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Restore Ireland's name to ÉIREIreland is not the correct name and the meaning of the word is important, Éire is the true name for Ireland. Its important to honour these things correctly and to grow the love, respect and unity between the people of Éire. Irish passports should only have Éire on them.78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melanie O'Halloran-Gomes
Save Ballyshannon Fire StationThe importance of this is simply for the safety of lives in our area. The basis of any decision of this nature surely has to rely upon that. The only figures that should matter in this instance is really in relation to the geography of this area. The distance between the areas that this station covers has not changed dramatically, nor have road networks that connect them. The criteria to be a member of the fire brigade includes a requirement for fire fighter to live close to the stations, which facilitates quick response times. The proposed decision is at odds with this rationale. Locating a station further from a potential fire immediately increases the response times, and will ultimately favour those living in more densely populated areas. Every life has equal value, and it is paramount that the County Council acknowledges this, and recognises the major risk that they are creating with this decision.2,186 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Áine Gavigan
Keep the Adebowale Family SafeLucy Adebowale and her 5 children , Star, Greatness, Value, Prosperity and Gold are facing deportation in the near future. Their case is currently being appealed on the grounds that their lives would be in danger if returned to Nigeria where their abusive father now lives. The 3 oldest boys attend St Mary's CBS, Portlaoise, where they have proven themselves to be hardworking students and gentlemen in behaviour. Showing true community spirit they have been involved in the Student Council and the School of Sanctuary Committee. This is a family that finally had some sense of peace and safety in our community only to find themselves under threat again. Lucy is doing everything in her power to protect her family, but she needs support. The Adebowale family are part of our CBS community, our CBS family, so let us give her that support.3,329 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Katrina Foley
Cycle to school schemeAdolescents, more than adults, are in their crucial developmental stage. They stand to gain even more from the physical, mental, and environmental advantages offered by the bike-to-school initiative. This is a unique opportunity to facilitate healthier lifestyles and contribute to our fight against climate change, particularly when biking facilities are underused during school hours.222 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Noah Dowdall
Remove the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism from the Programme for Government 2025The IHRA definition has been used to suppress freedom of speech in the UK and has been criticized and rejected by major human rights organizations and academics including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.7,413 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Collins
Save the 145 Bus Route - Direct Access to UCDThe 145 bus route is an essential transport link for the UCD community, providing direct access from Heuston Station to campus. Its removal jeopardises the ability of students, staff, and other UCD members to easily and affordably access the university. Many students rely on this route as their primary means of commuting, and without it, they face increased travel times, additional costs, and greater barriers to participating in campus life. By joining this campaign, you are standing up for fair access to education and work, as well as for better public transport. Whether you use the bus or not, the loss of this route affects the entire UCD community and will have a knock-on impact on other users of public transport in Dublin City Centre.3,713 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by UCDSU Comms
Keep your promise, roll out free HRT for allCurrently the cost of HRT is prohibitive. In 2024 the Irish government promised free HRT for all starting on 1 January 2025. This promise has not been fulfilled.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Casey
Enact the Bereaved Partners Pension BillCurrently only the bereaved partner of a married couple can access the Widow's/Widowers pension, but thanks to a Supreme Court ruling in January 2024 after a successful case taken by John O'Meara and his 3 children, the Government have been ordered to end the discrimination to non-marital families. The government have developed legislation called the Bereaved Partners Pension which will extend the Pension entitlement to the bereaved partner of cohabiting couples (those not married to each other). Despite this, one year since the ruling of the Supreme Court on 22nd January, many grieving partners are still being refused the much needed pension despite the Supreme Court order. Their applications to the Department of Social Protection are still be refused as they do not meet the criteria for the existing Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's Pension. We are urging TD's and senators to act now and ensure that cohabiting couples are no longer discriminated against, and that the legislation lives up to its promise. We need the Bereaved Partners Pension Bill enacted once and for all - let us not wait another year to do the right thing. Grief doesn't discriminate - so neither should the pension. Once you've signed this petition, please take the time to email your TDs about this issue here – it'll only take a minute to do, you just need to click a few buttons. Please click here to email your TDs.505 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Damien Peelo
Make HRT free of charge.The Department of Health promised that HRT medicine would be free of charge from the start of 2025. This has not happened and people who need HRT are still paying for it - up to €70 per month. This medicine is life-changing and vital for so many people. We need the Department of Health to prioritise negotiations with pharmacists so that it is made free without delay.107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Alex Barton
Custom key commands in Ableton LiveThis is a feature available in every other major DAW, and would make Live more accessible to all users.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Edan Ray
Allow grants for musical theatre/dance college courses in IrelandIn the performance community we find it very unfair that what you would view as a 'normal college or academic institution' are able to receive funding/grants to aid their education. However in choosing to pursue a career in performing arts we receive no financial aid whatsoever. This tells us that in Ireland it is not recognised as a valid career path. We deserve the same treatment as everybody else.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sophie Fitzgerald
Demand a rights based Personal Assistant service nowThis is a human rights issue: A recent ERSI report highlighted the basic inequalities in the provision of Personal Assistants across the country. Ranging from differences of approach to completely inadequate resource allocation depending on on where people live. Most damming of all is that if you are over 65 you will not be considered for a PA ; a clear case of discrimination. We are asking you to sign this petition to get the government to take immediate action.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rights Without Limits