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Age Ratings for Social Media — Protect Kids from Harmful ContentIf it’s not safe for kids in cinemas, it shouldn’t be safe for them online. We do our best as Parents to police our kids social media but its not always possible. If netflix has ratings, why not social media! Sign now to demand real protections for young people — and stop toxic content from shaping their future109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bronwyn Gilbert
Stop the Ennis Data CentresHigh energy users putting pressure on renewables.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Knox
Complaints against FacebookJoin this campaign if you are not happy how Facebook is being managed at the moment, Fake profiles are not removed as it should be ,scammers have the free hand and are not removed most of the time when reported and innocent users who do nothing wrong get restrictions on their activities without any explanation from Facebook. Group functions are not working as they should be, and the list of complaints goes on an on....2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Annemarie Healy
No to Garda Use of Facial Recognition TechnologyFacial Recognition Technology and others forms of biometrics surveillance are needlessly intrusive and invasive. Law enforcement use this technology to track and identify people wherever they go, be it online or in public spaces. It can quieten protest, or be used to harrass and target minority communities. This is an overreach of Garda power, and it's not clear why the Gardaí should require the use of such invasive practices. An Garda Siochána have already shown they cannot be trusted to maintain good data protection standards, why would we trust them with our faces? [1] https://www.iccl.ie/digital-data/garda-use-of-facial-recognition-technology-poses-extreme-risk-to-human-rights/2,368 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Jacob Sosinsky
Nationalize Facebook and all Social Media Organizations Worldwide Run by the people for the peopleCampaign to Nationalize Facebook & All Social Media Platforms Worldwide To make them Non Profit Organizations Administered by The people for the people. Facebook had misled investors and the public about potential harms associated with the platform. Facebook is wrongly prioritizing platform growth over safety. Facebook groups have proven to be hubs for misinformation and harmful content, where there often [are] no gatekeepers and false information is allowed to flourish. Facebook's closed design hides information from researchers and regulators. As long as Facebook is operating in the shadows, hiding its research from public scrutiny, it is unaccountable.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Adams
A WORLD WITHOUT WAR82% of the Irish people support neutrality in all its aspects.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Margaretta Darcy
Extend the Lifetime of the Mother and Baby Homes CommissionNatural justice will not be served if the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby homes is allowed to close down with so many unanswered questions, not least about its own functioning and some of the conclusions in its report. A legal enquiry that publishes conclusions and testimonies that are disputed by those who gave them and then destroys evidence cannot provide closure. There are so many unanswered questions about the manner in which this commission was run and the way it reached its conclusions that it must be held to account. This commission must not be added to the list of inquiries that have added insult to the injuries of survivors and helped mask the truth. Theatening that an extension will delay compensation for survivors is not germane. Survivors want the truth. We ALL want the truth.193 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Hurley
Facebook, we need to talk.We cannot dismantle antisemitism if we are blocked from voicing our opinions and sharing our experiences with each other. We can discuss, debate, and even disagree, as long as we share the belief that all of us deserve safety, freedom, and dignity. We ask Facebook to not erect barriers impeding users from connecting with each other as we engage in this work. This is the wrong solution to a real and important problem: those who fuel antisemitism online will continue doing so, with or without the word “Zionist.” In fact, many antisemites, especially among white supremacists and evangelical Christian Zionists, explicitly support Zionism and Israel, while engaging in speech and actions that dehumanize, insult, and isolate Jewish people. Importantly, this move will prohibit Palestinians from sharing their daily experiences and histories with the world, be it a photo of the keys to their grandparent's house lost when attacked by Zionist militias in 1948, or a livestream of Zionist settlers attacking their olive trees in 2021. And it would prevent Jewish users from discussing their relationships to Zionist political ideology. Facebook scrutinizing specific words won't keep any of us safe, but it will prevent us from connecting on the political issues important to all of us and block us from holding people and governments accountable for their policies and actions.The current Israeli government, and some of its supporters, have demanded that Facebook add “Zionist” to its hate speech policy. This would shut down conversations about accountability for policies and actions that harm Palestinians. Facebook should refuse to cooperate with those who seek to build more walls to keep us apart. We call on Facebook to not add “Zionist” as a protected category in its hate speech policy.3,475 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Shae Flanagan
Amend the Harassment & Harmful Communications BillThe bill was categorised by the Law Reform Commission in 2016 after focus groups of young teens identified it as a privacy issue. However on greater examination it is clear that this should fall under sexual violence laws. It is important that people who engage in image based crime should face serious implications for sharing inappropriate images without consent. Also it is important that judges and barristers should understand the full impact on victims lives from the sharing of these images, and be trained up to deal with what is a reasonably new crime, with the age of smart phones and widespread internet access.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Hayden
No EU Trade deal with UK until Assange is releasedThe USA has become the world's foremost violator of all International laws regarding war crimes, torture, human rights abuses etc. Time to hold them accountable.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gordon Mc Ardle
Help stop excessive Bank ATM charges IrelandThis plan is outrageous and puts an excessive charge on the use of these proposed privately owned ATM’s, (approximately 1000 combined) which will most likely hit lower waged workers, students and people in receipt of social welfare payments, to name just a few. This proposal is another unjust ploy by Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Bank to increase their profits, at the behest of the ordinary person. The aforementioned Banks have sold off branches, and reduced in person cash services at their branches. Furthermore, people in Rural Ireland will have to travel to find a Bank owned ATM in order to avoid this financial burden. I also call on the Irish Government and the Financial Regulator to stop this proposal from going through.308 of 400 SignaturesCreated by John Jackie O'Connor
Public Inquiry Into Tusla PetitionThe failures of mothers and babies in the past in being excused on the grounds of ignorance. Future generations will never forgive this generation for a failure to hold TUSLA to account for it's incompetence to parents and children. TUSLA'S remit is very far reaching covering areas beyond child protection and welfare including domestic sexual and gender based violence services, retention of adoption records, early years services and education welfare. TUSLA is responsible for the most venerable members of our society, OUR CHILDREN,PAST AND PRESENT. Their failures will have lasting effects for many decades into the future. While there have been inquiries into some aspects of how TUSLA operates, there has never been a public inquiry into TUSLA as an overall body.2,267 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Scanlon