• Trump is not welcome in Ireland
    We don’t have any power to stop him, but we can show how we feel and maybe he will actually think about what he’s doing if reasonable people around the world let him know. The political opposition in the USA, whose job this really is, are virtually silent 
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Macarthur
  • Save Our Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops: Act Now Before It's Too Late
    Support Is Crucial:  We cannot wait any longer. The heart of our communities—restaurants, pubs, cafés, and shops—are at risk. Each closure means more jobs lost, more social spaces gone, and greater isolation for all of us. If you work in these industries, your job could be next. We are nearing a tipping point, and without public pressure, the future of our cities, towns and villages are in jeopardy. Sign the petition + Spread the word. We need the help of your voice to demand government action now before it’s too late. Together, we can protect our businesses, our jobs, and our communities. As a customer or fellow worker who values your local coffee shop, retail or hospitality business, realise that we are suffering and that your support and encouragement is important. Follow Us for further action. Follow us on X for updates. Don't let it be another Dark Door. Support material for your business. Posters/POS art work  & What's App Badge (make your customers aware & to sign the petition) FUTURE ACTION DARK DOORS DAY A day of mass nationwide voluntary closures. This silent protest will have Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops, will darken their doors to highlight the plight of these sectors. A date will be confirmed soon. Follow us on X for updates. Minister Jack Chambers Message him on  X We are Open for Change,  Goverment, Where are you?
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hanlon
  • Allow those with Irish IRP Cards visa-free EU and UK Travel
    Residents on IRP cards contribute a lot to taxes in Ireland and deserve the right to have a weekend away or holiday or travel for medical / family emergencies in the United Kingdom and Europe without hindrance. 
    1,692 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Grant Halstead
  • Enact the Occupied Territories Bill
    At this stage in the genocide it is unbelievable that Ireland has a powerful bill, that could help the people of Palestine, waiting in the wings to be enacted since 2018. It took immense effort from many political, academic and legal minds to get the bill to its present position in the legislative process. There is no legal excuse for stalling it any longer. To quote Sen. Frances Black “... it’s not a legal issue, it’s a question of political will. The weight of legal advice makes it clear that we can pursue this if we’re willing to be brave about it – we need to stand up and show leadership”. (Irish times, 13 Jun 2020.) Something has to begin the process of turning the tide on the genocide in Palestine, especially Gaza. The OTB has been identified by multiple organisations nationally and internationally as the single most important and effective action that Ireland as a nation can take, at this time in October 2024.  Enacting the OTB can without doubt have a ripple effect throughout the world. Let's throw the pebble in the ocean of support for Palestine and see it do the work it was always intended to achieve.
    51,649 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Dee O Shea
  • Ban Sale Of Used Power Tools At Markets And Car Boot Sales
    We think that by giving these tool thieves a platform, the government is enabling them to sell these tools for quick cash. We think that by not taking this action, the government is increasing the pressure on the police, who get calls about tool theft from all over the nation. Insurance companies are also impacted negatively by this crime. People in the trades struggle all over the nation to make ends meet and support their families. This must come to an end. We propose imposing a fine of €10,000 on individuals who vend used power tools at car boot sales or markets, as well as on those who arrange such events. Make it difficult for those who steal tools.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Reduce the Cost of Gluten-Free Foods
    The high cost of gluten-free foods creates a significant financial burden, hindering coeliacs' ability to access necessary nutrition. By providing financial support, this ensures that coeliacs have equal opportunities to afford these essential dietary items, promoting their overall well-being and health equity.
    357 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gill Brennan
  • Save Leixlip Post Office - Ask An Post to Anchor a new site in Confey or the Village
    With a population of almost 17,000 people, Leixlip is a large town. Leixlip needs investment from the local authority, busiesses and An Post to enable it to thrive.  The Grant Thornton Report on the Post Office Network stated that the withdrawal of a post office from an area has a significant impact on the remaining businesses due to the impact on local footfall. To assist it in developing employment and educational opportunities, developing its infrastructure, tackling vacancy and dereliction, and putting unused buildings to use. Any efforts to take the post office out of the town centre would be in stark contrast to what Leixlip needs. Leixlip has demographics that mean more people depend on services like those currently provided by An Post, and therefore need easily accessible services. Anything but a town centre location cannot be accepted, and the people of Leixlip need assurances that its post office will remain in the town centre.
    941 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Nuala Killeen
  • Don’t build on Riverside Car Parks in Ennis
    Clare County Council has developed a strategy to develop Ennis and set up a company, Ennis 2040 DAC, to implement it. The strategy aims to enable Ennis to prosper as a vibrant civic, commercial, cultural and residential centre. We support these aims but NOT the project they are starting on now - a multi-storey commercial block on Abbey Street car park and a later project for two commercial blocks on Parnell Street car park. We ask Clare County Council to stop the plan to build on our riverside car parks because: • It removes car parking that our businesses and mobility impaired people need – a vibrant town needs vibrant businesses • It is a speculative development for high cost office and large retail that could end up as a white elephant in a prime location • It hands valuable open public space to private interests, space that is ideal place for our community to gather and enjoy river and town views • This generic development in the heart of the town could destroy what people love about Ennis - a medieval town with narrow, winding streets and laneways with the beautiful river Fergus meandering through it We ask Clare County Council not to transfer this public property to Ennis 2040 DAC, a company that can sell it on without consent by the county council or councillors. There are many vacant sites that exist in Ennis that are ideal for regeneration and development. We ask Clare County Council and Ennis 2040 DAC to focus on these. Do you want large private buildings on our riverside car parks? If not, please sign our petition and share it with others who also want to stop this madness. You can also sign this petition in person at many of the businesses in Ennis Town Save Ennis Town is a group drawn from the general public including community, business, retail and political representatives. It formed after a public meeting on 4th May 2023 in the Temple Gate Hotel with over 200 people, all concerned about elements of the Ennis 2040 plans. We aim to have constructive engagement with Ennis 2040 DAC and develop a plan that will enhance our town for everyone.
    1,378 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Ennis Town Picture
  • Increase VAT Threshold for Sole Traders
    Every minute, the Irish government is making a huge amount of money by charging people different taxes, including VAT. Currently, the VAT threshold for big companies and small businesses is €75,000 on selling products and €37,500 on providing services. When a sole trader who provides services reaches €37,500 annual turnover, they are obliged to register for VAT and start charging their clients that tax. This means the business owner has no choice but to: 1. Increase their prices by 23% and more than likely lose a number of existing and future clients. 2. Or include VAT in their current prices and substantially reduce their hard-earned income. 3. Or increase their prices slightly (by 10-12%) and still encounter the above. In the current situation, where the VAT threshold is €37,500, it is so very unfair for the hard-working small businesses in Ireland to give away their hard-earned money to the government. But it's equally unfair for their customers to pay that VAT if they can't claim it back! The VAT threshold on services must be increased to the same or at least a close value of €75,000 so that goods suppliers and service providers have an equal chance of thriving. It’s so much easier to include the whole (or almost whole) amount of VAT in the service fees when your annual turnover is €75,000 or more. Isn’t that right? The Irish government should give all companies in Ireland, including sole traders, an equal chance to get well established. In the United Kingdom, the VAT threshold is £85,000 for both goods suppliers and service providers. If this works in the UK, it will work in Ireland. So, if you agree with me, my friend, simply sign this petition and feel free to share it on social media and via email with your friends. Together, we can make it happen!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Kolodziej
  • Scrap Staff Parking Charges for Liffey Valley Workers
    Retail workers are frontline workers, serving both the customers and supporting the various retail businesses across the sector. As we emerge from the pandemic, retail workers are demanding decency and a fair deal for retail. Join the many thousands of people who shop in Liffey Valley by demanding that your local Shop Worker in the centre doesn't have to pay these unreasonable expenses, as they continue to serve on the frontline.
    1,787 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Hogan
  • Open up Digital Radio in Ireland
    As the world goes digital for all types of audio and visual entertainment, Ireland is going in the opposite direction. Radio in Ireland is stale - dominated by just a few media groups, most of which play the same music over and over again. DAB Radio stands for Digital Audio Broadcasting and can offer much more choice for the radio listener. Imagine having multiple non stop music stations of every conceivable genre? The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is the body responsible for regulating radio in Ireland, however no new licenses have been issued in the last decade. When it comes to Digital Audio Broadcasting, provision has been made in section 131 parts i and ii of the Broadcasting Act 2009 to open up Ireland to Digital Radio, however in over 13 years the above Commission has sat on its laurels and failed to realise the provisions of this act. If you have come to this petition, it is most likely because you have been listening to a DAB service in Ireland which has been set up to demonstrate what could be, if our regulators embraced this technology (like most other countries in Europe) The EU have allocated 36 frequencies in the VHF band exclusively for use by Digital Audio Broadcasters - each one of these frequencies capable of broadcasting over 20 digital music services each – if we do the maths, that’s a lot of potential services available. It is now an EU requirement for every new car to have a DAB tuner on its entertainment system. on average 120,000 new vehicles are sold in Ireland each year, it will also be a requirement soon that any "portable radio" sold must also include the DAB band to receive Digital radio. In Ireland this frequency band is completely unused. When any enterprising entrepreneurs take it upon themselves to demonstrate what could be, swift action is taken by the regulators to close these services down. Ireland needs the restrictive rules around broadcasting removed. Imagine only one takeaway, or one car retailer being allowed in each town or even each county? !! well that's the way it is with radio. The BAI needs to fully embrace DIGITAL radio and to remove, completely amend or rework the existing Broadcasting Act 2009, which combined with the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926 and 1988 completely stymies any third party from entering the radio market. This makes the overall radio experience of Irish people much poorer than their EU or UK counterparts. DAB radio is also extremely environmentally friendly - 20 stations could potentially use the same amount of electricity as just one FM service. Three of these DAB frequencies could be used to transmit every station currently on FM across the entire country. About 40 transmitting sites would be needed to provide almost national coverage. Those sites are already being used for FM. The National stations from RTE, Today FM and Newtalk currently use 6 analogue frequencies on each site. Add into the mix the local and community stations, and in many parts of the country this exceeds 10 analogue frequencies. All these could be condensed into just 3 national DAB Multiplexes. Imagine being able to select the local radio station for Kerry while on holiday or business in Donegal without the need to use mobile data and a clunky app, or being able to tune into a Monaghan local GAA match while in Cork on the Monaghan local station. With Digital radio this is all possible. Add another 3 multiplexes into the mix and we could have 60 national non stop stations bring you every conceivable music format. DAB can also be used on a local basis. In the UK this is called small scale DAB. County multiplexes could contain numerous versions of the very successful community services, local sports events, religious services and live local government broadcasts.
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Johnston
  • Strabane Workers Together
    New Look staff in Strabane, some with over twenty years service, are being forced into redundancy by a senseless Lidl relocation from Bradley Way to Strabane Retail Park. It will bring ten new jobs but will cost up to sixty job losses. Strabane is an area of high social and economic deprivation and these potential job losses will be a disaster for a town with historically high unemployment. Four retail units will close to facilitate this Lidl development and relocation (New Look, Menarys, Peacocks, Argos). Strabane Workers Together are highlighting this redundancy injustice and are calling on all four aforementioned employers to relocate within Strabane.
    1,256 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian Forbes