• Host a standalone TV/livestream #GE2024 Leaders' Debate on the Climate & Biodiversity Emergency
    The climate and biodiversity emergency (and the wider global polycrisis it represents) is entirely different from all other issues in this general election campaign. It is global in scope, raising genuine existential risk for the stability of all human civilisation within the lifetime of young people already of voting age. It transcends and dwarfs the other “conventional” political issues: there can be no enduring solution to housing, healthcare, education, emigration, economic development, peace or justice unless there is a successful response to the climate and biodiversity emergency. For Ireland to play even its minimal fair share in such a global response would now require fundamental and disruptive changes in current political priorities. It is utterly impossible to do justice to this issue without a full debate devoted exclusively to it, and driven by an audience selected explicitly to represent future generations who are entirely reliant on the decisions being made now. "We need to focus every inch of our being on climate change. Because if we fail to do so, then all of our achievements and progress will be for nothing. And all that will remain of our political leaders’ legacy will be the greatest failure of human history. And they will be remembered as the greatest villains of all time because they have chosen not to listen and not to act." - Greta Thunberg, speech to the European Economic and Social Committee, February 2019. [Note: This initiative follows on a previous petition during the #GE2020 election campaign, initiated jointly by Nikki Ffrench Davis and Barry McMullin.] [Image credit: sculpture by Isaac Cordal, "Follow the leaders".] 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry McMullin
  • Kenilworth For The Kids
    There is a severe shortage of suitable green spaces in Dublin, especially during the winter months and also when we get any heavy rain when it’s even more difficult for children to access outdoor facilities. This shortage is preventing thousands of young people from reaping the physical and mental health benefits that come from regular exercise and outdoor activities. We believe now is the time to deliver on more spaces where kids can safely play and develop and this is an easy win.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenilworth For The Kids
  • Free Period Products in All Irish Secondary Schools
    Period poverty occurs when someone can't afford or access suitable period products. A 2018 survey of 1,100 girls aged 12-19 living in Ireland found that approximately 50% of girls surveyed occasionally experienced period poverty, with 10% using unsuitable products as a result of cost barriers (Plan International). The evidence suggests that young students are particularly vulnerable to period poverty, shame, and stigma. The government must support the provision of free period products in second-level institutions to remove barriers to participation and well-being, while also helping to break down the stigma surrounding menstruation. In 2021, the Free Provision of Period Products Bill was proposed, yet, in October 2024, it still remains in Seanad Éireann. In 2022, the HSE National Social Inclusion Office instigated the Period Dignity Project that aimed to reduce period stigma, increase education and distribute free period products to social inclusion target groups. The project was largely successful in reducing stigma and providing products to those in need. The success of this initiative can serve as a model for implementing free period products in Irish secondary schools. We call to expedite this process and to make funding available for the provision of period products in bathrooms in all second-level institutions across Ireland. We urge you to support this vital initiative by signing our petition, recognizing that access to period products is as essential as soap and toilet paper in our schools.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sheenagh Rowland
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom - remove from EU novel food list.
    1. Cultural and Traditional Use: Turkey tail has a long history of use in traditional medicine in various cultures, it is a native mushroom to Ireland and its removal may limit access to a valued natural remedy. 2. Sustainability Concerns: Promoting its unrestricted use could encourage sustainable harvesting practices, while removal might lead to overregulation and discourage responsible foraging. 3. Consumer Choice: Many individuals seek natural health products, and removing Turkey tail from the list may restrict options for consumers looking for herbal remedies. 4. Scientific Evidence: There may be insufficient justification for its classification as a novel food if existing studies support its safety and benefits, suggesting it should be available without stringent regulations. 5. Economic Impact: For small businesses and foragers involved in the Turkey tail market, removal from the list could harm livelihoods and economic opportunities tied to its sale and use.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eilís Galvez
  • Everyone Needs A Medical Card, Regardless of How Much They Earn
    So Ireland can have a better and yet more efficient healthcare system just like what Britain and Canada do. Because when patients get admitted to hospital for being sick or injured which is not their fault and they get billed, most of them usually hire a lawyer so they can get reimbursed which is a hassle, time wasting and can cost even more money. I strongly believe that the government is capable and has the money to cover the healthcare for all the residents in Ireland because the employees who work pay income taxes regularly but not only that, the items we buy in shops and the food and drinks we order from restaurants, cafés, pubs, etc all have taxes on them which go to the government upon purchase. In Ireland, public healthcare should be free and ONLY private healthcare should be paid for.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ameer Hammod Picture
  • Fight for Fenfluramine
    Together, as one family, we can help stand with dravet children and their families' right to access Fenfluramine to help reduce their child's seizures by 75%. Each signatures means a great deal to this campaign, please sign and stand with us.
    1,189 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Kiely
  • Save Us From Suicide
    My name is Jaime Noonan, I am 25 and suffer with my mental health.  I am still fighting to try and get the right support to allow me to function and live my life.  The current support available is not adequate and has not been for years. Under trained GPs, meeting a different junior doctor each time, medication not being monitored correctly and adjusted, year + long waiting lists for therapy and counselling. Being sent home the same day after suicide attempts with no support. It is not working or enough. We need GPs and health professionals to have a better understanding of mental health along with training, better medication monitoring, more frequent appointments and immediate access to quality supports and therapy. Specialised A&Es and better community supports also.  It is possible and it is needed.  No one should ever have to feel as though suicide is their only choice.  I hope you will join me in my fight to reform and revolutionise the current system.  Thank you. 
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Noonan
  • Gen Free : Free to be Kids Campaign - It's Time to Protect Children Online.
    The evidence regarding the detrimental impact of unregulated access to the internet and social media on our children and young people is overwhelming. It is an evolving youth mental health crisis which is a societal challenge and requires leadership and political will to address. In the words of Prof. Matthew Sadlier (Chair of the Irish Medical Organisation Consultants Committee) at the Gen Free launch in Greystones on Sept 17th, “The radical changes in behaviour of children that we have seen since the introduction of immersive digital technology is having an overwhelming harmful effect”. Legislation is urgently needed and our campaign is now giving a clear call to action. Let’s make our voices heard and protect children online. The time is now With an election fast approaching, now is the time to get this on the agenda for every decision-maker and TD in the country.  #GenFree #FreetobeKids Campaign coverage: https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0918/1470524-online-safety-children-campaign/   People and Organisations supporting this campaign; • Irish Medical Organisation, (IMO) • Dr. Richard Hogan, Family Psychotherapist, • Dr. Catherine Conlon, Senior Medical Officer, HSE, • Prof. Mary Aiken, Professor of Cyberpsychology, • Dr. Brigid Teevan, Doctor in Childhood Studies, • Dr. Joanna Fortune, Psychotherapist & Clinical Author, • Dr. Colman Noctor, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist • Dr. David Coleman, Clinical Psychologist & Author, • CyberSafeKids, • Temple Carrig Secondary School, • It Takes a Village, • Barnardos, Rahoo, • Noone Cyber Services, • Counselling Forward. • A Path Appears.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Philip Moyles
  • Amend Road Traffic Legislation to Support Emergency First Responders
    Community First Responders (CFRs) and other emergency volunteers are vital components of our emergency response system. These are trained volunteers who often arrive on the scene before ambulances or other official emergency services, providing life-saving interventions in critical situations. However, the current road traffic legislation does not grant them the same exemptions that official emergency vehicles enjoy, such as being able to park without fear of penalties during emergencies. Time is of the essence in emergency situations—delays caused by parking restrictions or concerns about fines can have life-threatening consequences. Without proper legislative support, CFRs are forced to navigate unnecessary obstacles that can prevent them from saving lives. It’s crucial that they have the same protections and privileges as other emergency services to ensure they can perform their duties quickly and efficiently. Why Should Other People Join This Campaign? This campaign is about more than just parking passes—it’s about supporting the people who are there for us when we need them the most. CFRs are volunteers who give their time and skills to save lives in our communities. Ensuring they have the legal support they need means that when the worst happens, help can arrive without delay. By joining this campaign, you are standing up for: 1. Safer Communities – By removing barriers that prevent quick emergency response, we increase the chances of saving lives. 2. Supporting Volunteers – CFRs and other emergency volunteers give their time selflessly. It’s only fair that we give them the legal protections they need to perform their roles effectively. 3. A Stronger Emergency Response System – Including CFRs in national legislation alongside official emergency services creates a more robust, reliable response to emergencies in every community. This issue affects everyone because emergencies can happen to any of us, at any time. By joining this campaign, we can push for a simple, yet powerful change that ensures CFRs and emergency volunteers are recognised and supported by the law. This is a step toward building safer and more responsive communities across Ireland.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Chris Pender Picture
    It's a basic human right to be able to hydrate and wash with water, not to mention access to sanitation for health and safety, example, flushing toilets, washing dishes, clothes, bathing babies.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Mullen
  • Keep Ocean View Care Home Open
    Elderly health care in Ireland is an issue that affects us all, if not now, then in the future. What happens in Ocean View could evoke positive change at national level and prevent even more vulnerable people from being displaced. We want to send the government a very clear message. We refuse to let our loved ones pay the human price for a financial crisis not of their making. The government must provide a home for these citizens. 
    4,167 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Ailbhe Keogan
  • Vaginal Estrogen OTC
    It's important for women to have easy access to this safe and effective product without needing a prescription. Pharmacists are well-equipped to screen patients and ensure there are no contraindications before use. Vaginal estrogen provides relief for many symptoms associated with low estrogen, such as vaginal dryness, pain, itching, discomfort during intercourse or exams, recurrent urinary tract infections, and bladder issues like urgency or leaking. These symptoms can affect up to 80% of women postmenopause, significantly impacting their quality of life.
    6,961 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Aoife Harvey