• Remove restrictions on Birth Partners in Northern Ireland
    Birth partners are not visitors; they often are the other parent to the baby/babies and provide essential physical, mental and emotional support during pregnancy and birth. While pregnancy is not an illness, pregnant people are particularly vulnerable emotionally and mentally, and having to attend appointments without the support of a trusted partner can leave them feeling alone, scared and anxious. This can lead to mental health issues. Prior to the pandemic, one-third of women found their birth experience traumatic, which can significantly affect their lives, their relationships and their transition to parenthood; restrictions are compounding this. Birthing people and their partners should be treated in an holistic way, protecting their physical, emotional and mental health.
    714 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mothers Matter NI
  • Underage ladies football All Ireland Campaign
    This is so important to reward all the underage players for their hard work and dedication, to inspire the next generation and to engage young ladies footballers
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Murphy
  • Support The Debenhams Bill
    We want to build support behind the Debenhams Bill - we are calling on people to support the Bill, sign the petition and email your TDs and Senators and urge them to vote in favour of the Bill. Over the last year the Debenhams workers have been fighting for their owed redundancy. They have faced organised strike breaking with the use of Gardaí to aggressively break pickets, and a government that has not taken real action. @ 𝟓𝐩𝐦, 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 -𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐲 the Dáil will debate and vote on The Companies (Protection of Employees' Rights in Liquidations) Bill 2021, better known as the Debenhams Bill. The Bill seeks to boost the rights of workers' in two simple ways: - The Bill would ensure that workers are treated as priority creditors so any monies generated from the sale of assets would go to paying workers first ahead of other creditors. - The Bill would ensure that collective agreements covering redundancies would be given the status of a debt owed to workers and would therefore be more likely to be paid in a liquidation. This important for the future of ALL workers who may find themselves in similar situations.
    861 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Debenhams Bill
  • Stop forcing pregnant women & people to pay for essential medicines
    There is an illusion that maternity care is covered under public health in Ireland, yet some women are paying thousands of euros for essential medicines to get them through pregnancy.
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Flynn
  • Rise Up Against Mens Violence Towards Women
    Violence is happening everywhere and all women are at risk. It's happening on the street, in homes, in workplaces, in entertainment, and in intimate relationships.
    3,859 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by SiSi, a collective of intimate abuse survivors
  • Extend the Lifetime of the Mother and Baby Homes Commission
    Natural justice will not be served if the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby homes is allowed to close down with so many unanswered questions, not least about its own functioning and some of the conclusions in its report. A legal enquiry that publishes conclusions and testimonies that are disputed by those who gave them and then destroys evidence cannot provide closure. There are so many unanswered questions about the manner in which this commission was run and the way it reached its conclusions that it must be held to account. This commission must not be added to the list of inquiries that have added insult to the injuries of survivors and helped mask the truth. Theatening that an extension will delay compensation for survivors is not germane. Survivors want the truth. We ALL want the truth.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Hurley
  • Vocalise gay rights in GAA community
    Men playing for GAA are often subject to discrimination, rumours, harassment, abuse and bullying as old-fashioned club and Gaelic values like to hyper-masculinise Gaelic sports, leaving little room for the openness and encouragement of actively “out” (or closeted) homosexual/gay GAA players, clubs should adapt morally and respectfully to the ever changing world and stop hiding in the shadows of “Old Ireland” ‘s tradition of hyper-masculine, “strong men only” in GAA and widen their eyes to the recognition and importance that sexuality does not halt talent, and that players will feel emotionally more comfortable being recognised in their club for who they are, not just what they can achieve on the field. Proof of fear of being LGBT+ in the Gaelic community are players who have came out after they retire due to stigma during their playing career, e.g. Valerie Mulcahy, possibly the most successful Cork GAA ladies player winning at least 10+ All-Irelands; didn’t come out until she retired, Donal Og Cusack, Kilkenny hurling goalkeeper, didn’t come out until he retired and many more
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Rankin
  • Support the Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Referendum Bill
    The Thirty-Seventh Amendment Of The Constitution (Economic, Social And Cultural Rights) Bill 2018 would call for a referendum to have these human rights enshrined in our Constitution. They would encompass a right to adequate housing, a right to join a trade union of your choice, a right to physical and mental health and a right to enjoy scientific progress. All of which have become more important during this global pandemic.
    995 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Pringle
  • Stop putting victims addresses on certain protection orders
    Under the Domestic Violence Act 2018, there are three different orders that victims of abuse can apply at the District Court. These are; Barring Orders, Safety Orders, and Temporary Protection Orders. In many cases, the perpetrator must be notified of an order against them - either orally by the applicant or Gardaí, or they will be notified of the order by post. An order does not take effect until it is served to the respondent. In the case of a protection order, or an interim barring order, the court usually directs that order to be served on the respondent by An Garda Síochána. . The Orders that cause the most issue are Barring or Safety orders as these have both the victims and the abusers addresses on them.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda Hayden
  • Free period products in NI schools #MenstruationMatters
    Unlike England, Scotland and Wales, NI still does not have a budget or scheme in place for free period products in all school toilets. Yet again, we have been left behind. Schools already provide free toilet roll, hand soap, hand towels and sanitary waste disposal bins in toilets. What makes period products any different? We firmly believe that any toilet that requires toilet roll, requires period products in exactly the same way. In June 2020, a Plan international UK study showed how 3 in 10 UK girls have struggled to afford or access sanitary wear during lockdown, with over half (54%) of these girls having used toilet paper as an alternative. There is no doubt that period poverty has been exacerbated as a result of the current pandemic and the need to maintain good hygiene has never been more important. Due to extensive job losses, an increase in people using food banks, and many other local support services being cut, families have been hard hit and are under more financial pressure than ever. At the Homeless Period Belfast, we have seen an exponential increase in demand and requests for our own period packs. In April – June 2020 we received 3 times the demand than previous years. Now, more than ever, a free period products scheme in schools across NI will relieve the financial pressure on parents and students purchasing these items. It will also alleviate the pressure of school students having to remember to carry period products in their bags when there are many other things to worry about and remember to bring (exams, books, homework, hand sanitiser/masks, bus passes etc.), meaning students can go about their daily lives without getting caught out. Free period products in schools will ensure that every young person can learn and be their very best, without the worry of their next pad or tampon holding them back.
    5,334 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by The Homeless Period
  • Better lighting in Phoenix Park
    For years Phoenix Park has been providing a place for exercise and fresh air but has never been fully utilised during the winter months due to poor lighting.In these winter months, people have a right to use and feel safe in their parks. This is especially important during Covid restrictions when indoor facilities are closed.  Many of us have other responsbilities such as work, caring, school etc during day light hours. The lack of lighting in the park means people feel unsafe going to get the exercise needed for our mental and physical health. We want the OPW to enable the public make use of the park, even during dark evenings. Additional lighting could be installed for limited periods along the main road, helping people stroll, walk or run safely throughout the winter months.
    682 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cllr. Darcy Lonergan
  • Protect trans and intersex people from social media harassment
    It is vital that tran* and intersex people are not subject to abuse and harassment. Twitter should be a safe and supportive platform for all to use. At present, abuse is poorly moderated, with abusive accounts running rampant. Reports are not adequately handled and in the rare occasions reports are taken seriously, banned accounts return using VPNs. Rules around restricting permissions of new accounts for a period of a month when they are first created would deter abusers. All in all, action is needed to make Twitter safe for all and to rid it of toxicity.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ailbhe IrishWomensFan