• Move Driving Test route out of Bluebell Woods
    The residents of Bluebell Woods in Oranmore kindly request that the Carnmore test route no longer use this residential estate as part of the official route. Since the Carnmore test centre opened in 2021, our estate and the front green in particular has been used on a continuous basis both by the official RSA testers and by learners practicing the 'reverse around the corner' manoeuvre. While the tests themselves take place during weekday working hours, the learners are liable to practice at this location at all times of the evening and at weekends. We oppose the use of our estate for this test activity. The front green in particular is an unsafe location for the reverse around the corner, due to the frequent use of the green by children at play, and the poor visibility due to trees and shrubs at the corner. There is a risk to safety here, not only because a learner driver cannot have full and unrestricted visibility, but any pedestrians trying to cross the road at this intersection may not notice a car reversing until it is too late. Several of our residents have witnessed dangerous reversing and submitted complaints directly to the RSA, but have had either no response at all or the responses have been unsatisfactory. Therefore, we are gathering signatures to make this request as a community, with the safety of our children and residents in mind. We call upon the RSA in Galway to find an alternative route for the driving test. Note: Header image shows a snippet of the Carnmore driving test route from the Test Routes app. 
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise G
  • Turn the R400 into a National Road
    North Offaly is fast becoming the home of Green energy projects that are being constructed or planed in Ireland. The Yellow River Wind farm is a prime example of a project in the area. Locals objected to the Wind farm on the grounds that there was not adequate infrastructure in place to take on the increase in construction traffic. Ultimately the case was taken to the high court where the objection was refused. At the time local councilors promised the roads would be done before, maintained during and redone after construction of the wind farm. These promises ultimately proved to be empty. A few planned projects along the r400 or that will use the r400 for the majority of construction traffic: Yellow River Wind farm: https://www.sserenewables.com/onshore-wind/in-development/yellowriver/ Rhode Green Energy Park: https://www.offaly.ie/rhode-green-energy-park/ Bio-Mass Gassification Plant: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/632520/new-biomass-gasification-plant-set-to-be-constructed-in-offaly.html Battery Storage: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/550961/plans-unveiled-for-substantial-energy-storage-facility-in-offaly.html Clonin North Solar Farm: https://www.highfieldenergy.com/SolarProjects/clonin-north-solar-farm Oxigen Waste Management Facility: https://www.offalyindependent.ie/2023/11/09/controversial-waste-facility-in-north-offaly-gets-planning-approval/ Full report on Green energy within the area can be found: https://www.offaly.ie/green-energy-2/ This campaign is focused on finding the balance between these types of projects and ensuring that local residents are taken care of. Much of the local area around the r400 is not serviced by public transport and as such we rely on our cars and on the roads, which we pay for through our taxes. The r400 has been in a state for decades, the local council have failed to make it a priority, failed to hold the companies behind the large scale construction projects accountable for their use and they have failed all of us who have had to endure an unsafe, not fit for purpose, road. When questioned as to why the r400 has not seen improvements over the years Offaly County Council claim that there is not enough funding. The only way around the lack of funding on a local level, is for the road to be made a national road. That way it's reconstruction and maintenance funding, will come from the National Government. Please join us in calling for the National and local Government's to make the r400 a national road. 
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Disabled people need better footpaths and roads
    People are struggling to get around because our footpaths are in such a state. This is an accessibility issue, and councils must take it more seriously.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Caffrey
  • Zebra Pedestrian Crossing on Dublin Rd
    This is a petition to erect a non-traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing on the Dublin Road between the Forge Estate entrance and the entrance to Chapel Farm.  This crossing currently only has sloped curbs, an island in the middle of the two flows of traffic on the road with no signage. This route is used daily by all residents of the Lusk community, including those travelling to preschools in the area with young children. The problem this crossing currently has is that traffic does not stop to let pedestrians cross safely and when there is no traffic at any given time and a pedestrian commences crossing, vehicles then come from the roundabout or Lusk Village direction at high speeds before the pedestrian gets a chance to cross safely. With the influx of new builds in the area there is an increase of young families now travelling to schools and preschools with their children and this crossing is currently unsafe for those children.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Boylan
  • Abolish parking charges at Galway University Hospital
    It's been revealed that the HSE has taken in more than €3.5 million in parking charges from Galway University Hospital and Portiuncula over the past four years. [1] It's disgraceful that people are paying such high costs for parking at a hospital. Those who are being treated for cancer or other long-term conditions bear the biggest burden of hospital parking charges – this is disgraceful and must change. Together, we call on the HSE to scrap parking charges for Galway University Hospital for patients with immediate effect so that people who are seeking healthcare can do so with dignity. [1] https://connachttribune.ie/hospitals-e3-5-million-profit-from-patient-parking-613/
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher
  • Make the Clarecastle Link Road Safe. Reduce Speed; Safe Verge for Walkers & Cyclists
    The current state of motorists speeding on the road is an accident waiting to happen.  The 50km/hr speed limit is largely ignored, and the condition of the road-- a residential stretch of 2 km of road-- makes speed motorists an even more dangerous situation. Before someone is gravely injured or killed, make the road safe for everyone.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ellingstad
  • Bring Dublin Bikes to North of the Canal Out to the M50
    More and more people are looking for ways to avoid the slog of commuting through traffic in private cars or buses.  Cycling is a great alternative - fast, no charging neccessary and with health benefits too.  Dublin Bikes is a cheap, accessible scheme that gives people the option to cycle without owning a bike or having to maintain one.  Up to now it's been limited to between the Royal and Grand Canals - with earlier plans to expand the scheme shelved during the austerity years.  We want to see Dublin City Council expand the scheme so that people in Ballymun, Finglas, Santry, Glasnevin, Whitehall, Beaumont and further afield on the Northside can benefit from it too. 
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conor Reddy
  • STOP traffic DANGER for Gaelscoil Inse Chór kids on Chapelizod Bypass!
    Gaelscoil Inse Chór is an example of Dublin 8 being missed out for CHILD ROAD SAFETY measures because it is on 'an aerterial road'. Parents and families are fed up hearing the excuse of ‘aerterial road’ for failing to act on road safety near primary schools. When a pedestrian is hit at 50kmph they have a 50% chance of survival. If hit at 60kmph, it’s a 10% chance of survival!  Cars are speeding up Concolbert Road and South Circular Road at 60kmph near little primary school children huddled in fear, behind OVERGROWN bushes and missing crash barriers. The families of Gaelscoil Inse Chór have had enough! This is completely unacceptable!
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Demand a Commitment to Restore Irish Rail Infrastructure and Stop Investing in Greenways
    You should join this campaign if you are a believer in sustainable public transport, and wish to see Ireland have a rail network for the 21st century, and not continued investment into Greenways.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew James Quill
  • Twin Cork City with Gaza City
    What greater act of solidarity would it be than for Cork to twin with Gaza City? Gaza was a beautiful and vibrant city before the repeated, violent Israeli attacks. Both Cork City and Gaza City have suffered from acts of vengeance. “The people of Cork have been on the streets ever since October. The solidarity has been heartwarming for me as someone who was born in Gaza and who has many friends and family still there suffering unimaginable hardship. It would be the greatest honor for them if our two great cities were to be connected by ‘twinning’. ” Nasser Al Swirki. A son of Gaza living in Cork UCC links: Gaza is a University City. All of Gaza’s universities now lie in ruins. The Gaza City university has developed partnerships with 142 higher education institutions around the world. Let’s make UCC one of those partners! CUH links? Al-Shifa Hospital was the largest medical complex and central hospital in the Gaza. We will need medical partners. Environmental Links? Now destroyed. Wadi Gaza: In 2023 the Gaza Strip’s only wetland was slowly coming back to life.
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Rahr
  • Stop the Mourne Mountains Gondola Project
    We, the undersigned, demand an immediate halt to the proposed Mourne Mountains Gondola project. This ill-conceived venture threatens to irreversibly damage our cherished natural landscape, endanger wildlife habitats, and impose financial burdens on rates payers. We implore the Newry, Mourne, and Down District Council (NMDDC) to reconsider and explore more sustainable alternatives that prioritize environmental preservation and community needs. Reasons for halting the Gondola Project: 1. Lack of public consultation. Despite overwhelming local opposition (as evidenced by our recent poll indicating 77% dissent), the council has proceeded without adequate consultation. 2. Disregard for Alternatives. The council has dismissed viable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternatives in favour of the gondola, demonstrating a concerning lack of consideration for community preferences and environmental impact. 3. Financial risk. The project's secrecy regarding its business plan, coupled with unrealistic user projections and escalating costs, poses an unjustifiable financial risk to ratepayers.  4. Environmental Threats. Its operation threatens sensitive habitats including a Special Area of Conservation and an Area of Special Scientific Interest.  It would endanger wildlife habitats and protected species. 5. Adverse Aesthetic Impact. Pylons, the cableway and quarry centre will mar the pristine beauty of the Mourne Mountains, detracting from the experience of visitors and local people in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 6. Negative Economic Impact. Contrary to promises of local economic benefits, the gondola project is likely to divert money from local businesses. 7. The National Trust, which is the owner of the quarry and the mountain is a conservation organisation and is very unlikely to approve its construction.   8. Weather and seasonal factors. The gondola is projected to operate eleven months a year but factors like high winds and bad weather are likely to drastically reduce the days it can work and generate income.  We urge the NMDDC to heed the voices of the community, prioritize environmental sustainability, and abandon the Mourne Mountains Gondola project in favour of more responsible available alternatives.  Let us preserve the natural beauty of the Mourne mountains for future generations to enjoy.
    2,414 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Carden
  • Bring back the 175 bus
    Because it was useful and quick for people who either work in Dundrum shopping centre or go to college in UCD
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren McCabe