We have been informed that both Buncrana and Letterkenny Fire Services are facing a drastic reduction in resources. This includes the removal of our second fire engine, a significant cut in crew numbers, and, in the case of Letterkenny, the loss of the vital water tanker and incident command vehicle. These resources are essential for effectively responding to emergencies and ensuring the safety of both the public and our firefighters.
The decision to implement these cuts has been presented to us as a fait accompli, with management stating that the changes will proceed regardless of our concerns. We were told, "if you don't like it, take us to court." This dictatorial approach is deeply disrespectful and undermines the vital role we play in protecting our community.
We are particularly troubled by the justification given for these cuts. We are being told that these reductions are a consequence of firefighters seeking a better work-life balance. While we firmly believe in the importance of work-life balance for all workers, including firefighters, we refuse to accept that the safety of our community should be compromised as a result. It is unconscionable to punish firefighters for seeking reasonable working conditions, and, more importantly, to punish the public by diminishing the emergency services they rely upon.
These cuts will have a devastating impact. Fewer firefighters and fewer resources mean slower response times, increased risk to both firefighters and the public, and a diminished ability to effectively handle complex emergencies. The loss of the water tanker in Letterkenny, for example, will severely hamper our ability to fight fires, especially in areas with limited water supply.