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Protect Lives – Create Jennie’s Law: A Domestic Abuse Register for IrelandDomestic abuse ruins lives, and in the worst cases, it ends them. Right now, people in Ireland can unknowingly enter relationships with repeat domestic abusers, because there is no way to check their history. Jennie’s story is just one example of this devastating reality. She believed she had met a kind and loving partner. What she didn’t know was that he had a history of domestic violence and had served time in prison. By the time she found out, she was trapped in a cycle of control, violence, and fear—a cycle that could have been prevented. In other countries, domestic abuse registers and the "Right to Ask" & "Right to Know" policies save lives by giving people access to vital, life-protecting information. But in Ireland, abusers are free to hide their past, moving from victim to victim with no accountability. Jennie’s Law would change that. It would: ✅ Empower people to make informed choices about their safety. ✅ Allow Gardaí to proactively warn those at risk. ✅ Hold abusers accountable for hiding their violent past. ✅ Protect victims before it’s too late. We cannot allow more people to suffer in silence, unknowingly trapped in abusive relationships. Sign this petition to demand urgent action from the Irish Government—because knowledge is power, and lives depend on it.571 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jason Poole
"Who Get's To Heal?" Men's eating disorder awarenessI urge you to join this campaign because eating disorders don't discriminate but access to treatment does. Men continue to face stigma, misdiagnosis and lack of accessible care. • Boys and men now make up about one-third of those diagnosed with an eating disorder (Mitchison, D., et al., Psychological Medicine, Vol. 50, No. 6, 2019). • 25% of children with anorexia are male. (Broadwater, 2018). • 50% of people with binge eating disorder are men. (Jackson & Jackson, 2024) "I want to be a minor chink in the armour of stigma, that often still portrays eating disorders as more of a female distress. I want to show how easy it is to be romanced into the trap, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or ethnicity- as eating disorders don't discriminate but infiltrate your heart and begin to destroy"(1 in 4 Men: Christopher’s Eating Disorder Story, 2023) Christopher urges men to speak out, to not suffer in silence and to challenge this gendered stereotype.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chloe Carroll
Make Marriage Equality A Reality - 10 Years OnEquality for Children, Irish Gay Dads and LGBT Ireland are calling on the Irish Government to immediately amend and commence the AHR Act, as was promised by their predecessors, and to immediately commence the CFRA (2015) section of the AHR Act, to ensure that all children born through Assisted and Donor Reproduction to LGBTQ+ families in Ireland, have a pathway to a legal connection with both of their parents. “We urge you to sign our petition in order to push the Irish government to take the actions our children so desperately need.” Ranae von Meding, CEO of Equality for Children says, “Thousands of children in Ireland, including my youngest child, are denied legal parent-child relationship with both of their parents. This includes children born to gay dads through surrogacy, children conceived outside of clinical settings and children conceived or born outside of Ireland. As we celebrate 10 years of Marriage Equality, we cannot help but reflect on the fact that we have not truly achieved equality until children born into same-sex marriages in Ireland are afforded the same protections as children born into all other marriages in Ireland." “This must change. It’s not equal and it’s not what we voted for.” Seamus Kearney Martone, Chairperson of Irish Gay Dads says, "As we approach the 10-year anniversary of the marriage equality referendum, we celebrate how far Ireland has come—but we also recognize the work that remains. For gay dads in Ireland, the journey to parenthood is still filled with legal and practical barriers. We urge the government to amend and commence the Assisted Human Reproduction legislation without further delay. We’ve had positive discussions with the Departments of Health, Justice, and Children, and now that a new government has been formed we are committed to continuing these conversations to ensure that the voices of gay dads are heard and included in shaping this legislation. " "Equality must extend to all families, and now is the time to make that a reality."1,209 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ranae von Meding
State Funded HRT As Promised Budget 2025It was promised in the Budget to be rolled out in January 2025. It supports a struggling demographic ie Peri-menopausal and menopausal women. HRT can enable women going through menopause to manage symptoms such as increased anxiety, depression, hot flushes, mesophonia, panic attacks, insomnia etc. (there are at least 35 symptoms), thereby ensuring women can live a more productive and fulfilling life and maintain good relationships. HRT is also heart and bone loss protective. It supports working single women who receive very little tax benefits compared to those that are married and or are mothers through no fault of their own. As per Irish Independent 2020 single people pay up to seven times more tax throughout their working life times and that has now increased due to the tax increases that targets single people inheriting property in new Inheritance Tax laws in 2024.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Louise O'Donovan
Keep your promise, roll out free HRT for allCurrently the cost of HRT is prohibitive. In 2024 the Irish government promised free HRT for all starting on 1 January 2025. This promise has not been fulfilled.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Casey
Stop selling Conor McGregor's alcoholic drinksLast week, Conor McGregor was found liable in a civil case for sexual assault. Afterwards, Nikita Hand said she hoped the outcome of her case would encourage other victims to speak up. McGregor was ordered to pay Hand €248,000 in damages – but he'll make that money back in no time thanks to his alcohol brands Forged Irish Stout and Proper Twelve whiskey. Carry Out off licences is Ireland's biggest off licence brand. Days after McGregor was found liable, Carry Out off licences are still selling his products. If we can get enough people signing, we can demand that Carry Out off licences stop selling Forged Irish Stout and Proper Twelve whiskey – and together, we'll hit Conor McGregor's bottom line.450 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Kelleher
Let Boys Wear Earrings In School!Everyone should sign becasue everyone should be able to express themselves through jewellery. I've wanted my ears pierced for so long, but haven't been able to get them done for this exact reason.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Carroll
Free Period Products in All Irish Secondary SchoolsPeriod poverty occurs when someone can't afford or access suitable period products. A 2018 survey of 1,100 girls aged 12-19 living in Ireland found that approximately 50% of girls surveyed occasionally experienced period poverty, with 10% using unsuitable products as a result of cost barriers (Plan International). The evidence suggests that young students are particularly vulnerable to period poverty, shame, and stigma. The government must support the provision of free period products in second-level institutions to remove barriers to participation and well-being, while also helping to break down the stigma surrounding menstruation. In 2021, the Free Provision of Period Products Bill was proposed, yet, in October 2024, it still remains in Seanad Éireann. In 2022, the HSE National Social Inclusion Office instigated the Period Dignity Project that aimed to reduce period stigma, increase education and distribute free period products to social inclusion target groups. The project was largely successful in reducing stigma and providing products to those in need. The success of this initiative can serve as a model for implementing free period products in Irish secondary schools. We call to expedite this process and to make funding available for the provision of period products in bathrooms in all second-level institutions across Ireland. We urge you to support this vital initiative by signing our petition, recognizing that access to period products is as essential as soap and toilet paper in our schools.290 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sheenagh Rowland
Vaginal Estrogen OTCIt's important for women to have easy access to this safe and effective product without needing a prescription. Pharmacists are well-equipped to screen patients and ensure there are no contraindications before use. Vaginal estrogen provides relief for many symptoms associated with low estrogen, such as vaginal dryness, pain, itching, discomfort during intercourse or exams, recurrent urinary tract infections, and bladder issues like urgency or leaking. These symptoms can affect up to 80% of women postmenopause, significantly impacting their quality of life.8,246 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Aoife Harvey
Allow HIV+ people to access IVFBeing denied IVF treatment because of being HIV+ is discrimination and needs to change. HIV is no longer a death sentence illness. We have already gone through enough, and now being denied access to fertility treatments because of an archaic system is deeply unfair and further stigmatises people like me. In countries across the EU, accessing fertility treatment as a HIV+ person is not an issue. In the past year people whose partners who are HIV+ can to access to IUI. This is amazing, but many of us need IVF for many other reasons. I wrote about my experience in the Journal.ie https://www.thejournal.ie/hiv-women-ireland-6387696-Jul2024/ Listen to my interview on Cork 96 FM https://shows.acast.com/corks-96-fm-opinion-line/episodes/woman-with-hiv-on-struggle-to-get-fertility-treatment-in-ire1,720 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ainara Pedroso
Justice for Natasha O'BrienNatasha O'Brien was beaten unconsciou by Cathal Crotty in an unprovoked attack. He only stopped when a male passer by intervened. He then fled the scene and boasted about the attack afterwards on snapchat saying "2 to put her down, 2 to knock her out". He has been given a fully suspended sentence. While the victim has lost her job and suffers ptsd from the attack. Cathal Crotty is a serving soldier paid by the state and continues to be paid by the state while he used homophobic slurs and when asked to politely stop grabbed Natasha by the hair and punched her unconscious. This man should not be allowed to continue in his position in the army. His sentance needs to be appealled as being overleniant. What message is this sending to the women of Ireland?59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amanda O'Sullivan
We Have Brigid's Day, let's Sign Brigid's WayBrigid as the Celtic Goddess of Spring and the Matron Saint of Ireland has been revered for generations yet her 9 day Pilgrimage route from her birthplace in Faughart, Co. Louth through Co. Meath and the Hill of Tara to her monastic community in Kildare is not waymarked. We wish to help encourage the County Councils, Ireland's Ancient East, Fáilte Ireland Tourism Agency, Tourism Ireland and the Dept of Rural & Community Development to provide funding and commission a feasibility study to create signage along the route with an App and a Map. Then Brigid's Way may join her 12 brother Pilgrimages who have been signed for many years (St Kevin's Way, St Declan's Way, Croagh Patrick etc) Please sign your name and write your location. Spread the word - the more people who sign the quicker anyone can walk this 9 day Pilgrimage themselves similar to the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Currently a group of volunteers lead groups once a year and 1 day walks twice a year. We want to make this accessible for everyone. Dr Karen Ward, on behalf of the Brigid's Way volunteers https://www.uplift.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/image.png1,552 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Karen Ward