• Host a standalone TV/livestream #GE2024 Leaders' Debate on the Climate & Biodiversity Emergency
    The climate and biodiversity emergency (and the wider global polycrisis it represents) is entirely different from all other issues in this general election campaign. It is global in scope, raising genuine existential risk for the stability of all human civilisation within the lifetime of young people already of voting age. It transcends and dwarfs the other “conventional” political issues: there can be no enduring solution to housing, healthcare, education, emigration, economic development, peace or justice unless there is a successful response to the climate and biodiversity emergency. For Ireland to play even its minimal fair share in such a global response would now require fundamental and disruptive changes in current political priorities. It is utterly impossible to do justice to this issue without a full debate devoted exclusively to it, and driven by an audience selected explicitly to represent future generations who are entirely reliant on the decisions being made now. "We need to focus every inch of our being on climate change. Because if we fail to do so, then all of our achievements and progress will be for nothing. And all that will remain of our political leaders’ legacy will be the greatest failure of human history. And they will be remembered as the greatest villains of all time because they have chosen not to listen and not to act." - Greta Thunberg, speech to the European Economic and Social Committee, February 2019. [Note: This initiative follows on a previous petition during the #GE2020 election campaign, initiated jointly by Nikki Ffrench Davis and Barry McMullin.] [Image credit: sculpture by Isaac Cordal, "Follow the leaders".] 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry McMullin
  • Add Najwa Elsabbgh to the evacuation list!
    Najwa Elsabbgh is 74 and is trapped in Northern Gaza. We demand that her name gets added to a list of adults and children who are due to be evacuated to Ireland in the coming weeks.   Najwa was granted a visa in February 2024 to come live in Ireland with her daughter Sherin Alsabbagh, an Irish citizen since 2022. Najwa has the approval from Israel to leave Gaza. To neglect to evacuate Najwa during this critical opportunity would be an abandonment of the Irish Government's obligation to protect its citizens and their immediate families.    After being displaced more than 11 times, Najwa is back hiding in her home near Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s biggest medical facility, which has been destroyed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) since October 7th, 2023. The IDF besieged the hospital in March and destroyed numerous surrounding neighborhoods, leaving Najwa’s own home partly destroyed after a deliberate tank shelling. Neighbors across the street were killed and they remain buried under the rubble.   Despite Sherin's repeated pleas, Najwa is still trapped in Gaza; the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Irish government have so far failed to provide a safe exit for her. It has now become a matter of extreme urgency for the Irish Government to act, as Najwa's health is in rapid decline after enduring a year of hardship under constant bombardments, starvation, sickness and repeated displacement. Najwa’s back and knees are bad from fleeing in panic over broken roads and dead bodies. She is weak from the lack of food and water.    Every single person in Gaza means the world to their family, they are not merely numbers. Sherin fears she will not see her mother again. Time is against her, with the ramping up of the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, its intensity shows no signs of diminishing.   Najwa has already lost nearly 200 members of her close and extended family, her health is in decline. She has all her papers in order and has the legal right to be reunited with her daughter in Ireland. Put Najwa’s name on the evacuation list!  
    818 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Miriam de Búrca
  • Kenilworth For The Kids
    There is a severe shortage of suitable green spaces in Dublin, especially during the winter months and also when we get any heavy rain when it’s even more difficult for children to access outdoor facilities. This shortage is preventing thousands of young people from reaping the physical and mental health benefits that come from regular exercise and outdoor activities. We believe now is the time to deliver on more spaces where kids can safely play and develop and this is an easy win.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenilworth For The Kids
  • Stop the Untested Battery Storage Facility in Buncrana/Fahan
    There is a planning application in by FuturEnergy that proposes an Untested Battery Energy Storage System in Ballynahone, Buncrana.   It is quite a large industrial operation that proposes to house iron-air batteries to store energy for the grid in 248 shipping containers, in a short proximity to our homes. There is a complete disregard for our community. FuturEnergy have met with local residents, but they were unable to fully address our questions and concerns. The manufacturers in the USA, Form Energy, have only just completed the construction of their manufacturing plant in 2024. Why should we be the guinea pigs? Some of the risks we are concerned about include: • Destruction of forestry - A large area of forestry to be cut down with no thought given to wildlife. • Health concerns - FuturEnergy are unable to advise of health risks as they do not know what they will be. • Environmental damage - Polluting rivers, streams and farmland • Fire Hazard - Potential risk of dangerous, uncontrollable fires. We would be grateful if you could sign your support in objection to this project. The deadline for personal submissions to the planning authority is 27th of October . More information can be found on our Facebook page : @Buncrana - Fahan Against Untested Battery Storage https://tinyurl.com/Buncrana-Fahan
    720 of 800 Signatures
    Created by C G
  • GAMA - Get Ardee Moving Again
    The roads in Ardee are not adequate to handle the volumes of traffic passing through the town. This causes serious congestion and severe delays, environmental pollution and increased risk of accidents. 
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GAMA Ardee
  • Improve pedestrian safety in Kilmuckridge, County Wexford
    Installing a pedestrian crossing/traffic lights would improve safety for pedestrians of all ages, including children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, when crossing the busy roads in Kilmuckridge. Drivers are more likely to pay attention to and yield to pedestrians at a designated crossing.  Advocating for this would help encourage a culture of mutual respect among pedestrians and drivers, so we can all contribute to a safer community for residents and visitors in Kilmuckridge, Co. Wexford. 
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susan Caplice
  • Save Our Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops: Act Now Before It's Too Late
    Support Is Crucial:  We cannot wait any longer. The heart of our communities—restaurants, pubs, cafés, and shops—are at risk. Each closure means more jobs lost, more social spaces gone, and greater isolation for all of us. If you work in these industries, your job could be next. We are nearing a tipping point, and without public pressure, the future of our cities, towns and villages are in jeopardy. Sign the petition + Spread the word. We need the help of your voice to demand government action now before it’s too late. Together, we can protect our businesses, our jobs, and our communities. As a customer or fellow worker who values your local coffee shop, retail or hospitality business, realise that we are suffering and that your support and encouragement is important. Follow Us for further action. Follow us on X for updates. Don't let it be another Dark Door. Support material for your business. Posters/POS art work  & What's App Badge (make your customers aware & to sign the petition) FUTURE ACTION DARK DOORS DAY A day of mass nationwide voluntary closures. This silent protest will have Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops, will darken their doors to highlight the plight of these sectors. A date will be confirmed soon. Follow us on X for updates. Minister Jack Chambers Message him on  X We are Open for Change,  Goverment, Where are you?
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hanlon
  • Let Boys Wear Earrings In School!
    Everyone should sign becasue everyone should be able to express themselves through jewellery. I've wanted my ears pierced for so long, but haven't been able to get them done for this exact reason.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Carroll
  • Free Period Products in All Irish Secondary Schools
    Period poverty occurs when someone can't afford or access suitable period products. A 2018 survey of 1,100 girls aged 12-19 living in Ireland found that approximately 50% of girls surveyed occasionally experienced period poverty, with 10% using unsuitable products as a result of cost barriers (Plan International). The evidence suggests that young students are particularly vulnerable to period poverty, shame, and stigma. The government must support the provision of free period products in second-level institutions to remove barriers to participation and well-being, while also helping to break down the stigma surrounding menstruation. In 2021, the Free Provision of Period Products Bill was proposed, yet, in October 2024, it still remains in Seanad Éireann. In 2022, the HSE National Social Inclusion Office instigated the Period Dignity Project that aimed to reduce period stigma, increase education and distribute free period products to social inclusion target groups. The project was largely successful in reducing stigma and providing products to those in need. The success of this initiative can serve as a model for implementing free period products in Irish secondary schools. We call to expedite this process and to make funding available for the provision of period products in bathrooms in all second-level institutions across Ireland. We urge you to support this vital initiative by signing our petition, recognizing that access to period products is as essential as soap and toilet paper in our schools.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sheenagh Rowland
  • Invest in Third-Level Education Now!
    Students and young people are the future of this island. They will be our doctors and teachers and nurses, however with the failings of this government many are leaving here as they see no hope for a future or they are dropping out of courses as they are unable to afford to be a student. 
    1,387 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom - remove from EU novel food list.
    1. Cultural and Traditional Use: Turkey tail has a long history of use in traditional medicine in various cultures, it is a native mushroom to Ireland and its removal may limit access to a valued natural remedy. 2. Sustainability Concerns: Promoting its unrestricted use could encourage sustainable harvesting practices, while removal might lead to overregulation and discourage responsible foraging. 3. Consumer Choice: Many individuals seek natural health products, and removing Turkey tail from the list may restrict options for consumers looking for herbal remedies. 4. Scientific Evidence: There may be insufficient justification for its classification as a novel food if existing studies support its safety and benefits, suggesting it should be available without stringent regulations. 5. Economic Impact: For small businesses and foragers involved in the Turkey tail market, removal from the list could harm livelihoods and economic opportunities tied to its sale and use.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eilís Galvez
  • Caoimhe Archibald: Scrap the Rates Exemption for Big Business
    £73 million. That’s how much Stormont exempted companies such as Coca-Cola, Moy Park and Kingspan from paying rates last year. While the rest of us fork out an average of £1,180 per year for our household rates bill, Stormont gives big businesses massive giveaways. This is incredibly unfair. Rates should be fully collected from multi-million pound companies and invested in shortening our waiting lists, cleaning up our polluted rivers and loughs, our struggling schools and many more. But it won’t happen if Stormont won't make them pay. Northern Ireland is the only place in the UK that gives away money like this. The policy was abolished in England in 1963 and Scotland in 1995. And in 2003, Stormont promised to phase out the derating policy following a public consultation. But over 20 years later, Stormont is still giving away millions through this outdated policy. We, the undersigned, call on Minister Caoimhe Archibald to scrap the rates exemption for big businesses.
    1,050 of 2,000 Signatures