• Use Galway's Public Land for Universal Public Housing!
    The potential for Universal Public Housing exists in Galway, and indeed across Ireland - all that's missing is the political will! Signing this petition can help build the demand that will create that will. Together we need to demand UP Housing!
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Ó Dálaigh
  • Reinstate Public Bus Service between Galway and Dublin
    In 2021, the Bus Éireann route 20/X20 was cancelled, impacting commuters in Galway City and towns such as Craughwell, Loughrea, Aughrim and Ballinasloe. The route was privatised and replaced with the 706/706X route ran by a private company. This route ignored Craughwell, Loughrea and Aughrim and left Ballinasloe with less frequent services. Now in 2024 the private route is being cancelled, with the company saying it is not profitable enough. Public transport is an essential public service and should be ran as such, not left to the whims of private companies.
    956 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Curran
  • Stop the greedy gambling corporations
    Gambling addiction has the highest suicide rate of any addiction and problem gambling is on a sharp rise in Ireland. With gambling corporations constantly advertising their products and hiring data scientists and psychology experts to make their apps more addictive, we are in desperate need of proper regulation. Currently, the gambling industry in Ireland self-regulates. The Programme for Government in 2020 promised to establish an official gambling regulator but it still hasn't happened.
    718 of 800 Signatures
  • Drop Citibank from Belfast Pride
    Citibank, who are facilitating the supply of billions of pounds of Israeli weapons and enabling the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians, [1] are also one of the main sponsors of this year's Belfast Pride Festival - the biggest LGBTQIA+ event in the city. This is pinkwashing at its very worst - using Belfast Pride and our LGBTQIA+ community to distract from their brutal business practices. Not only are they supporting weapons deals, Citibank is also funding several fossil fuel companies to drill for gas off Gaza, [3] - as thousands of innocent people are being massacred, and famine looms [4] as a result of Israel’s brutal siege. Israel has no right to grant licenses to companies to drill for oil or gas in the Palestinian territory. Fossil fuels have always been tied up with war and to extract oil and gas from a region whose population are being starved to death and brutally murdered, is a war crime. We demand that Belfast Pride Festival drops Citibank as one of its main sponsors! [1] https://www.bankingonsolidarity.org/citibank-and-palestinians-a-cruel-status-quo/ [2] https://fossilfreeciti.org/ [3] https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/3/6/israel-is-pillaging-not-just-gazas-cities-but-also-its-waters [4] https://www.politico.eu/article/famine-is-imminent-gaza-un-food-israel-hamas-hunger/
    1,279 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Chapel Road pathway to Portmarnock train station
    1. Hundreds of people living on Chapel road are dependent on cars to get access to a train station only a short distance away ( less than 2k) . 2. People risk their lives every day walking or cycling on treacherous Chapel road which has no paths, cycleways, street lights and poor drainage. 3. Poor parking at Portmarnock train station means Chapel road residents have limited options for commuting into work. 4. Chapel road residents have a right to be able to choose walking and cycling to help support positive climate change . 5. Stop climate pollution from unnecessary car journeys . Research has shown access to public transport significantly cuts car journeys . 6. Fingal County council have failed to listen to Chapel road residents and implementation of local area plan active travel development .
    717 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Finn
  • Baileys, don't sponsor a Eurovision that includes Israel
    We cannot allow a country that is deliberately killing aid workers and journalists, slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians, destroying hospitals, starving people, to sing alongside us. Allowing Israel to take part in the Eurovision would send an implicit message to the world that breaking international humanitarian law over and over again is acceptable.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Angela Skuce
  • Call a General Election: People deserve a better life.
    The current government have failed the people. Please leave a comment on this petition sharing the reasons why you have signed.
    14,339 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Save Tallaght Post Office!
    An Post is planning to privatise Tallaght Post Office. They have advertised for applications for a postmaster to take over the post office with a deadline of March 16th. Workers have been told that the current post office will be closed down in the next three to six months and moved somewhere else. An Post have said it is “too early to say” where it will end up. Many of the workers have been working there for decades and are worried about their pensions. If they don’t want to work in the new privatised post office, they are only being offered redeployment with An Post, which could be miles away. No redundancy option is being offered. Paul Murphy, People Before Profit’s Tallaght TD, questioned the Taoiseach in the Dáil on March 5th about the future of the post office. Leo Varadkar replied that it was “a matter for An Post”. That’s not good enough! Tallaght Post Office is more than just a post office. It is a community hub where locals and pensioners meet every week and workers give time and help to the customers. It is known as a place where extra help and care are given to any customer that needs it. Privatisation threatens all of that. Sign the petition today to say An Post must halt their privatisation plans and meet with the workers immediately!
    1,598 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Diana O'Dwyer
  • Permanent Public Toilet Block in Rossnowlagh
    Rossnowlagh Community Needs you 👆 Donegal's busiest beach – but still no public toilets block. The few sub-par portaloos have been deemed insufficient for the public at Donegal's busiest beach - Michael McMahon Let's keep the pressure on the council and get Rossnowlagh, the locals and our visitors what it truely deserves - A Permanent Public Toilet Block in the Council Car Park We look forward to hearing the outcome of the March council meeting next week, when this is on the agenda! Sign the petition today.
    1,401 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by James Garvey
  • UK Government: Fund Casement Park Now
    First Minister Michelle O’Neill has promised that the redevelopment of Casement Park “will be built on my watch”. But time is running out to get it built in time for Euro 2028. Work needs to start as soon as possible in order to meet the deadlines set by UEFA, the European governing body for football. The Irish government, GAA and NI Executive have recommitted their funding for the rebuild - but the UK government has failed to do so.  Imagine in four years time, coverage of Euro 2028 beamed into homes across the world from all over these islands - but the North misses out. We, the undersigned, call on the incoming UK government to commit to funding Casement Park as soon as possible before its too late. 
    982 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Don't allow Ireland's new auto-enrolment pension scheme to invest in Fossil Fuels or Arms
    It is reckless and immoral to fund the fossil fuel industry when scientists are screaming at us that fossil fuels must remain in the ground if we are to have a chance at avoiding the worst scenarios of climate chaos. Pensions are funds put aside for our future, but there is no decent future on a planet ravaged by runaway climate change. The Automatic Enrolment (AE) Retirement Savings System Bill is an important piece of legislation which is being designed to simplify the pensions decision for workers and make it easier for employers to offer a workplace pension. Initially, approximately 750,000 workers will be enrolled into the AE pension scheme and that number will grow significantly over time. The pensions will be topped up, not just by employers, but also by state contributions. Therefore if these pension funds are invested in fossil fuels, the state too will be culpable. The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection reviewed the draft Bill that would establish the AE pension scheme and included in its report the recommendation, "The Committee recommends that the investment funds be prohibited from investing in fossil fuels or the arms industry." https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/committee/dail/33/joint_committee_on_social_protection_community_and_rural_development_and_the_islands/reports/2023/2023-05-03_report-on-pre-legislative-scrutiny-of-the-general-scheme-of-the-automatic-enrolment-retirement-savings-system-bill-2022_en.pdf In 2018, Ireland became the first country in the world to divest from fossil fuel companies. It would be a huge step backwards to start investing vast sums of taxpayers', workers’ and employers’ money in those same fossil fuel companies again now. We call on Minister Heather Humphreys, as the Minister responsible for introducing the legislation establishing the AE Pensions Scheme, to implement the Oireachtas Committee's recommendation and keep this new pension fund from funding the escalation of climate disasters and wars.
    487 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Divest Ireland
  • Clear the slipway into the Barrow river in Monasterevin
    So if anyone gets into trouble in the fast current river the rescue services can have easy access to the river and a fast launch of the boat if needed
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Sheppard