• Rename London to Derrylondon
    In order to due homage to the heritage of the Celtic Isles, and to acknowledge the immense history of Irish people who were (albeit due to forced migration and British invasion) a part of constructing infrastructure in England, we petition that the city of London be formally renamed to Derrylondon. Chun ómós a thabhairt d’oireacht na nOilleáin Ceilteacha, agus chun stair na nÉireanach a rinneadh (fiú más de bharr imirce brúite orthu ag fórsaí Sasana a rinneadh) chuid mhór de thóigeáil infreastruchtúr Sasana, éilímid do dtugfar an t-ainm “Doirelondain” ar chathair Londain.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fear na gCrúb
  • Enact the Occupied Territories Bill
    At this stage in the genocide it is unbelievable that Ireland has a powerful bill, that could help the people of Palestine, waiting in the wings to be enacted since 2018. It took immense effort from many political, academic and legal minds to get it passed through our legislature. There is no legal excuse for stalling it any longer. To quote Sen. Frances Black “... it’s not a legal issue, it’s a question of political will. The weight of legal advice makes it clear that we can pursue this if we’re willing to be brave about it – we need to stand up and show leadership”. (Irish times, 13 Jun 2020.) Something has to begin the process of turning the tide on the genocide in Palestine, especially Gaza. The OTB has been identified by multiple organisations nationally and internationally as the single most important and effective action that Ireland as a nation can take, at this time in June 2024.  Enacting the OTB can without doubt have a ripple effect throughout the world. Let's throw the pebble in the ocean of support for Palestine and see it do the work it was always intended to achieve.
    1,903 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dee O Shea
  • We demand our water referendum now
    For over seven years the Irish Government has refused to hold a referendum on the public ownership of our water. The only logical explanation for their refusal is the unspoken intention to privatise our water system. In May 2016 legislation was tabled and unanimously passed in the Dáil in support of a water referendum, but since then Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party have prevented this important referendum from progressing. Enough is enough. Name the date and give us our referendum now! Water has become one of the most valuable and profitable commodities on the planet. Privatisation has been a disaster in almost every country that outsourced their water supply to profit making entities. Costs have gone up, services has declined. Dividends are paid to owners, taxpayers bail out depleted infrastructure. Every day we don’t have our water referendum, we move closer and closer towards the full privatisation of our water system.  We stood together from 2014 – 2016 to stop water charges: now we need to stand together to prevent privatisation.
    1,342 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret ODwyer
  • Kilkenny Needs Fountains and Wells
    We want to prevent millions of single-use plastic water bottles from being used. Summers are getting warmer, climate change Families' budgets are getting tighter, they shouldn’t be made to buy water as the cost of living increases. Let’s remove the convenience factor of buying single use plastic bottles. If water is freely available, people will buy less sugary drinks Lets build for a healthier, happier, more environmentally friendly Kilkenny
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Shore
  • Ban Sale Of Used Power Tools At Markets And Car Boot Sales
    We think that by giving these tool thieves a platform, the government is enabling them to sell these tools for quick cash. We think that by not taking this action, the government is increasing the pressure on the police, who get calls about tool theft from all over the nation. Insurance companies are also impacted negatively by this crime. People in the trades struggle all over the nation to make ends meet and support their families. This must come to an end. We propose imposing a fine of €10,000 on individuals who vend used power tools at car boot sales or markets, as well as on those who arrange such events. Make it difficult for those who steal tools.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Bring back the 175 bus
    Because it was useful and quick for people who either work in Dundrum shopping centre or go to college in UCD
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren McCabe
  • Dublin City Councillors, Take Action for Terence Wheelock
    19 years ago, twenty year old Terence Wheelock left his home in Summerhill to buy a paint brush in a local hardware store. Shortly after, Terence was arrested for a crime he didn’t commit and taken into custody at Store Street Garda Station in Dublin’s North Inner City. Terence would never walk out of that station. He died three months later in hospital. The Garda investigation into Terence’s death was led by an officer with a long history working in Store Street, where Terence was in custody. The 2010 GSOC investigation and Coroner’s case omitted crucial evidence including Terence’s blood-stained T-shirt, which had been “lost” by Gardaí until recovered relatively recently. The Coroners’ case failed to return a unanimous verdict in favour of the official story. Many questions remain unanswered. Since his death, the Wheelock family and the community they come from have campaigned for truth and justice for Terence - demanding a full public inquiry into Terence’s death.
    773 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Conor Reddy
  • Complaints against Facebook
    Join this campaign if you are not happy how Facebook is being managed at the moment, Fake profiles are not removed as it should be ,scammers have the free hand and are not removed most of the time when reported and innocent users who do nothing wrong get restrictions on their activities without any explanation from Facebook. Group functions are not working as they should be, and the list of complaints goes on an on....
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annemarie Healy
  • Mothers against Genocide call on Lidl to stop selling Israeli products
    Since the beginning of Israel’s current attack on Gaza 5 months ago, over 40,000 civilians have been murdered, including over 14,000 children. This is 6 times higher than the number of children killed in the war in Ukraine and the highest rate of children killed in any conflict in modern times. Given these stark statistics, the people of Ireland are horrified that Lidl has chosen an Israeli supplier for its baby products and demand that Lidl cuts its ties with Israel immediately. Lidl’s brand Lupilu wipes are currently made in Ashdod, Israel. Formerly Isdud, a large town of 48,000, it was entirely ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian population in 1948, with no one allowed to return.

Lidl has also purchased baby wipes from Albaad, a company based in Caesarea (formerly Qisarya) in historic Palestine. This is another town that was entirely ethnically cleansed in 1948.  Continuing to source wipes from Israel, is continuing to support the utter horror and devastation being committing against the people of Palestine. In doing so, Lidl also disregards the effects on staff of processing goods whose profits fund the genocide being committed against babies and children in Gaza. It is important to note that all workers' have a right to conscientously object to handling goods that fund genocide. According to the latest Red-C poll, the majority of Irish people support the boycott of Israeli goods. There can be no business as usual with a brutal apartheid state where Palestinians are attacked, imprisoned and murdered on a daily basis.
    2,564 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Scanlan
  • Name The Phibsborough/Glasnevin Metro Stop After The Brian Boru Pub
    The Brian Boru Pub has been situated on the banks of the Royal Canal and has traded as a public house for over a decade. Such is its place in the collective consciousness of Dubliners, it has featured in the prominent works of James Joyce (Ulysses) and James Plunkett (Strumpet City). The pub is to be replaced with a station on Metro North and we believe that the calls, heretofore, for the new Metro Station to be named in accordance with the pub are entirely apt. Please sign so that we can afford our built heritage the respect it duly deserves.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dublin By Pub
  • Reduce the Cost of Gluten-Free Foods
    The high cost of gluten-free foods creates a significant financial burden, hindering coeliacs' ability to access necessary nutrition. By providing financial support, this ensures that coeliacs have equal opportunities to afford these essential dietary items, promoting their overall well-being and health equity.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gill Brennan
  • Rename Docklands to 'Dublin Markievicz'
    Whilst many stations around the country are named after leaders of the revolutionary period, none are named after female revolutionaries. This is a sad reflection on the historical lack of importance attached the gender equality in the public realm. Constance Markievicz was a trailblazer in many ways: she was the first women to be elected to Westminster, the first female cabinet minister in Europe in the first Dáil, a suffragette, socialist and feminist. It is time we began to recognise the contribution of such women to our nation, and this would be a fine way to recognise her.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yusuf Murray