At the June council session, we successfully got the DLRCC CE (Chief Executive) to commit to a feasibility study (item C/157/14) to assess what's needed. Over the past few weeks, consultants met with several swimming and water polo clubs; the study is expected by the end of November.
Key points we stressed:
• Strong demand for facilities—local clubs only get 3 out of 138 pool hours weekly in DLR CC pools resulting in a potential loss of ~€0.5M/year for DLR CC.
• DLRCC awarded €5.65M from the LSSIF scheme for this development. Key stated aims for LSSIF project are listed as:
oSupporting projects that enhance social participation and high performance.
oSupporting Swim Ireland’s strategy for increasing active and social participation.
oCreating multi-functional facilities that serve multiple sports and activities.
oMeeting the needs of diverse clubs and associations.
Next steps: Request a meeting with the CE and continue lobbying local politicians.

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