• Belfast Pride: Sign up to the Fossil Free Pride Pledge
    Belfast Pride have made the right decision to drop Citibank as a sponsor of this year's festival. Now, we are asking them to make it their policy to never take money from fossil fuel companies and banks now and in the future. We demand that Belfast Pride signs our Fossil Free Pride Pledge, and commits to: • Adopt a publicly available ethical sponsorship policy • Not to accept sponsorship from or partnership with fossil fuel companies • Not accept sponsorship from or partnership with financial institutions funding fossil fuel companies With the climate crisis disproportionately affecting LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities across the globe, committing to become a Fossil Free Pride is a vital and urgent act of queer solidarity. Climate wreckers have no place in queer spaces: If we have no Pride in fossil fuels, there can be no fossil fuels in Pride.
    562 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Fossil Free Pride
  • End your complicity, uphold your values
    For the past 7 months, the state of Israel has brought death and unimaginable destruction upon the civilian population of Gaza in a stark escalation of 75 years of colonial violence. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed, 14,500 of them children and 9,560 women. More than 79,000 people have been injured. 1.7 million people have been forcibly displaced, many of them multiple times. Famine is imminent - half of Gaza’s population is facing food insecurity due to the intense bombardment of the Gaza strip and the severe limitations being placed on humanitarian access by Israel. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) in February,1 in 6 children under the age of 2 was acutely malnourished. An interim damage assessment by the World Bank, EU, and the UN, has estimated the total cost of damages in the Gaza strip at 18.5 billion US dollars and has found that 60% of homes in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed. The WHO conducted a preliminary assessment of the extent of destruction wrought on Al-Shifa hospital during an Israeli siege on the facility. The WHO have described the hospital as “an empty shell” - most of the buildings are destroyed, the medical equipment is unusable and no patients remain. Israel’s latest bombardments over the last 7 months have further intensified the occupational deprivation and injustice experienced by Palestinians by denying them access to the safety and opportunity to engage in even the most basic of essential occupations. Despite ongoing advocacy by Occupational Therapists worldwide, (Arab Occupational Regional Group, Occupational Therapists and Scientists against Occupation, Palestinian Justice is Occupational Justice) the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) have remained silent on these violations of human rights and international law, and have failed to call for a ceasefire. WFOT issued a tweet on November 6th 2023, stating that their “fundamental beliefs mean that [they] are unable to take positions on political agendas of any nation” (WFOT 2023). This stance is inconsistent with the federation’s own commitment that “WFOT, its Member Organisations, occupational therapists, assistants, and students are obligated to support occupational justice and human rights. WFOT affirms its commitment to challenge and address systemic racism and continue to advocate for people, communities, and societies.”  The inadequacy of WFOT’s stance on Gaza however goes beyond its failure to call for a ceasefire, and extends to its stance on the fraught international status of the Occupational Therapy degree program currently being taught in Ariel University, in the settlement of Ariel in the Occupied West Bank. The consensus of the international community is that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law. This view has been upheld in the International Court of Justice and by repeated resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. Ariel University therefore must be regarded as having been illegally constructed on stolen Palestinian land. The university is currently subject to an academic boycott by the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement. Despite this international legal consensus, the World Federation only last year took the decision to accredit the degree programme at Ariel University. WFOT has incorrectly listed this programme on its website as located in “Israel”, a designation that further normalises illegal settlement. This is unacceptable from a professional organisation that ostensibly takes an anti-racist, human rights based approach.  As Occupational Therapists, we have an ethical duty to fight for occupational justice for all people and to do what we can to ensure that all people have equal access and opportunity to engage in occupations of necessity, obligation, and choice. 
    470 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Irish Occupational Therapists For Palestine Picture
  • Make the Clarecastle Link Road Safe. Reduce Speed; Safe Verge for Walkers & Cyclists
    The current state of motorists speeding on the road is an accident waiting to happen.  The 50km/hr speed limit is largely ignored, and the condition of the road-- a residential stretch of 2 km of road-- makes speed motorists an even more dangerous situation. Before someone is gravely injured or killed, make the road safe for everyone.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ellingstad
  • Bring Dublin Bikes to North of the Canal Out to the M50
    More and more people are looking for ways to avoid the slog of commuting through traffic in private cars or buses.  Cycling is a great alternative - fast, no charging neccessary and with health benefits too.  Dublin Bikes is a cheap, accessible scheme that gives people the option to cycle without owning a bike or having to maintain one.  Up to now it's been limited to between the Royal and Grand Canals - with earlier plans to expand the scheme shelved during the austerity years.  We want to see Dublin City Council expand the scheme so that people in Ballymun, Finglas, Santry, Glasnevin, Whitehall, Beaumont and further afield on the Northside can benefit from it too. 
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conor Reddy
  • Teach Kids to Grow Food: Make Organic Horticulture a Leaving Certificate subject
    Learning to grow your own food organically in a world where food security is a growing concern, is a valuable life skill.  Young people deserve to have the opportunity to learn to grow healthy food to ensure their ability to manage the impact of an increasingly volatile global food production system. A Leaving Certificate subject that would award 50% of the marks for practical work - as is the case with music, for example - would ensure that students can develop and maintain a school garden and orchard under the expertise of a properly qualified teacher, thereby enhancing their school environment and providing freshly produced organic food for their school's canteen.  23% of the global land surface has reduced productivity as a result of unsustainable, industrial, agriculture practices (1). Organic agriculture, which has benefits for biodiversity, soil health and water quality, is a key tool in halting and reversing this trend. Unfortunately, Ireland has one of the lowest rates of organic farming in Europe (2), which means the government should make a concerted effort to encourage the uptake of organic food production at both large and small scale.  Introducing a subject in Irish secondary schools that would allow teenagers to learn how to grow their own food sustainably would be a positive step in contributing to Ireland's food sovereignty. The subject should be based on the principles of agro-ecology, to ensure that students learn how to grow food in a way that protects and enhances biodiversity. Chemical herbicides, many of which are known to be carcinogenic, have no place in a school environment and should not be part of the curriculum.  At a time when the climate and biodiversity crises expose our food production models to ever greater vulnerabilities, it has never been more important to build local, resilient and sustainable food systems. We call on the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, to give young people the skills to make this happen by introducing Organic Horticulture as a Leaving Certificate subject.   (1) IFOAM Organics International: https://www.ifoam.bio/why-organic (2) European Environment Agenc: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/analysis/indicators/agricultural-area-used-for-organic 
    738 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Maolíosa Ni Chléirigh Picture
  • Email Belfast Pride: Drop Citibank as a sponsor
    Citibank is facilitating the supply of billions of pounds of Israeli weapons and enabling the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Additionally, they are also funding several fossil fuel companies to drill for gas off Gaza. A report released this week revealed that Citibank is the second biggest funder of oil, gas and coal in the world. By allowing Citibank to sponsor Belfast Pride, Citibank to distract from their destructive business practices and putting the festival's values of inclusivity and freedom into disrepute - this is pinkwashing at its very worst. 
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • STOP traffic DANGER for Gaelscoil Inse Chór kids on Chapelizod Bypass!
    Gaelscoil Inse Chór is an example of Dublin 8 being missed out for CHILD ROAD SAFETY measures because it is on 'an aerterial road'. Parents and families are fed up hearing the excuse of ‘aerterial road’ for failing to act on road safety near primary schools. When a pedestrian is hit at 50kmph they have a 50% chance of survival. If hit at 60kmph, it’s a 10% chance of survival!  Cars are speeding up Concolbert Road and South Circular Road at 60kmph near little primary school children huddled in fear, behind OVERGROWN bushes and missing crash barriers. The families of Gaelscoil Inse Chór have had enough! This is completely unacceptable!
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Demand a Commitment to Restore Irish Rail Infrastructure and Stop Investing in Greenways
    You should join this campaign if you are a believer in sustainable public transport, and wish to see Ireland have a rail network for the 21st century, and not continued investment into Greenways.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew James Quill
  • We are boycotting Eurovision 2024
    BBC and RTÉ are member sof the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which runs Eurovision. Even though the bosses of the BBC and RTÉ, Tim Davie and Kevin Bakhurst, have the power to put pressure on the EBU to expel Israel, neither have taken any action. Unlike the BBC and RTÉ, we will not let Israel artwash genocide by boycotting this year's event. Sign the petition and join our boycott today!
    832 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Rishi Sunak: Stop the Slaughter in Gaza
    Israel’s genocidal assault on Rafah has begun and the scenes are horrific. There are currently 1.4 million Palestinians sheltering in Rafah, 600,000 are children - and still yet, Israeli airstrikes continue to bombard and slaughter innocent Palestinians. Peace talks have progressed, but Israel has only intensified its onslaught on innocent Palestinians. Our community won’t stand by while people die under bombardment in Rafah - it’s time to make sure the UK government know that this genocide is not in our name.
    605 of 800 Signatures
  • Andrew Muir: Increase Fines for Polluters
    In 2022, former DAERA Minister, Edwin Poots, capped penalties for repeated agricultural pollution breaches at 15% in 2022. Before then, farmers who repeatedly polluted faced losing between 15%-100% of their farm payments depending on the severity of the pollution.  It should not be cheaper to pollute than to manage waste in a safe and effective way. We have a freshwater crisis in NI because of vast amounts of pollution that is going into loughs and rivers. Excess run-off from industrial agricultural processes has deteriorated the overall water quality of Lough Neagh which provides over half of Belfast's drinking water.  We have a right to safe and secure drinking water and duty to ensure that Lough Neagh and other freshwater bodies in NI are protected.  We call on Minister Andrew Muir to reinstate higher fines and properly enforce them today!
    740 of 800 Signatures
  • Twin Cork City with Gaza City
    What greater act of solidarity would it be than for Cork to twin with Gaza City? Gaza was a beautiful and vibrant city before the repeated, violent Israeli attacks. Both Cork City and Gaza City have suffered from acts of vengeance. “The people of Cork have been on the streets ever since October. The solidarity has been heartwarming for me as someone who was born in Gaza and who has many friends and family still there suffering unimaginable hardship. It would be the greatest honor for them if our two great cities were to be connected by ‘twinning’. ” Nasser Al Swirki. A son of Gaza living in Cork UCC links: Gaza is a University City. All of Gaza’s universities now lie in ruins. The Gaza City university has developed partnerships with 142 higher education institutions around the world. Let’s make UCC one of those partners! CUH links? Al-Shifa Hospital was the largest medical complex and central hospital in the Gaza. We will need medical partners. Environmental Links? Now destroyed. Wadi Gaza: In 2023 the Gaza Strip’s only wetland was slowly coming back to life.
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Rahr