• Scrap VAT on AEDs – it’s a tax on saving lives (GOAL ACHIEVED)
    We in the Irish Heart Foundation are calling on the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to remove VAT on AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators). An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) increases a person’s chances of surviving cardiac arrest. An AED is a portable, simple to use, computerised device. When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, an AED delivers a shock to the heart to allow it to resume its normal rhythm. Right now, AEDs and replacement pads and batteries are subject to VAT at 23% in Ireland. Recent changes in EU legislation mean that the Government will have the power this year to abolish this VAT on AEDs, a tax which we in the Irish Heart Foundation have condemned for years as “a tax on saving lives”. Every year, thousands of people in Ireland die from cardiac arrest. 80% of these occur at home and in local communities. The more AEDs there are available in local communities and accessible to the public , the more lives can be saved. Charging VAT on these devices, along with replacement pads and batteries, makes it harder for sports and community organisations to afford their purchase and upkeep. The Irish Heart Foundation hopes that Minister Donohoe and the Department of Finance will act on this petition and undertake all work necessary to ensure an exemption of VAT on AEDs is introduced at the earliest date possible in 2022.
    8,587 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Irish Heart Foundation
  • Fully staff Long Covid Clinics, implement a recent unopposed Dáil motion.
    Thousands of people are suffering every day. Long Covid doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone at any time. I am campaigning together with TDs Joan Collins, Denis Naughten & many fellow-Long Covid patient-advocates in Ireland. Please take a second to sign our petition, help us to help you! If you click on the map of Ireland you will see the location of clinics nationwide. Listen to the successful motion debate on the link below. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?=en&mid=1K_7FiAyxNDwCabalpoKidiLaSxZBMR0&ll=54.022399393019484%2C-7.7147665710937385&z=7?showEmbed=true
    3,208 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Miriam Cullen
  • Sean Walsh Park - make it a safe space
    The park is a community facility which everyone should feel safe in, however, due to a lack of facilities and resources the park has become unused by the vast majority of people in the evening. Over the last few months there have been a number of assaults and muggings in the park. The whole community should feel safe using the park. The park requires investment in order to improve the facilities and to allow everyone in the community to use it in the evening time. We want South Dublin County Council to improve the facilities in the park by investing in: - Proper lighting to increase community activity - More facilities and organised events such as exercise, yoga or running programmes - More facilities such as park benches and exercise equipment - More park rangers to ensure the park is used in a positive way
    533 of 600 Signatures
    Created by David Murphy
  • Earth Day Petition from Irish Doctors for the Environment
    The latest UN commissioned report on climate change has issued a code red for humanity. Our window for acting is rapidly closing. Please include your IMC registration number.
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Derek Cawley
  • Keep Ireland LNG Free - Support a legislative ban of climate-wrecking LNG terminals
    Keep Ireland LNG Free Petition Renewable energy is the future and Ireland has taken major steps towards a cleaner, greener future by banning fracking and new offshore drilling licences for fossil fuels. As thousands of communities around the world, scientists and our own government agree, it doesn’t make sense to support major new oil and gas infrastructure which could lock us into fossil energy for 30 - 40 years and damage our ability to fulfil our climate action commitments. But right now, ignoring public sentiment and government resolve [1], fossil fuel companies are planning to build multiple Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals, a particularly climate-damaging fossil fuel, on the Irish coast, including in Kerry [2], Cork, Mayo and Louth [3].  https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=11LDz8VwM-XVKenh_1CGNZJahCrZPtfc&usp=sharing?showEmbed=true These companies will continue to seek ways to side step and undermine our national efforts for a fossil free future [4]. We need to stop them once and for all by passing legislation against LNG infrastructure, the new LNG Free Bill.  When we take action together, we take leaps towards a healthy planet. Working in solidarity achieved a nationwide ban on offshore drilling - let's do it again and Keep Ireland LNG free! What is LNG and why is it so dangerous? Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is fossil gas which has been turned into a liquid to be transported around the world on tankers. At every stage of its production it leaks methane, making it hugely climate-damaging [5]. On a full life-cycle basis, it is as devastating for the climate as coal or oil [6]. LNG is often obtained by fracking, which we banned in Ireland because of its appalling environmental and health impacts - including birth defects, respiratory disease and increased cancer rates in local communities [7]. However, if LNG infrastructure was developed in Ireland, we would be unable to control whether gas arriving in Ireland is fracked or not. LNG terminals could also cause significant health impacts and even risk to life for Irish communities due to air pollution and potential gas leaks and explosions [8]. Increasing our nation’s reliance on LNG fossil fuel energy will further expose us to energy insecurity and price rises, deepening the cost of living crisis. The most secure source of energy for the future is indigenous renewables supported by storage [9]. Renewables are already cheaper than fossil fuels [10] and LNG would threaten investment in renewables by flooding the market with dirty energy [11]. Take action - Keep Ireland LNG Free! Sign the petition to Taoiseach Simon Harris asking him to pass the LNG Free Bill. Head to www.lngfree.ie for more information and actions! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/dbe48-policy-statement-on-the-importation-of-fracked-gas-published/ [2] https://secureservercdn.net/ [3] https://www.businesspost.ie/energy/new-firms-lng-plans-would-make-ireland-major-exporter-of-gas-95728294 [4] https://www.businesspost.ie/energy/shannon-lng-terminal-can-go-ahead-if-planning-is-granted-varadkar-says-503e39b8 [5] https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/files/60994617/Natural_Gas_and_Climate_Change_Anderson_Broderick_FOR_DISTRIBUTION.pdf [6] http://www.eeb.cornell.edu/howarth/publications/f_EECT-61539-perspectives-on-air-emissions-of-methane-and-climatic-warmin_100815_27470.pdf [7] https://secureservercdn.net/ [8] https://www.ran.org/wp-content/uploads/rainforestactionnetwork/pages/17026/attachments/original/1478634931/LNG_Report_Updated_11.7.pdf?1478634931 [9] https://www.stopclimatechaos.ie/assets/files/pdf/is_natural_gas_essential_for_irelands_future_energy_security_scc_study_november_2018.pdf [10] https://rmi.org/insight/clean-energy-portfolios-pipelines-and-plants/ [11] https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014ERL.....9i4008S/abstract
    2,782 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Not Here Not Anywhere - NHNA Picture
  • Accommodate Immunocompromised Students in IADT
    At the beginning of the year these students signed up to third level education and paid their student contribution fees with the understanding that they could safely and effectively complete their studies for this academic year. The change in accommodation mid-year is discriminatory towards students whos disabilities and illnesses mean they cannot risk in-person attendance while COVID-19 is still a factor.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur McKenna
  • #FastAccessStamp4 for all international doctors in Ireland
    This pandemic has impacted the global health system hugely. There is an acute staff shortage globally and Ireland has had a major blow. This fair treatment/acknowledgment of the contribution of international doctors will provide Ireland an EXPERIENCED work force in the long run to tackle post covid aftershocks. This will ultimately benefit society and the health system and also build solid trust between the Irish health system and international doctors .
    2,580 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dr Liqa ur Rehman
  • Fund Addiction Services in Tallaght
    Crack cocaine is decimating communities and families and has become an epidemic. Tallaght West, where the two services operate is seeing record levels of users and they need help, support and compassion. There can be no abandonment of people who need help the most. The funding must be guaranteed and the services must do their essential work.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Homits
  • Lift the travel ban on Pakistani's living in Ireland - remove Ireland from Category C
    Many Pakistani haven't seen their families for many years and have planned their annual leave to go to Pakistan around the holiday period. This unfair and unjustified travel ban means they won't be able to see their families.
    1,444 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dr Liqa ur Rehman
  • Tell Sinn Féin to oppose petroleum licencing at the Executive
    Fracking and drilling pollutes our water, and damages our health. It is expected that the petroleum licencing policy that Minister Lyons will propose to the Executive could open the door for the approval of outstanding drilling and fracking applications in Fermanagh, and in the five council areas of Belfast, Antrim and Newtownabbey, Mid Ulster, Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon, Lisburn and Castlereagh. There is no time for legislation to be passed on fracking and drilling in this Assembly term. It must be stopped at the Executive.
    563 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Make Schools Safe in Ireland
    Schools in Ireland are not safe for children or staff. The only safety measures in primary schools are hand sanitiser and open the window. The children and staff are absolutely freezing, but the windows must stay open to try to ventilate the overcrowded classrooms. We need HEPA filtration. Government must put safety measures into schools to keep everyone safe from airborne COVID. We need: · Proper contact tracing for schools - pupils and staff · Close contacts referred for PCR test, not Antigen tests · Masks for everyone, who can wear one · HEPA air filtration installed in every school room · Reduced numbers in classrooms, to allow for social distancing Teachers, Principals, SNAs and Parents want safe schools for children in Ireland. Please sign to show your support and ask your friends to sign too. Thank you.
    2,355 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Voice for Teachers
  • Rathdown Needs A Women's Refuge Now
    We are failing the women and children in the community. Currently we have a population of 218,018 and no domestic violence refuge. The shortage of emergency accommodation for people affected by domestic violence is an issue that is getting progressively worse. Domestic violence spikes significantly during the festive season which is exacerbated by the pressures brought about by Covid-19 and the housing crisis. The provision for domestic violence in our area is comprehensively under developed. There are 144 refuge spaces available nationwide yet Dublin alone needs 143 refuge spaces, and Ireland needs almost 500. There are only 31 spaces, in 4 refuges, to service the entire Dublin area. 68% of the calls Women's Aid made to refuges are being turned away due to there being no room left. The nearest refuge for Rathdown is in Bray, this means that many people may have to travel for over an hour on public transport to be turned away. This huge lack of essential support services results in: • Unmet requests for refuge everyday; • Accommodation problems and homelessness; • People trapped in abusive relationships; • Increasing likelihood of people returning to violent and abusive homes; • Fear of reporting the abuse due to the lack of emergency accommodation available; The government is failing women and children. The most vulnerable people in our society are being failed on every level and government inaction continues to silence them. This is a national issue - there are currently 9 counties without a refuge. Please sign this petition, and please support the work of Carlow Women's Refuge Campaign too: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/carlow-needs-a-women-s-refuge
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rohana Perera