• Let the public decide on the minimum legal age for Smart Phones
    *WARNING* Possible wake up call ahead, be prepared to grab the wheel! To all the parents like myself on all the WhatsApp groups, checking the time of GAA training for tomorrow... Recently driving home from work I felt I was nodding off a bit, a product of this modern world, too much on, too much running around, too much technology coming at me, I'm exhausted to be honest! When I got home and after doing the domestic dance of who's making dinner that night, I fell in front of what was my "babysitter" growing up - the TV. At the same time my kids are spread out all over the house in front of their modern "babysitter" - the mobile phone. Why did I get them these devices? Because you got them for your kids, and you got them because I got them for my kids, peer pressure at its worst! The internet is an amazing tool, the reason you are reading this message, but we all know there is the dark side that we don't like to think about, is it a case of modern life has us so tired that we are asleep at the wheel or are we just turning a blind eye? The internet is like a car, difficult to live without one, safe and practical in the hands of an adult, but give a car to a 12-16 year old and it's possibly a form of abuse! Dangerous to the child and dangerous to those around that child! The state has a dark history of child abuse, something you would think would not happen again in our modern society, that we would not let it happen on our watch, however abuse can come in many subtle forms! Are we all guilty of staying quiet like all those cases years ago, choosing the easier path!? The media is awash with the side effects of these devices - social media anxiety, mental health issues, shore attention span, behavioural issues, desensitization to violence, social disruption, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, underage sex, teenage pregnancies, underage sex crimes - the list goes on, it’s some punishment on our kids and on our communities just so they can be "connected" and watch a few dance videos! Even with something as trivial as dance videos you start to realise the algorithms are pushing more and more sexualized content towards you! The sexualization of our kids at such a young age and the normalization of that fact is a serious modern-day issue. "You need to build a relationship with your kids, educate your kids" - this is what most internet guides tell parents. Good advice but it only addresses "pull" technology i.e. educate your kids not to go looking for the darker side of the internet. The problem is exacerbated now by "push" technology such as Snapchat where the darker side comes looking for you! Everything is not how it seems when it comes to Snapchat, on one side there is what appears to be a harmless app where kids can swap funny photos etc. On the other side it’s an unregulated, unfiltered, hidden, dark network, where kids can make and receive any kind of content they like, and I mean ANYTHING! Sure, wasn't there always a playboy magazine knocking around back in the day I hear you say, but the playboy magazine didn't contain graphical content of underage kids, and wasn't interactive, asking you to create content back! If you said 20 years ago that we're going to create a device and put it into each child's pocket and one thing it will enable is for kids to send naked pictures and videos of themselves to each other, then people would have thought you were crazy! Snapchat knows this but are too busy making millions, it will argue they are only supplying the pipes, the kids are the ones pushing the toxic water through. It's the gun manufacture debate, they only make the guns, you're the one pulling the trigger. Just like web email has filters, Snapchat could implement filters, they choose not to, they could even put AI software in place that says “we know that's you, cop yourself on”! As a 16-year-old, I would have been all over Snapchat, it has the thrill of a new relationship, aspects of gaming (fishing for better rewards) as well as the titillation! The content circulating on Snapchat can trigger kids to have an interest in porn, they then go looking for stronger content in other places on the internet. There's also a known sextortion scam circulating on Snapchat which has led to numerous shocking suicides! People say you can't change Society, but Society is the people, Society is us, we can change! Why did we get the phones in the first place? Society put peer pressure on us to get them, so let’s put peer pressure back on Society to change, then Society can go full circle and remove the phones! I believe most parents deep down know we've made a mistake with access to these phones at too early an age. Forget all the serious issues above, even just to get rid of the domestic arguments around screen time would make them worth removing! This is the cigarettes of our time causing the cancer in our Society, I truly believe in 10 years’ time people will look back and say, “what the hell were we thinking?!” Our government knows they are awash with social and underage issues but are they asleep at the wheel or is it a case of too little too late? Are they willing to take on the phone manufacturers?! The ask here is that you put your name to this petition asking for a public vote on smart phones. I believe if the vote was put to the public, the public would do the right thing! If you want to get involved in our movement, please join our Smartphone Free Childhood Ireland WhatsApp Group Invite And/or please take this quick poll (only two questions - do you believe there should be a minimum age and if so, what age?) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8PJK9SH Thanks for reading, let's keep our kids safe out there! Sound Bytes Sam References: Jonathan Haidt on the Mental-Health Crisis and Smartphones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6NfPHrVilc The Anxious Generation Evidence  https://www.anxiousgeneration.com/research/the-evidence
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sound Bytes Sam
  • Reassign the abandoned Israeli Embassy to Palestine
    This is important because we have recently recognised Palestine as a state, and should accommodate them with an embassy.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Campbell Picture
  • Abolish parking charges at Galway University Hospital
    It's been revealed that the HSE has taken in more than €3.5 million in parking charges from Galway University Hospital and Portiuncula over the past four years. [1] It's disgraceful that people are paying such high costs for parking at a hospital. Those who are being treated for cancer or other long-term conditions bear the biggest burden of hospital parking charges – this is disgraceful and must change. Together, we call on the HSE to scrap parking charges for Galway University Hospital for patients with immediate effect so that people who are seeking healthcare can do so with dignity. [1] https://connachttribune.ie/hospitals-e3-5-million-profit-from-patient-parking-613/
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher
  • Petition to Protect the Sperrins and NI: Moratorium on Wind Farm Developments in Northern Ireland
    Northern Ireland, particularly the Sperrins, is being overwhelmed by wind farms, with insufficient consideration of their drawbacks. The Sperrin region, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), faces the imminent threat of becoming a dumping ground for large, seemingly eco-friendly energy projects. We believe there is currently an unsustainable over-reliance on wind energy development as the primary means to meet renewable energy targets. This over-dependence on wind energy endangers our overall energy security, further diminishes our already shrinking biodiversity and natural heritage, negatively affects community well-being and health, and eliminates fair opportunities and benefits for everyone in our transition to a greener, more sustainable future.
    654 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Save the Moat Save the Sperrins Picture
  • Make empty houses into homes
    everyone deserves a safe place to call home
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Carr
  • Make Water Referendum an Election issue
    It is essential given the examples worldwide including the likes of Thames Water in England that privatisation of water services cannot happen in Ireland. This can only be guaranteed through referendum
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Moore
  • Save the Horticultural course in West Cork Campus Skibbereen
    Please get behind this campaign to keep the horticulture course open in West Cork Campus Skibbereen. This course provides people with opportunitites to train and work in this area in the west cork area. Growing food, increasing biodiversity and ecology in something we need to promote. Please sign this petition to keep the course open, for those that are already enrolled on it and prospective students who wish to study this important and sustainably driven subject. Closing this course will deny people who genuinley want to study and work in the area of Horticulture in West Cork. It does not make any sense! This is a sustainable and practical career choice for those living in West Cork and should be retained. We call on the Cork ETB (Education Training Board) and all our local representatives to keep this course open. 
    764 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sustainable Skibbereen
  • Stop the Ennis Data Centres
    High energy users putting pressure on renewables.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Knox
  • Save Newpark Music Academy
    The Newpark Academy of Music has been providing musical experience and education for neigh on 45yrs.  Young and old have stepped across its doors to plunge into a world of nuanced musical expression. Newpark - though it's many guises of individual classical and jazz lessons, choirs, orchestra, quartets - has provided a locus of community involvement for its students and their families. The mental health benefits accued from being involved with musical expression is well documented. In a post covid era where many of us are struggling to move our children and ourselves away from screen based activites, the loss of Newpark Academy of Music is the loss of something indefinable and vitally important to the students who have crossed its threshold.  Music feeds our soul.  To have a school providing high quality teaching in the suburbs, indeed on the doorstep of many students homes is an exceptional resource, one to be cherished and protected. The loss of Newpark Academy of Music to the area of Blackrock and Stillorgan will be enormous. This resource is too important to let slip away. 
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciara McMahon
  • Hire more Park Rangers for Tallaght Parks
    The money is there. The Council needs to ask for it so they can urgently hire the necessary number of park rangers for Tallaght parks and the equipment they need to do the job.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess Spear Picture
  • We Have Brigid's Day, let's Sign Brigid's Way
    Brigid as the Celtic Goddess of Spring and the Matron Saint of Ireland has been revered for generations yet her 9 day Pilgrimage route from her birthplace in Faughart, Co. Louth through Co. Meath and the Hill of Tara to her monastic community in Kildare is not waymarked. We wish to help encourage the County Councils, Ireland's Ancient East, Fáilte Ireland Tourism Agency, Tourism Ireland and the Dept of Rural & Community Development to provide funding and commission a feasibility study to create signage along the route with an App and a Map. Then Brigid's Way may join her 12 brother Pilgrimages who have been signed for many years (St Kevin's Way, St Declan's Way, Croagh Patrick etc)  Please sign your name and write your location. Spread the word - the more people who sign the quicker anyone can walk this 9 day Pilgrimage themselves similar to the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Currently a group of volunteers lead groups once a year and 1 day walks twice a year. We want to make this accessible for everyone.  Dr Karen Ward, on behalf of the Brigid's Way volunteers https://www.uplift.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/image.png
    736 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karen Ward
  • Details of all rents should be publicly available
    The Residential Tenancies Board knows how much each property registered with them charges renters.  On HowMuchRent.com, you can see non-landlord-occupied properties advertised on Daft, which are not registered with the RTB. Why is this still occurring? Some properties have increased by over 30% without penalties/fines from the RTB. Why? RTB seems to have a tactic of only caring to investigate something when an individual has a case before the court rather than trying to proactively protect renters' rights. The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has powers to investigate, on its own volition, certain breaches of rental law by landlords called improper conducts. One of these improper conducts is raising the rent above the amount allowed by the Rent Pressure Zone I have tried solving this at Howmuchrent.com, where renters can share their rental experiences, creating a transparent database of past rents and experiences at properties. For most renters, it's their biggest expense each month. The aim is to give tenants free access to historical rental data, similar to what prospective buyers have with property sales. Please sign and share this petition with those seeking a fair deal for renters. Housing Commission: details of all rents should be publicly available and pressure zones replaced: https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/05/22/make-all-rents-publicly-available-housing-commission-says-in-report-critical-of-system/ 
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vinny Glennon