• Meath SPCA needs our help
    Meath SPCA needs help regarding a charitable bequest. A generous donation was left by the late Theresa McConnell to the Meath branch of the ISPCA, which would be Meath SPCA as the ISPCA do not cover Meath themselves. Please see attached photo of her will below and the Meath Herald announcement. The Meath Herald: https://issuu.com/meathherald.com/docs/the_meath_herald_october_2023 The estate was a large sum of money and a property. The Meath SPCA is very small and have not been able to expand their work due to lack of resources. This estate would be a game changer for such a small charity that just got out of debt with their new chairperson Cora Halpenny.  The Meath SPCA has been trying to contact Theresa McConnell's solicitor to query why the estate was given to the ISPCA but have yet to receive a response. The ISPCA are now trying to sell the property that was included in the estate, and it is now 'Sale Agreed' please see link attached. Pine Cottage: https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/semi-detached-house-pine-cottage-commons-road-navan-co-meath/6026057  We are going to take legal action to stop this, but as a passionate advocate for animal welfare, your support in raising awareness would mean so much to the charity and those who support it. Thank you for your time and all you do for Ireland's animals.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caitlin Ryan
  • Ban Pig Farming in Ireland
    The National Animal Rights Association and Animal Rebellion Ireland released a new investigation on pig farms, covering 4 farms based in Cavan. The findings were horrific - watch the investigation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHFCYxR9pE Sow stalls, farrowing crates, filthy conditions, stereotypical behaviour, no outdoor space, no sunlight, sick and dying pigs. There is no end to the depraved nature of this agricultural sector.  THE FACTS: There are approximately 250 commercial pig farms in Ireland, and annually an average of 3-3.5 million pigs are slaughtered here every year. Though the use of sow stalls has been banned in some countries, it is permitted in Ireland for up to 4 weeks of pregnancy. Usually about a week before giving birth, sows are put in to farrowing crates, where they are kept then until their piglets are about 4 weeks old. The piglets are then taken away from their mothers, and put in to fattening pens, even though naturally they would still be suckling from their mothers up until about 3 months old. Depending on their weight, they are then slaughtered at about 5-6 months of age, though their natural lifespan would be on average about 20 years. Pigs are stunned using CO2 gas, which aims to render them unconscious. Consumers are led to believe that gassing is a humane way to kill pigs, and that they simply drift off to sleep, however undercover footage triggered national outrage in Australia in 2023 when activists exposed the reality of slaughtering using CO2 gas, with video footage revealing pigs thrashing, writhing, gasping and screaming as they slowly lose consciousness, in contradiction to industry claims of a “humane slaughter”. After this frightening and painful experience, they are then bled out to death. The majority of pigs in Ireland spend their entire lives indoors, with no comfortable bedding, fresh air or sunlight. Currently, it is a legal requirement that pigs are provided with 8 hours of artificial light a day. “Enrichment”, a form of mental stimulation, is also a legal requirement. According to Teagasc, the most common form of enrichment used in Ireland is simply a metal chain. Although tail docking is banned within the EU, farmers are allowed to do it if they deem it “necessary” – and as a result, it is still commonly done here. Like fur farming, pig farming can never be legislated into being acceptable. Animals are not ours to use, abuse, kill or eat - it's time to ban pig farming now!
    1,505 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Broxson
    Laws, Legislation, Inspections, Prosecution is overwhelmingly very weak in Ireland for the many thousands of Animals that do not have a voice in their Wellbeing, Care, And at the very Core a Right afforded that we humans take for Granted. For far too long the Legislation in this country has been eased and is not in touch with the reality of Animal Neglect, Cruelty and The basic right to have enough food, shelter and to be able to survive in a safe environment. With the recent appalling case of neglect, negligence and failure to act by government departments, local council, and policing, Glanmire in Co.Cork witnesses the breakdown in the chain of communication between these agencies which resulted in the death and disregard of an equine animal in the area where no food, water nor welfare was visible in over 7 days. Coupled with this the failure by state agencies to issue a seizure order for the remain 8 live equines on site which resulted in owners relocating the animals to other, possibly worse conditions. This is an everyday occurrence in Ireland and is willingly going unnoticed by elected officials, government departments, local authorities and by An Garda Siochana failing to act. It is now time for society to speak up and demand change for the thousands of voiceless animals the length and breath of this country and together we will force change. We have a voice, will you use your voice for change?
    324 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Barry Looney
  • Ban Greyhound Racing
    Greyhound racing is a cruel industry where thousands of dogs are killed every year. [1] It is an industry that only benefits the gambling companies and bookmakers. Every year there are scandals as more secrets from the industry are uncovered; Dogs abandoned, abused, killed in horrific ways, exported to countries with little to no animal welfare regulations, and bodies found dumped in bogs and yet the government continues to give millions of euros every year to this sector. [2] We are calling for a ban on cruel, unpopular Greyhound racing once and for all. [1] Thousands of greyhounds 'culled each year' for not being fast enough  [2] Thousands of greyhounds 'culled each year' for not being fast enough & Dogs found dumped in Kildare bog likely suffered 'traumatic injuries'  & 2,800 greyhounds born in 2021 now dead or unaccounted for  & Nearly €20 million in funding for greyhound racing industry approved by Dáil 
    2,576 of 3,000 Signatures
  • ASK (Awareness/Skill/Knowledge ) Campaign for Good Dog Ownership = Good Dogs.
    A.) Good dog behaviour starts with aware owners. Behaviour classes teach owners how to teach their dogs, making owners much more conscious of the issues around picking-up dog poo, lead protocol, socialisation, muzzling, chipping, exercise, nutrition, observing the bye-laws.  B.) Good dog behaviour depends on skilled owners. Agility Courses again teach owners skills that are both mentally and physically stimulating for their dogs, enhancing the bond between owner and dog and making for obedient, well exercised and contented dogs. C.) Good dog behaviour relies on knowledgeable owners. A dedicated Dog Park permits dogs to run free in a safe environment, socialise with both people and other dogs, make friend, learn from other dogs, while owner have the chance to exchange experiences and know-how with other owners, an invaluable resource.  Good Owners = Good Dogs and this benefits everyone in the community.   
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pauline Cadell
  • Save our Dogs
    It's important because our Dogs are family and they want to kill them off and it's not fair people are jumping on the band wagon and what they don't understand they fear what they don't understand 
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Spencer
  • Stop Fox Hunting and Fox Cub Hunting
    With people power we can achieve a lot. I know so many people in my area who have grown to love the fact that we can have such an amazing creature in our own back gardens in Dublin. We should stand up and protect them.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nuala Angel
  • Pressure Turkish Government to reverse new law to kill stray animals.
    We ask the Irish government to put excessive pressure on the Turkish government and parliament to reverse the new law that calls for the "euthanasia" of stray animals in Turkey.    Also, we ask people to consider a different location than Turkey for travel, unless the Turkish government reverses this law.   Please sign & share this petition on behalf of the voiceless animals.  
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Party for Animal Welfare PAW
  • Stop the XL bully ban
    Recently, there has been a lot of talk about banning XL bullies in Ireland. I’m creating this petition to stop this ban. XL bully attacks in Ireland are minimal compared to those of German Shepherds, Rottweilers etc, however these breeds aren’t banned, only restricted. The government is jumping to the extremes of a ban instead of doing what they should be doing which is restricting ownership. While I’m aware that XL bullies are large dogs with a lot of strength, in the right hands they are amazing dogs. The breed in general is not prone to any form of aggression unlike breeds such as the American Pitbull terrier. I want this petition to help people realise we need to restrict ownership, not ban the whole breed. 
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emily H
  • 2,227 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Broxson
  • Equestrian facilities
    We would appreciate if everyone from the area could sign this and get the equestrian facilities for the area that are needed. Our kids put there hearts and soles into looking after there horse keeping themselves busy and out of trouble until the horse pound come in and does a clear out after all the tender loving care and money  has gone into our horses the last visit from the pound was at 10.40pm on the 18/06/2024 siezed 5 horses and left many young kids heartbroke this so going on far to long now the love for horses is not going to leave the area by just keep pounding the horse but pounding the younger generations horses is just going to give them more free time and push up anti social behaviour in our area so we are asking for a safe and secure location for the horses for our younger generations to keep them doing what they love and keep them off the streets 
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Garreth Foley
  • Shut down Kildare's Horse Abattoir
    The abuse uncovered by RTÉ Investigates at Shannonside Foods' horse abattoir in Kildare has shocked us all. Footage captured by RTÉ has shown horses being hit, punched, whipped and struck with plastic piping.  Together, we are calling on the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to shut down this abattoir with immediate effect. If those who own the abattoir feel it's OK to treat animals like this, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them.  Please sign and share our petition today, and help us get this abattoir shut down.
    35,136 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher