• Free Period Products in All Higher-Education Institutions
    With the exception of a few, higher-level institutions in Ireland do not provide free period products, despite repeated requests from our campus communities. There is a clear demand for these initiatives, from students and staff. The initiative needs to be streamlined and supported on a governmental level. By tackling period dignity head-on, we can directly tackle stigma and shame around periods for students and staff, thus making our campuses more inclusive places for members of our academic community from all backgrounds. Quality of learning and teaching is affected by menstruation - and we do not want anyone to get caught out by not having adequate products in those moments. By ensuring access to free period products, especially as the housing and cost-of-living crises worsen, we can ensure that those from worse-off socioeconomic backgrounds are supported throughout their education. The government has piloted free period products in certain education boards, but this has not yet extended universally to higher-level institutions. We have heard that there are plans to do so. We, students and staff, call to expedite this process and set down funding to make period products accessible in bathrooms across all higher-level institutions in the country.
    3,317 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Aoife Bennett
  • Reverse the Hubble Rent Hike
    Students in Galway are already paying some of the highest rents and tution fees in Europe, and yet this accommodation provider deems it's appropriate to take advantage of the severe lack of suitable accommodation in this city and increase their rents. This will not be taken lightly, and we ask you to sign this petition to show this provider it's not acceptable.
    1,190 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dean Kenny
  • Speed ramps for Bluepool Upper, Kanturk
    So children can stay safe on this busy road.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sayuri Yahuita
  • Give the hospital workers the right of appeal!
    Housekeepers, cleaners and domestics are part of a unique ecosystem within every hospital. They like their peers in the other parts of the hospitals all perform key tasks to ensure the smooth and safe running of hospitals. The essential nature of this work was highlighted when all healthcare and healthcare adjacent staff worked heroically throughout the pandemic. Their efforts deserve real recognition, and this recognition can only be given by affording every worker the right to challenge the outcome of their job evaluation and where relevant be brought up in band.
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Homits
  • Stop Aughinish Dumping Sediment Across The Shannon Estuary
    The Shannon is the main artery of this country, and home to a vast array of wildlife, including dolphins and salmon. Endangering this rich habitat would be an act of environmental vandalism that is unacceptable to our people and, surely, to our Greens-supported Government. The people of Clare, Kerry and Limerick have long been worried about the health impacts of the red waste dust from the plant that flies into our communities and our food chains and water supplies. The spreading of such vast quantities of sediment into our waterways could present a risk to human, animal, fish and plant life. We ask, and expect, our politicians to say "No! Enough!"
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gary Brooks
  • The removal of Joe Biden mural in Ballina
    Having a large mural of US president Joe Biden in Ballina reflects very badly on the people of Ballina, Mayo and Ireland who hold very different views to Joe regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ginty
  • Get Merriman House a Vending Machine
    Students who are utilising the colleges late closing times should be able to access extra water and snacks at all times, instead of relying on making/buying their own in their food shops, which are already incredibly expensive.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Raleigh Picture
  • Resolve the Issue of PhD Researcher Status
    PhD researchers face significant adverse consequences from being classed as students. They have no statutory entitlement to sick leave, maternity leave, or the minimum wage. Their income is not classed as taxable, and therefore they are unable to make PRSI contributions or claim tax credits. They have no collective bargaining rights. The system places PhDs in constant insecurity and gives no support to those who need it. A plurality of European countries have recognised that some model of employment rights are necessary to guarantee fair pay and conditions for doctoral researchers. Ireland should follow these countries and alter the status of PhD researchers so as to guarantee these protections.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rory OSullivan
  • Reform Stormont: No more start-stop government
    Stop-start government harms us all - impacting on the length of our NHS waiting lists, the state of our rivers, and worsening the cost-of-living crisis. The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee at Westminster, which has oversight of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, has called for a review to look at the options. Just last week, the Tánaiste Micheál Martin said “the time has come for reform”. The University of Liverpool found that 70% of research participants– including a majority of unionist, nationalist and other participants – agreed that the Good Friday Agreement needs ‘to undergo some changes to work better’. We need a review now.
    645 of 800 Signatures
  • Save Leixlip Post Office
    The Grant Thornton Report on the Post Office Network stated that the withdrawal of a post office from an area has a significant impact on the remaining businesses due to the impact on local footfall. Leixlip needs investment from the local authority, busiesses and AN Post to enable it to thrive. To assist it in developing employment and educational opportunities, developing its infrastructure, tackling vacancy and dereliction, and putting unused buildings to use. Any efforts to take the post office out of the town centre would be in stark contrast to what Leixlip needs. Leixlip has demographics that mean more people depend on services like those currently provided by An Post, and therefore need easily accessible services. Anything but a town centre location cannot be accepted, and the people of Leixlip need assurances that its post office will remain in the town centre.
    578 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nuala Killeen
  • Reduce electricity prices
    Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. The government must intervene and force energy providers to lower their prices.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Álvaro Pérez Picture
  • First & Deputy First Minister: Restore funding for Integrated Schools
    Generations of students who went to Integrated schools grew up getting their education in drafty, leaky portable classrooms. This must end.  First & Deputy First Minister - Restore the funding. You made a promise. Keep it.
    360 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon