• No eviction
    Becoz it involves disturbing children and putting som if us with serious cases at risk 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mustak Mahomed
  • Protect East Galway: Oppose the Gas-Fired Power Plant
    We urge decision-makers to reconsider this project and look for sustainable alternatives to meet energy needs while protecting the livelihoods, health, and wellbeing of people in East Galway.  Please sign this petition and support our urgent cause.
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by East Galway Gas Plant Concern Group
  • Improve Post Natal Care For Women In Ireland
    The health and well-being of mothers and their new-borns are fundamental to the fabric of our society. By prioritising post-natal care, we can ensure that every child gets the best start in life, and every mother receives the care and support she deserves.  Please join us in advocating for better post-natal care in Ireland by signing this petition.
    484 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Aolish Gormley-Ardú Picture
  • Modern family back on Netflix
    It is bringing back memories for people that they can think of while they used to watch it it day to day and help people get through rough times it is a show that can help calm and settle you down
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruby Deaton
  • No votes for Von Der Leyen
    In the days after October 7th, when Israel initiated collective punishment and indiscriminate bombing against the people of Gaza, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant stated... "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."  Ursula Von der Leyen personally went to Gallant and Netanyahu's side in Israel. In the days following, she lit up the European Commission office in the Israeli flag and tweeted, ‘Israel has the right to defend itself – today and in the days to come. The European Union stands with Israel’.  This not only demonstrated horrific judgement, it also demonstrated genocidal intent and a complete disregard for International and Human Rights Law. This was not a mistake by Von Der Leyen, prior to October 7th she had always demonstrated her unconditional support for Israel whilst ignoring the plight of the Palestinians. In the last 9 months of horrific war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, Ursula Von der Leyen has not taken one action against Israel or uttered one word of rebuke against Netanyahu. In fact, she has ignored the Irish and Spanish governments request to review the EU-Israel trade agreement, a slap in the face to the people of Ireland and Spain. And now government wants to reward her with votes?  
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jane Hogan
  • Indoor softplay area in Thurles
    Soft play can be an incredibly fun experience for the little ones. However, this is not the only benefit of soft play for children. It also has demonstrated fundamental cognitive benefits. Soft play helps children develop their motor skills such as hand-eye coordination whilst in a safe environment to practise and develop their skills. The soft play environment will stimulate brain function and development and can help enhance children’s sensory processing abilities, which can improve their focus and attention. It also helps children to recognise cause and effect - a skill which commonly starts around 18 months, reaching a more competent ability around 36 months. At which point children are able to begin making predictions on what potentially may happen and show indications of reflection over what causes things to happen. These are fundamental skills for children to learn and so doing it in a soft, protective environment allows them to discover and practise them freely and somewhat independently, thanks to the soft play cushions and sensory soft play equipment. Social benefits of soft play for children Another role of soft play in child development is the advancement of their social skills. By learning through play, children can gain a basic understanding of how the world around them works. As an example, if you’re not nice to someone, they won’t respond well to you. This is also an example of cause and effect in practice. Soft play and socialisation go hand in hand. Children build kills and traits such as: confidence, resilience, self-esteem, independence, curiosity and how to cope with challenging situations. Learning through play also helps in developing language, imagination, and when to trust their instincts. Children can communicate and interact with their peers, allowing them to express their feelings, share ideas with one another, and build lasting relationships. Having this level of intellectual development at a young age will give children a huge advantage as they get older and start to participate in society. Physical benefits of soft play for children Another key benefit of soft play rooms for kids is physical development. As adults, we don’t tend to think about controlling our movements as it’s so hardwired in us. And when we’re children, it mostly happens naturally. There are two types of motor development that children will learn - fine motor development and gross motor development. Fine motor development involves learning more delicate tasks, for example, moving smaller things with their hands and balancing. Whereas gross motor development includes bigger movements such as running, skipping, jumping and climbing. Soft play helps children to develop gross motor development and fine motor development skills because there are so many activities on offer. Rope ladders, stepping stones, rollers and ball pits to name but a few. Climbing over obstacles and navigating the twists and turns of the indoor soft play equipment is a delicate task that requires a level of athletic ability and also decent motor skills. This combination of skills is what makes soft play so essential for a child’s development as it promotes good physical fitness, agility, coordination, and balance. Regular participation in soft play can contribute to the overall physical health and well-being of children, helping to reduce the risk of obesity and related health issues.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Parents of Thurles and Surrounding Area Of Thurles
  • Turn the R400 into a National Road
    North Offaly is fast becoming the home of Green energy projects that are being constructed or planed in Ireland. The Yellow River Wind farm is a prime example of a project in the area. Locals objected to the Wind farm on the grounds that there was not adequate infrastructure in place to take on the increase in construction traffic. Ultimately the case was taken to the high court where the objection was refused. At the time local councilors promised the roads would be done before, maintained during and redone after construction of the wind farm. These promises ultimately proved to be empty. A few planned projects along the r400 or that will use the r400 for the majority of construction traffic: Yellow River Wind farm: https://www.sserenewables.com/onshore-wind/in-development/yellowriver/ Rhode Green Energy Park: https://www.offaly.ie/rhode-green-energy-park/ Bio-Mass Gassification Plant: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/632520/new-biomass-gasification-plant-set-to-be-constructed-in-offaly.html Battery Storage: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/550961/plans-unveiled-for-substantial-energy-storage-facility-in-offaly.html Clonin North Solar Farm: https://www.highfieldenergy.com/SolarProjects/clonin-north-solar-farm Oxigen Waste Management Facility: https://www.offalyindependent.ie/2023/11/09/controversial-waste-facility-in-north-offaly-gets-planning-approval/ Full report on Green energy within the area can be found: https://www.offaly.ie/green-energy-2/ This campaign is focused on finding the balance between these types of projects and ensuring that local residents are taken care of. Much of the local area around the r400 is not serviced by public transport and as such we rely on our cars and on the roads, which we pay for through our taxes. The r400 has been in a state for decades, the local council have failed to make it a priority, failed to hold the companies behind the large scale construction projects accountable for their use and they have failed all of us who have had to endure an unsafe, not fit for purpose, road. When questioned as to why the r400 has not seen improvements over the years Offaly County Council claim that there is not enough funding. The only way around the lack of funding on a local level, is for the road to be made a national road. That way it's reconstruction and maintenance funding, will come from the National Government. Please join us in calling for the National and local Government's to make the r400 a national road. 
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • RTÉ, retract & apologise for your harmful, insulting mpox article
    On 3rd July, RTÉ News published an article on its website with the headline "Irish Mpox patient had 75 sexual partners in 21 days".  This article is based on a report from the IMJ which describes how the LGBTQ+ community and healthcare professionals organised in response to the outbreak of mpox. Instead of focusing on any of this, RTÉ chose to report on the number of sexual partners one person had. This kind of coverage is stigmatising to everyone who has ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It prevents people from seeking healthcare by making them feel like their sexual history is something to be ashamed of. We demand better from our state broadcaster. Together, we are calling on RTÉ to withdraw this article and apologise. We would also like a commitment from RTÉ to more sensitive reporting on STIs going forward.
    491 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher
  • Disabled people need better footpaths and roads
    People are struggling to get around because our footpaths are in such a state. This is an accessibility issue, and councils must take it more seriously.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Caffrey
  • Stop unnecessary herbicide use in Ireland
    We are in a biodiversity crisis, this is the absolute minimum that can be done. Herbicide use is indiscriminate of plant and destroys the remnants of nature in places. We have seen the low numbers of butterflies and bees this year - how can we expect the numbers to increase when we spray the plants and pollinator corridors vital to their life cycles.
    4,211 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Rewilding Ireland
  • Bring suicide in Ireland down to zero
    Around 135 people are directly affected by each suicide death.The pain felt by the family and friends of the deceased will ease over time but never goes away.Unless we commit to eliminating suicide it will continue  to cause untold pain and pass through the generations.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat McGreevy
  • Support legal protections for students living in Digs
    The student accommodation crisis in Ireland is escalating, with a severe shortage of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) forcing many students to settle for less-than-ideal living situations. One common option is Digs, where students live in a homeowner's spare room. The government encourages this by allowing homeowners to earn up to €14,000 tax-free. While practical, this has left students vulnerable, with no legal protections. In some cases, students in Digs can face overnight eviction, excessive restrictions, or misrepresentation of their living arrangement, all while homeowners benefit from tax relief. The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) sees the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024 to address these issues. This bill introduces moderate legal protections for those living in Digs, such as minimum notice periods for ending a tenancy and ensuring rented rooms cannot be entered without prior notice. These protections align with those guaranteed to students in PBSA. We understand the government's concern that mandatory written agreements might discourage homeowners from renting out spare rooms. However, USI research shows that in 66% of cases where an agreement exists, it was the homeowner who suggested it. This indicates that such agreements are not a significant barrier. We urge you to view this legislative proposal with an open mind and support the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024, ensuring students have basic rights in this government-endorsed living option. Thank you for your consideration.
    658 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture