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To: Micheál Martin, Tánaiste, Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs

Pressure Turkish Government to reverse new law to kill stray animals.

In Ireland, there is fast-growing anger among animal welfare and animal rescue groups regarding the new law coming into effect in Turkey by the end of August to kill stray animals.   It's absolutely disgusting and evil, in our view. 

      Mass protests have been organized around the globe already.  

    Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey will carry out the killings after August 2024 officially, which is one of their busiest tourist months.  These mass killings have already started.  Erdoğan’s plan to cull Turkey’s street dogs and cats will result in devastation beyond the death of these animals.  

Turkey is very popular with Irish tourists. If the Turkish government is unwilling to reverse this controversial new law, we ask people and the Irish government to boycott tourism to Turkey. We also demand that tourist agencies stop promoting tourism to Turkey. Only then maybe the Turkish government might reverse course.  

What's happening there to animals is unforgivable. It’s against the preaching of all religions in Turkey.  

     Animal rights activists in Turkey brought forward evidence that animal shelters will be nothing less than death camps, and animals will be abused, tortured, and poisoned in unbelievable ways. When this new law comes into effect, sick dogs and cats and banned breeds will be "euthanized." Even healthy, neutered/spayed, and non-aggressive dogs could be killed without justification, solely to reduce their population.         

Turkey has already been accused of human rights abuses before. Now, the upcoming new law to kill stray animals will also put animal welfare in harm’s way. Needless to say, of course, unless the Turkish government drastically changes course, the Turkish European Union application process should NOT be considered either.

Why is this important?

We ask the Irish government to put excessive pressure on the Turkish government and parliament to reverse the new law that calls for the "euthanasia" of stray animals in Turkey.   
Also, we ask people to consider a different location than Turkey for travel, unless the Turkish government reverses this law.  

Please sign & share this petition on behalf of the voiceless animals.  

How it will be delivered

In person to Micheál Martin, Tánaiste, Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, if at least about 10,000 signatures are achieved.




2024-08-17 14:28:13 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-08-17 07:26:08 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-08-16 17:05:26 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-08-16 13:15:17 +0100

10 signatures reached