10 signatures reached
To: Irish Government
Ban Sale Of Used Power Tools At Markets And Car Boot Sales

We believe that a primary cause of tool theft from vans is car boot sales and markets. Many tradespeople may lose their source of income as a result of having their van broken into and having their tools taken. We want the government to take action to combat tool theft because replacing tools is not an inexpensive task.
Why is this important?
We think that by giving these tool thieves a platform, the government is enabling them to sell these tools for quick cash. We think that by not taking this action, the government is increasing the pressure on the police, who get calls about tool theft from all over the nation. Insurance companies are also impacted negatively by this crime. People in the trades struggle all over the nation to make ends meet and support their families. This must come to an end. We propose imposing a fine of €10,000 on individuals who vend used power tools at car boot sales or markets, as well as on those who arrange such events. Make it difficult for those who steal tools.
How it will be delivered
Deliver to local TD