• Bring compassion to the upcoming decriminalisation bill on cannabis in Ireland
    It's a change for the people of Ireland who understand the health benefits of consuming a natural product than an unnatural one and about the people having a say about there own experience and how it's positively affects them in there personal life
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Show Support Picture
  • Push Cannabis Decriminalisation Bill NOW!
    On the back of the Citizens' Assembly, urgent change to cannabis policy is needed.
    3,900 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Crainn Campaign
  • Equal Opportunity for HSE Counselling and Psychotherapy positions
    APCP believes it is unfair and unjust to APCP members who have worked hard to meet rigorous professional requirements, for the HSE to continue with these exclusionary hiring practices. APCP promotes the belief that all clients should be treated fairly, equally, with respect and autonomy and yet, the opposite has been presented to members of APCP when it comes to recognition for posts within the HSE. We, as a representative body, who are very proud of our members achievements, high ethical practice, standards and commitment to best practice request that due consideration and fairness be extended to our members.
    644 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Chair APCP Picture
  • 100% pay for statutory sick leave
    Sickness occurs through no fault of the employee, so why should they be punished for it? In times when inflation is soaring, interest rates on mortgages are rising, and bills at the tills are becoming bigger and bigger, an employee shouldn't have to do without 30% of their wages because they were sick.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick R.
  • Making mother Nature illegal is a crime against humanity
    I used to teach at The Cannabis College in Amsterdam and I have been involved in harm reduction and education around drugs for over 30 years. The fact cannabis is still illegal is reprehensible
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Scanlon
  • Replace carcinogenic sweeteners in soft drinks
    Increasingly we seek to drink so called healthier “ diet” no sugar drinks like Diet Coke and “low or no sugar “ mineral waters and carbonated drinks and “ energy drinks”. These usually contain Aspartame which is carcinogenic. They could be replaced with drinks zero sugar drinks sweetened by the safe natural Stevia plant based sweetener.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fergus Jordan
  • Keep SouthDoc in Kanturk
    This Out of Hours GP service based in Kanturk is vital to the Duhallow region and the communities that it serves
    3,055 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Moynihan
  • Stop the Shannonvale Sewage Flood
    It has been known, since at least as far back as 1998, to Cork County Council, and their successor organisations responsible for Water Services, Irish Water, and Uisce Éireann, that untreated sewage has been escaping from a failed sewage treatment system into a public park in the village of Shannonvale, Clonakilty, County Cork. This area, which serves as the village's sole public recreation space, is situated on the north bank of the River Argideen, upstream from the point where Uisce Éireann extracts drinking water for the entire Clonakilty municipal water supply. Despite the evident threats to public health, this issue has persisted for over 25 years, since it was first reported to Cork County Council.
    1,694 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Shannonvale Clonakilty
  • Give us water that is safe to drink
    Access to water is a human right. We are without safe water for far too long. Too vulnerable people in our communities are not able to boil or secure a regular supply of safe water to use. Uisce Éireann need to supply us with safe water and fast track fixing the problem
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Dublin City Council: Commission a Memorial to Savita
    This is important to remember how far we have come in providing abortion as healthcare in Ireland and to say ‘Never Again’ should religious views predominate over human rights.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Coppinger
  • Equal Opportunity for HSE Counselling Positions
    Aside from being unfair to NAPCP members who have worked hard to meet rigorous professional requirements, for the HSE to continue with these exclusionary hiring practices would be gravely irresponsible and potentially damaging to members of the public - many of whom are not currently receiving the care that they need.
    696 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Aine Daly
  • Stop Melanoma Cancer - Ban Sunbeds Ireland
    My name is Laura Warren. I am from Kilkenny, Ireland. I am a health and nutrition influencer in Ireland predominantly based on Instagram: Elite Living Nutrition. I was recently diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer stage 1b. In my younger years I would have used sunbeds more than 5 times a year, which was 5 times too many! Back then we were encouraged to use sunbeds to give our Irish skin a base before we went on holidays. I also suffered from acne when I was younger and I was encouraged at the time by Beauty Therapists to use sunbeds to help clear up my acne. When I was younger I also wore sun factors that weren't strong enough to protect my delicate skin. Back in the day, when I was going to school, they never educated us on the dangers of the sun and there was certainly never any mentions of sun-beds. The secondary school I went to was a convent run by nuns at the time. My Melanoma Cancer had to be excisioned out of my body through 2 surgeries where my surgeon had to excision 2mm of my skin for biopsy. It has been an extremely traumatic time for me and my family. Thankfully the results of the second surgery came back benign. I am one of the lucky ones and now I have to get regular skin-checks for 5 years with no certainty that it won't come back elsewhere in my body. It's time for change. Rates of this cancer are growing faster than any other type of cancer. It's time for our Government to take the dangers of sunbeds "seriously" Let's act now to save lives - I could have been told I had six weeks to live - think about that for a moment. I am grateful for my second chance at life. To help to make change in this world we live in, I am going to lobby for the rest of life to try to get sunbeds banned in Ireland. But, I need all your help to sign this petition, I cannot do this alone! Every family in Ireland and across the world has been affected by cancer in some shape or form and it ain't pretty. It's time for change in this country, let's help to make the future of this country a healthier place to live in. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer because of its ability to spread to other organs more rapidly if it is not caught early. Most skin cancers are preventable by reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the natural sunlight and indoor tanning devices — sunbeds/tanning beds. Australia and Brazil banned them many years ago, why has our Government not banned them yet? We want answers. What is the delay in banning sunbeds in Ireland that are clearly linked to Melanoma Cancer? I am calling on you, the good people of Ireland to act now and help me by signing this petition. A sunbed ban in Ireland would prevent thousands of skin cancer deaths and save the HSE millions a year.
    1,532 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Warren