to water chargesThe government is talking about charging people for what they call "excessive" water usage – but we all know that this will open the door for more water charges down the line. We all deserve access to clean, good quality water. Charging people for water will only create more inequality and will push families into poverty.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Kelleher
Save Letterkenny's Fire ServiceWe have been informed that both Buncrana and Letterkenny Fire Services are facing a drastic reduction in resources. This includes the removal of our second fire engine, a significant cut in crew numbers, and, in the case of Letterkenny, the loss of the vital water tanker and incident command vehicle. These resources are essential for effectively responding to emergencies and ensuring the safety of both the public and our firefighters. The decision to implement these cuts has been presented to us as a fait accompli, with management stating that the changes will proceed regardless of our concerns. We were told, "if you don't like it, take us to court." This dictatorial approach is deeply disrespectful and undermines the vital role we play in protecting our community. We are particularly troubled by the justification given for these cuts. We are being told that these reductions are a consequence of firefighters seeking a better work-life balance. While we firmly believe in the importance of work-life balance for all workers, including firefighters, we refuse to accept that the safety of our community should be compromised as a result. It is unconscionable to punish firefighters for seeking reasonable working conditions, and, more importantly, to punish the public by diminishing the emergency services they rely upon. These cuts will have a devastating impact. Fewer firefighters and fewer resources mean slower response times, increased risk to both firefighters and the public, and a diminished ability to effectively handle complex emergencies. The loss of the water tanker in Letterkenny, for example, will severely hamper our ability to fight fires, especially in areas with limited water supply.1,225 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Purtill
State Funded HRT As Promised Budget 2025It was promised in the Budget to be rolled out in January 2025. It supports a struggling demographic ie Peri-menopausal and menopausal women. HRT can enable women going through menopause to manage symptoms such as increased anxiety, depression, hot flushes, mesophonia, panic attacks, insomnia etc. (there are at least 35 symptoms), thereby ensuring women can live a more productive and fulfilling life and maintain good relationships. HRT is also heart and bone loss protective. It supports working single women who receive very little tax benefits compared to those that are married and or are mothers through no fault of their own. As per Irish Independent 2020 single people pay up to seven times more tax throughout their working life times and that has now increased due to the tax increases that targets single people inheriting property in new Inheritance Tax laws in 2024.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Louise O'Donovan
Put it to the PeopleThe Triple Lock is an integral part of Ireland's neutrality and Foreign Policy. Removing the Triple Lock is an attack on our neutrality. This change opens the door to Irish troops being seconded to NATO and EU missions, with almost free-range given to the government of the day. The Triple Lock means Irish Defence Forces troops are only deployed on UN-mandated missions. A UN mandate gives legitimacy to peacekeeping missions which will be impossible to replace. The blue beret, that Irish troops have always worn, also offers them a huge level of protection. There is currently an attack on the UN with Elon Musk recently stating the United States should leave the institution. The proposed plans from the government are a further undermining of the UN at a time of increasing militarisation. So what? This is a fundamental change in Ireland's stance on neutrality - so we believe it should be put to the people in a national plebiscite. Every citizen in Ireland deserves to have a direct say on whether the Government should make this change. We recognise the importance of democratic consultation in shaping Ireland's future foreign policy, which is why we believe the only truly democratic option is a direct vote through a vote by the people on the whether Ireland should retain the Triple Lock.1,995 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Stephenson
Transparency in Re-turn's Deposit Return SchemeOur Concerns: 1. Unclaimed Deposits: A significant portion of the €100 million in deposits collected during 2024 remains unclaimed, yet the public has limited information on how these funds are managed and spent. Re-turn must disclose how these funds are being allocated and reinvested to benefit environmental initiatives. 2. Executive Salaries: Re-turn has refused to disclose the salaries of its CEO and executive team, despite handling millions of euros in public funds. 3. Accountability: As a not-for-profit organisation operating a nationwide scheme, Re-turn must be fully transparent about its financial operations to maintain public trust. Our Demands: 1. Full Disclosure: Publicly release the salaries of Re-turn executives and provide an annual financial report detailing the allocation of unclaimed deposits. 2. Public Oversight: Establish an independent review committee to ensure that funds are being used responsibly for environmental and community benefits. 3. Legislative Review: We urge the Irish government to introduce regulations that enforce financial transparency for organisations managing public deposit schemes, including strict guidelines on the allocation of unclaimed deposits. The Deposit Return Scheme was created to encourage recycling, not to generate undisclosed profits. The Irish public deserves clarity on how their money is being used. By signing this petition, we demand greater accountability and transparency from Re-turn. Let’s ensure that this initiative truly serves the public and environmental good.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alisha NH
Block the Body Bag Bill - Save our Triple LockThe vast majority of people in Ireland support our neutrality and want to keep the Triple Lock in place too. The government has been meeting with arms lobbyists and spreading disinformation about the Triple Lock, which in reality does a great job of keeping us safe and making sure Irish soldiers only serve on UN sanctioned peacekeeping missions and not unsanctioned operations like the illegal invasion of Iraq. • The Triple Lock is a system designed to keep Ireland out of wars overseas. • We are are incredibly proud of our neutrality and understand that it keeps us and our families safe. • That's why people in Ireland rejected two EU referendums (Nice and Lisbon) that had sections about us getting dragged into EU wars • As a compromise we were made to vote a second time in those referendums but were given special allowances so that we wouldn't get dragged into these wars. This is where we got the Triple Lock which, to quote Micheal Martin in 2013, "is the core of our neutrality" • The Triple Lock basically means that in order for Ireland to send more than 12 troops to any overseas missions, there needs to be approval from: • 1. The Government • 2. The Dáil (which is the government and the opposition) • 3. The UN • This can be authorised by either the UN Security Council OR the UN General Assembly , where there is NO veto (The government won't tell you that) The Triple Lock works extremely well. The government has been deliberately misleading the public into thinking that Russia can stop us from participating in UN missions because of their veto at the UN Security Council, but this problem was actually fixed back in 2006. The Defence (Amendment) Act 2006 says that we can get authorisation from the UN General Assembly instead where no country has a veto. As we mentioned earlier, no country has a veto at the UN General Assembly. The UN General Assembly is the closest thing we have to the opinion of the rest of the world. They've consistently passed resolutions for a ceasefire in Gaza, to end the blockade of Cuba, and to eliminate nuclear weapons globally. We have absolutely no business taking part in wars without a UN sanction. The only thing the Triple Lock stops the government from doing is taking part in wars that the UN doesn't agree with, like the illegal invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. While we're on the topic, there has also been disinformation spread about evacuating Irish citizens from overseas. Once again, the Triple Lock allows us to do this. There is no good reason to get rid of the Triple Lock. It allows us to take part in peacekeeping missions that have been given the green light by the UN and keeps us out of wars for profit and oil that have not been given UN permission. Wars are the worst thing that humans do. The only people who benefit from wars are arms dealers who make billions selling weapons and don't care about the lives of ordinary people who are killed and maimed. It's clear that these arms dealers have been pushing this idea of scrapping our neutrality and getting rid of the Triple Lock because they see Ireland as an opportunity to make money. Now the Irish government is fast-tracking legislation to get rid of the Triple Lock and the govt have done a complete 180 on their past positions Polling shows that across all ages, regions and even political parties, the vast majority of people in Ireland value our neutrality exactly as it is and do not want our soldiers sent off to fight in foreign wars for the profits of a small few. Block the Bodybag Bill950 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Ross McGann
Zebra crossing for CleveraghTo make the Cleveragh area more safe and accessible for everyone. So that we can all access the beautiful surrounds and facilities safely.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Doyle
Keep HHC Legal in IrelandIf the Irish government bans HHC, it will cause more harm than good. Here’s why it’s crucial to keep HHC legal in Ireland: 1. A Ban Will Create a Dangerous Black Market Prohibition doesn’t stop demand it just pushes sales underground. Illegal HHC will be unregulated and unsafe, increasing the risk of contamination with harmful chemicals. Consumers will turn to riskier alternatives, including synthetic cannabinoids that are known to cause serious health issues. Criminal markets will profit, taking money away from responsible Irish businesses and putting it in the hands of unregulated dealers. 2. Legal HHC Ensures Consumer Safety Right now, HHC products in Ireland are lab-tested, properly labeled, and sold by licensed retailers. Keeping HHC legal means quality control—consumers know exactly what they’re getting. With a ban, people will be forced to import unregulated products online or buy from street dealers with no oversight. 3. The Economic Impact Will Be Devastating Irish businesses will suffer. Vape shops, wellness stores, and distributors who rely on HHC sales will be forced to shut down or lose major revenue. Jobs will be lost as businesses cut staff or close entirely. The government will lose tax revenue. Instead of benefiting from regulated sales, they’ll push the entire market into illegal, untaxed transactions. 4. There’s No Clear Scientific Justification for a Ban Unlike synthetic drugs like "Spice," HHC is naturally derived and has not been proven to cause serious harm. HHC is milder than THC, making it a safer alternative for those who want relaxation without extreme psychoactive effects. Many people in Ireland use HHC for pain relief, anxiety, and sleep disorders—why take away a product that helps them? If public health is a concern, introducing regulations like age limits and lab-testing requirements is a smarter approach than an outright ban. 5. A Ban Would Be Hypocritical and Unfair Alcohol and tobacco—both proven to cause serious harm—remain legal. It makes no sense to ban HHC while keeping these much more dangerous substances available. Personal freedom matters. Adults should have the right to choose what they consume, especially when it’s a safer alternative to other substances. 6. Ireland Should Follow Smarter Policies, Not Outdated Prohibition Many countries are moving towards harm reduction and regulation, not bans. Regulation is the answer, not criminalization. Instead of banning HHC, Ireland should introduce sensible laws: 18+ age restrictions Mandatory lab testing for purity and safety Clear labeling and dosage guidelines Conclusion: Keep HHC Legal and Regulated The government must consider the long-term consequences before banning HHC. A ban will: ✅ Increase illegal sales ✅ Make products more dangerous for consumers ✅ Destroy Irish businesses and jobs ✅ Take away a safer alternative to more harmful substances Instead of banning HHC, Ireland should focus on proper regulation to ensure safety, quality, and responsible use. REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 🇮🇪49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louis Garland