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Give Savita the Recognition she DeservesSavita was by all accounts a bright, vibrant, kind young woman who was failed by the state- her kindness and life as an immigrant who came to Ireland to provide care to people should be recognised and celebrated. Savita’s unnecessary death and cost to her family should be acknowledged and the role of this unnecessary death and her family’s efforts played in gaining bodily autonomy for women, (and also trans men and anyone with a womb). She deserves to be remembered, acknowledged, and her courageous family, who have been put through so much pain and hurt, deserve our thanks. Savita’s place in Ireland’s history (though a shameful chapter) is important and should be acknowledged. I would like Galway to install a memorial in her honour to remind us of her contribution to Ireland as an immigrant and to always remember her tragic death and place this as part of Ireland’s history, setting us toward the latest referendum. After this vote we need to remember Savita, and allow Irish people a place to go to pay their respects to her and her family.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Naomi Oldenburg
Women Priests in the Catholic ChurchWe want to advise Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Pope Francis of your support for this principle.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caroline Stack
4,204 of 5,000 Signatures
Support the Sex Education BillThe Sex Education Bill will deliver: Factual, objective and scientific sex education for all schools regardless of religious ethos Consent and sexual harassment issues being part of the curriculum LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education Sex education that is not gender normative and teaches about all genders Education on abortion in factual and objective way Education on all forms of contraception783 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Adam Dudley
A Call for the resignation of Ali SaleemSaleem has openly advocated for Female Genital Mutilation a barbaric practice The Criminal Justice Act 2012 states it is illegal to practice or attempt to practice FGM Saleem is openly encouraging a criminal act65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeannie Frampton
We Need Fully State Funded Childcare from BirthMany parents, but mostly mothers, are taking the difficult decision to put their career on hold and leaving jobs they love because the cost of childcare makes working unaffordable. In the majority of cases this leaves them dependent on their spouse/partner for an income. Many are unable to fully afford the basics like rent, food and clothing until their youngest goes to school, some longer than that. Let's stop punishing parents. Let's make Ireland a family friendly society and truly cherish our children. In the relatively short time that is childhood let's support parents in their choice to have children and give them access to fully state funded childcare.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Ryan
"'Shame'rock for Trump - Not in our name"An Taoiseach is our representative abroad. When he accepts prejudice, racism and bigotry, it shames the people of our country. We feel that such an alliance is not good for our country's reputation and undermines our relationship with other countries. Trump is a despicable human being. A point must be reached where falling at the foot of a powerful man, at the expense of our values and morals and international reputation is not acceptable! "'Shame'rock for Trump: Not in our Name"14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Concerned Citizen
Carlow Needs A Women's RefugeCurrently Carlow Women's Aid are a frontline service for women and children experiencing violence and domestic abuse. The staff are a lifeline in Carlow and have helped to obtain 254 court orders and attended 388 court sittings in 2016 alone. SAFE Ireland provided a snapshot of one day in Ireland in 2015 - 505 women and 269 children sought support from a domestic violence service.112 women and 147 children were accommodated in a refuge. 18 women couldn't be accommodated in a refuge (SAFE Ireland, 2015). This huge lack of essential support services results in: Unmet requests for refuge everyday; Accommodation problems and homelessness; Staying in abusive relationships; Increasing likelihood returning to violent and abusive homes; Fear of reporting the abuse due to the lack of emergency accommodation available; This failure of affects women and children living with violence and abuse in their homes - people who are silenced and among some of the most vulnerable in the population.344 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Hanlon
Mandatory sentencing for sex offendersThe two and a half year sentence, handed down to a high profile figure today for grooming and defiling an underage girl is beyond words. Rape is the second-most serious crime on Ireland’s statutes after murder. It is appalling that sentencing is based on the person and not the crime committed. Sexual violation is a lifelong sentence for the victim. Sex offenders should be meted thet same sentence that they inflict on their victims. Judges show no concern, care, or understanding for the victims of rape and sexual violation.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Edel Connor
Give Women With Gestational Diabetes Back Their RightsWomen diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes were previously granted temporary LTI numbers to allow them access free drugs and testing strips to monitor their condition (as people with Type 1 and 2 can). This right was removed in 2013, causing untold stress to any pregnant woman diagnosed with GD. Because of how dangerous the condition is in pregnancy, many women have to test their blood multiple times a day. The strips for the testing machines can cost anywhere up to 59 euro a box, meaning that many women are spending 144 euro a month (max you pay on DPS scheme) buying strips, which were previously free. People with other types of diabetes are given an automatic right to free strips, for life, while pregnant women are once again punished by a government that does not care about them or their well being. There are few among us who could cope with suddenly needing to shell out 144 euro a month, especially low paid workers with no medical card entitlements - and when you're saving for a new baby it's even more stressful. Pregnancy is universal, people from all walks of life want to have families, but the working poor are once more being punished by a government that does not care. Give women back their rights, treat pregnant women equally and fairly.324 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Oonagh Feely
Name the Children's Hospital after Dr Kathleen LynnDr. Lynn was an incredible woman, revolutionary and role model. She did so much to improve the lives of children in Ireland and she deserves to be recognised. Nothing would be more fitting than a Children's Hospital named in her honour.5,978 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Deirdre Mullen
Give older women their full pension rightsIreland has a gender pension gap of 37%, and women have considerably less access to State pensions than men. Changes to pension contribution bands in 2012 made it harder for women to qualify for a State pension, compounding the situation. Tens of thousands of women get smaller pensions, or sometimes no pension at all, simply because they took time out of the workforce to care for their children.5,479 of 6,000 Signatures