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Make Sex Education InclusiveIreland has changed, we are a more inclusive, equal and progressive society and sex education in Irish schools must reflect this. Young people we work with have said that sex education is not fit for purpose, does not reflect the variety of identities and sexual orientation of people today, putting the health and safety of young people at risk. Recommendations by the Oireachtas Committee on Relationships and Sexual Health, and the NCCA Review of the RSE, echo what our young people say.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by gina halpin
Stop Hiding The Truth About Babies Buried In Cesspits in TuamThousands of babies bodies are lost and the Mother and Baby Homes Commission state that they find it hard to believe that you don't have information about what happened to them.299 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan O'Donoghue
Equal Rights For Same Sex Parents in Ireland****UPDATE**** So much has happened since I launched this petition in 2019. As it stands today I am still seen as a single parent to our two daughters. Following on from lengthly legal proceedings, we hope to soon have our personal situation resolved. The intended legislation, detailed below was commenced in May 2020, and many LGBTQ+ families are now benefitting from it. However so many children of LGBTQ+ families in Ireland are suffering as a result of the governments inaction to ensure that ALL family types are protected. Those still left out of any legislation are all Gay dads, and those who conceive via non clinical methods or through clinics abroad. We won't stop fighting til every child is equal. Follow me on www.instagram.com/ranaevonmeding and I'll continue posting updates on the situation as it evolves. ***Original Post*** My wife Audrey and I have two beautiful daughters. Ava is 2 and her sister Arya is 3 months old. We did Reciprocal IVF which means we used Audrey's eggs to conceive and I carried the babies. It's also known as 'Shared Motherhood'. Audrey is their biological parent and I am their birth parent. As it currently stands, under the Irish law, because I gave birth to the girls, I am seen as their parent and Audrey is seen as a legal stranger. I am married and yet I am viewed as a single parent. We equally brought our children into the world together. We equally are raising them as a family. And yet we are not viewed as a family. If anything happened to me, it's unclear if Audrey would be 'next in line' so to speak. There is new legislation coming in later this year which will allow for some same sex couples to both be registered as parents. The only couples it will apply to are female couples who have conceived in an Irish Fertility clinic using an identifiable donor. Everyone else is left out. So those who have gone abroad, those who have used an anonymous or a known to them donor, those who have done an at home insemination and like us those who have done Reciprocal IVF. Simon Harris, the Irish Minister for Health has knowingly allowed and supported legislation to come in which will split an already marginalised community into two. To put it very simply, this new law is going to cover about half of the LGBT+ community who have families. And for the other half- we won't meet the criteria to be recognised as a family. All families need to be protected. Regardless of our sex. Regardless of where and how we conceived. Whether a family was created through Adoption, Surrogacy or Fertility Treatments, they deserve protection and recognition.35,557 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Ranae von Meding
Period products should be free for people with periods in Direct Provision, homeless hubs & schools.Period poverty is a reality for women and girls. Sanitary products be expensive and the costs mount up every month. For many low income women its often a choice between paying essential bills and food and buying sanitary products. This is a choice that they should not have to make. A cross party group of TD's are proposing legislation that would see women and girls in direct provision, homeless hubs and in schools having access to sanitary products. https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2019/0228/1033577-your-politics-episode-12/4,125 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan O'Donoghue
Make Brigid's Day a national holidayBrigid embodies the ancient triple goddess archetype: goddess of healing, fire and the Arts. Our matron Saint also represents true Christianity, renowned for her compassionate care for the poor and animals. We have been so fortunate to have our diaspora bring our heart-warming green to the rest of the world, with more and more countries constantly joining the global greening initiative, from Nairobi, to Ankara. As Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland says, “The eagerness of cities and countries everywhere to take part underlines the strength of the deep connection that people all over the world feel to Ireland.” Whilst hearts around the world are warmed by Ireland and St. Patrick in March, we believe it’s time to give some recognition and time for reflection to those in Ireland, with St. Brigid’s Day, welcoming the official start of Spring or Imbolg. To celebrate Brigid’s Day the Herstory Light Show illuminates iconic landmarks, to lift Ireland’s spirits, celebrate the return of the light and honour all who deserve to be honoured, such as the Mother & Baby Home victims & Corona heroes. Just like St. Patrick’s Day was made an international success by our cherished diaspora, the Irish abroad led the way, pre-covid, with Brigid’s celebrations, with Irish Embassies and Irish cultural centres marking the day with events honouring Irish women around the world. For reference, please see the The Irish Times article profiling St. Brigid’s Day events around the world in 2019. (https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/abroad/st-brigid-s-day-irish-women-to-be-celebrated-around-the-world-1.3777791) In truth, we have some catching up to do back home! The last time Ireland allocated a public holiday was in 1993, to honour May Day. In fact, Ireland is 2-4 days behind the rest of Europe when it comes to public holidays, currently with 9 public holidays in the year, where most European countries have 11 -13 days. https://www.thejournal.ie/bank-holidays-ireland-europe-3363195-Apr2017/. The period between December and March is acknowledged to be one of the most depressing of the calendar year, with Christmas passed, celebrations over, still in the shortened daylight hours. With increased pressure on our emotional wellbeing, we believe the 1st February is a perfect day to celebrate, marking Brigid’s Day as the day to welcome the Spring and return of the Light. In keeping with spreading the Irish spirit around the world, it must be noted that Irish missionaries and migrants also carried Brigid’s name and spirit across the world. Pilgrims and visitors come to Kildare from all over the world seeking to walk in Brigid’s footsteps. Brigid’s legacy has endured. Her life still speaks to us in the 21st century. Her values and associations are inextricably reflected in who we are as a people. From the Brigidine Sisters in Kildare: Woman of the Land - Her feast day on the 1st February marks the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. It is the season when we celebrate new life on earth. Many today draw inspiration from the respect which Brigid and our ancestors had for all creation. Friend of the Poor - Brigid had an extraordinary concern and compassion for the poor people of her time. Her legends challenge us share the goods of the earth with our brothers and sisters especially those who live in desperate poverty. Woman of Hospitality - Brigid’s spirit of hospitality is legendary. For Brigid, every guest is Christ. A Peacemaker - Feuds between clans were commonplace in Brigid’s day. She is often referred to as a peacemaker who intervened in disputes between rival factions and brought healing and reconciliation. She challenges us to be peacemakers and peacekeepers. Model of Equality - Brigid held a unique position in the early Irish church. Scholars tell us that she presided over the local church of Kildare and was head of a double monastery for men and women. She challenges both men and women today to create a society where men and women are equally respected. Wells - "St. Brigid has many wells dedicated to her around Ireland, as a reflection of her importance to early Christianity and pre-Christianity. St. Brigid assumed the persona of the pagan goddess Bríd, or Brigid - a Celtic Goddess of inspiration, healing, and smith-craft with associations to fire, the hearth and poetry." What a role model to live by in today’s increasingly disconnected world. Minister Varadkar, we the Irish People ask you now to honour Brigid, who bridges divides and who has been our guiding light for thousands of years. We feel that the time to implement this holiday is 2022 - an ideal time to introduce this new holiday to the nation as a beacon of hope and light in these challenging times. We reflect on the vision of the founders of our nation and the historic 1916 Declaration of Independence, which made Ireland the first country in the world to promise equal rights to men, women and children. A century later, we have made great strides towards realising the 1916 vision. Although there is much work ahead, the vision that was once perceived as visionary is now realistic. The evidence is in this decade’s extraordinary victories of compassion and equality: the Marriage Equality Referendum and the Referendum to Repeal the 8th Amendment. The time has come to write a new story of unity and equality, by celebrating Ireland’s matron Saint Brigid equally to St. Patrick. Making Brigid’s Day a national holiday would be a true reflection on today’s Ireland, sending a strong egalitarian message to the world. Yours sincerely, Melanie Lynch, Treacy O'Connor, Laura Murphy & Lorna Evers Monaghan On behalf of the Irish People, Spring Equinox 202115,948 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Treacy O'Connor
Justice for Philomena CanningPhilomena The co-founder of Midwives for Choice and its main driver, and a passionate advocate and campaigner for Repeal, Philomena is a midwife of long experience and a truly remarkable woman - quite definitely 'one of a kind'. Diagnosed with ovarian cancer some time ago, very sadly the cancer has returned and she has been given a terminal diagnosis - I believe the diagnosis is of a matter of weeks. In 2014 she was suspended from her post as a midwife by the HSE on foot of an alleged incident. Philomena was completely exonerated by several separate reports on the matter, all of which concluded that her midwifery practice was 'exemplary'. She was reinstated by the HSE but could not resume her post. The HSE offered to 'settle' with her in the legal case which ensued, but at that time (2015) Philomena did not wish to settle (out of court), and continued her case for damages, to health and wellbeing, among other isues. Out of a 'deep craving for justice', and because 'the truth has never been revealed' Philomena is now seeking to have the issue of settlement to be raised again most urgently.5,905 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Niamh McDonald
Don't erase Anna and Fanny Parnell from historyPart of the investment will include a tour "which will celebrate the life and times of Charles Stewart Parnell at Avondale House" This is a worthy and worthwhile initiative. On the other hand it could create a situation where 2 Irish women who did immense campaigning for Womens rights in Ireland Anna and Fanny Parnell get erased from history. Anna Parnell was an Irish nationalist who founded the Ladies Land League in 1880. The Ladies Land League took over the work of the Irish Land League when its male leaders were jailed. The Ladies Land League continued the Land League campaigns against landlordism in Ireland and was organised in 6 countries with 321 branches. Anna Parnell was its effective leader and lead it in many campaigns providing welfare and assistance to many Irish people. Fanny Parnell was an Irish nationalist and poet who wrote extensive about Irish nationalism and poverty in Ireland. She cofounded the Ladies Land League with her Sister Anna in 1880. In investing 8 million in a tourist attraction "which will celebrate the life and times of Charles Stewart Parnell at Avondale House" it is really important not to erase the important legacy of his Sisters. Pictures of Anna and Fanny Parnell above Further information on Anna and Fanny Parnell https://www.historyireland.com/home-rule/anna-fanny-parnell/ http://www.countywicklowheritage.org/page_id__93_path__0p3p.aspx249 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ian McGahon
Reduce unwanted pregnancies- make all contraception FREE in 2020At the end of 2018 Minister for Health Simon Harris said that he wanted to do everything he could to reduce crisis pregnancies including providing greater access to free contraception. He said that it would be a legislative priority in 2019 to make female contraception more widely available.[1] The expense of accessing contraception can be prohibitive. Many women have neither medical cards nor funds for contraceptives, or emergency contraception. They also often have to pay for an initial doctor’s consultation as well as repeat appointments for prescription renewal. The proposal for “expanded access” to condoms is welcome, people need to be able to avail of the best form of contraception for their bodies and situation. We call on the new Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly to ensure that free access and free provision of all methods of contraception to the public is promptly introduced as soon as possible in 2020. [1] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/vending-machines-may-be-used-to-distribute-free-condoms-says-hse-1.3745092705 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Abortion Access Campaign West AACWest
Provide Abortion Services in St. Luke's Hospital KilkennyKilkenny has voted overwhelmingly for a YES vote and the people of Kilkenny and Carlow have campaigned tirelessly for years to end the shame and stigma surrounding abortion. We have ended the need for people in crisis pregnancy having to travel abroad for healthcare. St. Luke's Hospital cannot continue to export people seeking abortions to other hospitals.583 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Hanlon
Provide Abortion Services in CarlowCarlow is one of the four counties in which not one single GP has signed up to provide the abortion service to people. People in Carlow campaigned tirelessly for abortion and Carlovians voted overwhelmingly for local healthcare. We have ended the need for people having to travel abroad. Carlow cannot continue to export people seeking healthcare to other counties.327 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Hanlon
Exclusion Zone Legislation for abortion providersWe have repealed the 8th amendment, 66.4% have voted to allow care for pregnant people who need abortions. These women and other people who are pregnant deserve to make their decision and access care in privacy and without intimidation. The staff working in GP surgeries and hospitals also deserve to have a workplace free from harassment and disruption, and patients who are attending for unrelated reasons should also be entitled to visit their caregiver without dealing with protestors.4,346 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Parents For Choice
Give Identity Rights to Adoptees in IrelandIrish adoptees have no automatic right to access our adoption files, birth certificate, health, heritage or history information. A right to identity is a recognised human right and adoptees are denied this right. This affects Irish Adoptees from historic, domestic adoption, along with their children and extended families.7,210 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Maree Ryan-O'Brien