• South Africa is NOT safe
    • 12,734 murders in the first half of 2024, with an average of 70 people murdered daily. • 11,520 civilian casualties in the Ukraine war between February 2022 and July 2024. • 42,780 rapes reported in the 2022/2023 fiscal year (1 rape every 12 minutes). • 15,343 kidnappings reported in the 2022/2023 fiscal year (51 per day). • 5,488 cars hijacked between April and June 2024 (60 per day). Can you imagine living under these conditions? For just one week or one month, consider what it would feel like to live in such an environment. Your home: 1. Alarm system always armed. 2. Bars on your windows, never opened at night or when you’re not in the room. 3. Security gates on your front and back doors, always locked. 4. High property walls covered in electric fencing. 5. CCTV cameras for constant monitoring. Even with all these security features, the average South African rarely sleeps deeply, fearing that someone may bypass these measures and enter their home to rob, kill, or assault them. If the alarm is triggered, it’s often not the police who respond but a private security company, and response times can range from 30 minutes to never. On the streets: Walking requires constant vigilance. Nobody walks alone. Children don’t play in parks, walk to visit friends, or go to the mall without close adult supervision. Many children cannot even play in their own yards unsupervised. Crime Statistics in Major South African Cities Cape Town, South Africa • Population: 464,986 • Murder rate: 64 per 100,000 inhabitants Cape Town ranks among the world’s most dangerous cities, with a murder rate of 66.36 per 100,000 residents. Johannesburg, South Africa • Population: 5,866,550 • Murder rate: 37.9 per 100,000 inhabitants Johannesburg is one of the world’s deadliest cities, where displaying wealth can make you a target for kidnapping. Traveling in an armored vehicle or with a large group is recommended for safety. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa • Population: 475,238 Both public and private transport, day and night, can be dangerous in Pietermaritzburg. Violent crimes peak at night. It’s recommended to avoid taking out cash unless inside a hotel or bank due to the high crime rate and low police presence. Pretoria, South Africa • Population: 741,651 • Murder rate: 38 per 100,000 inhabitants Pretoria is another dangerous city where travelers should avoid walking or traveling at night. Armed robberies and gang violence are prevalent, making armored vehicles a safer option for those who can access them. Sources: • Most Dangerous Cities in the World - Armormax • Shocking Murder Numbers in South Africa - BusinessTech • Ukraine War Casualties - Statista • Sexual Offenses in South Africa - Statista • Kidnapping Cases in South Africa - South African Government
    493 of 500 Signatures
    Created by South Africa Picture
  • Allow HIV+ people to access IVF
    Being denied IVF treatment because of being HIV+ is discrimination and needs to change. HIV is no longer a death sentence illness. We have already gone through enough, and now being denied access to fertility treatments because of an archaic system is deeply unfair and further stigmatises people like me.  In countries across the EU, accessing fertility treatment as a HIV+ person is not an issue. In the past year people whose partners who are HIV+ can to access to IUI. This is amazing, but many of us need IVF for many other reasons.  I wrote about my experience in the Journal.ie https://www.thejournal.ie/hiv-women-ireland-6387696-Jul2024/ Listen to my interview on Cork 96 FM https://shows.acast.com/corks-96-fm-opinion-line/episodes/woman-with-hiv-on-struggle-to-get-fertility-treatment-in-ire
    1,720 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ainara Pedroso
  • RTÉ, retract & apologise for your harmful, insulting mpox article
    On 3rd July, RTÉ News published an article on its website with the headline "Irish Mpox patient had 75 sexual partners in 21 days".  This article is based on a report from the IMJ which describes how the LGBTQ+ community and healthcare professionals organised in response to the outbreak of mpox. Instead of focusing on any of this, RTÉ chose to report on the number of sexual partners one person had. This kind of coverage is stigmatising to everyone who has ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It prevents people from seeking healthcare by making them feel like their sexual history is something to be ashamed of. We demand better from our state broadcaster. Together, we are calling on RTÉ to withdraw this article and apologise. We would also like a commitment from RTÉ to more sensitive reporting on STIs going forward.
    498 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher
  • Email Belfast Pride: Drop Citibank as a sponsor
    Citibank is facilitating the supply of billions of pounds of Israeli weapons and enabling the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Additionally, they are also funding several fossil fuel companies to drill for gas off Gaza. A report released this week revealed that Citibank is the second biggest funder of oil, gas and coal in the world. By allowing Citibank to sponsor Belfast Pride, Citibank to distract from their destructive business practices and putting the festival's values of inclusivity and freedom into disrepute - this is pinkwashing at its very worst. 
    292 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Tell Libraries NI, Keep Stocking LGBTQ+-positive Books!
    Books and other media with LGBTQ+ themes are extremely important for young people who may be struggling to understand their own identity, as it gives them role models to look up to and allows them an opportunity to see people like them in the stories they enjoy! Book bans, like the one being pushed by prominent Unionist politicians including MP Carla Lockhart are also incredibly discriminatory and hypocritical [1] - representation of non- heterosexual relationships should no more be banned from Libraries than heterosexual/cis gender relationships. A child will not become gay or be "transed" by reading a book with a gay or trans character included. We must not allow bigoted bad actors to import American culture war nonsense to Northern Ireland. [1] https://www.newsletter.co.uk/education/dup-mp-carla-lockhart-calls-for-the-immediate-re[…]ildrens-books-from-northern-irish-public-libraries-4562485
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noah Shively-Blinn
  • Drop Citibank from Belfast Pride
    Citibank, who are facilitating the supply of billions of pounds of Israeli weapons and enabling the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians, [1] are also one of the main sponsors of this year's Belfast Pride Festival - the biggest LGBTQIA+ event in the city. This is pinkwashing at its very worst - using Belfast Pride and our LGBTQIA+ community to distract from their brutal business practices. Not only are they supporting weapons deals, Citibank is also funding several fossil fuel companies to drill for gas off Gaza, [3] - as thousands of innocent people are being massacred, and famine looms [4] as a result of Israel’s brutal siege. Israel has no right to grant licenses to companies to drill for oil or gas in the Palestinian territory. Fossil fuels have always been tied up with war and to extract oil and gas from a region whose population are being starved to death and brutally murdered, is a war crime. We demand that Belfast Pride Festival drops Citibank as one of its main sponsors! [1] https://www.bankingonsolidarity.org/citibank-and-palestinians-a-cruel-status-quo/ [2] https://fossilfreeciti.org/ [3] https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/3/6/israel-is-pillaging-not-just-gazas-cities-but-also-its-waters [4] https://www.politico.eu/article/famine-is-imminent-gaza-un-food-israel-hamas-hunger/
    1,286 of 2,000 Signatures
  • The removal of Joe Biden mural in Ballina
    Having a large mural of US president Joe Biden in Ballina reflects very badly on the people of Ballina, Mayo and Ireland who hold very different views to Joe regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    3,139 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ginty
  • BE YOU AT SCHOOL - join the campaign to allow kids wear their own clothes at school
    It is not natural to put children into uniforms for all of their childhood. Be in no doubt that they sap some of the light and levity out of the child and out of the school. They introduce fear and conflict because they involve enforcement, punishments, reprimands, and alienation. Schools become that bit more hostile to many children. Teachers waste enormous amounts of time enforcing and harassing and haranguing students about the clothes they are wearing and very stupid things like the colour of their shoelaces. They are expensive, restrictive, uncomfortable, oppressive and outdated. They reflect a right-wing conservative need for ultra-conformity to control children. In France it is Le Pen's neo-Nazi's who want to introduce uniforms. They are counter to modern educational philosophy which values plurality, problem-solving, creativity and self-expression. Ireland and Malta are the only two EU countries with this widespread practice, both with a British colonial past and a widespread smothering conservative, Catholic control of schools. It is a myth that uniforms protect children from bullying. In the wider European continent, out of 40 countries, uniforms are the norm in eight, and all eight of those report above average levels of bullying (Statista 2018). Rather than trying to make everyone look the same (impossible anyhow) by enforcing ridiculous dress and appearance rules, better for school to focus on developing children's ability to be resilient, accept themselves and other people for who they are in all their wonderful human diversity.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gearóid Ó Riain Picture
  • We want to hear Irish women and diverse artists & music on radio stations
    0% Irish female solo artists featured in the Top 50 Radio Charts songs of 2022. In 2023 only 3% 3% of the Top 100 Songs on Irish radio in 2023 included solo/lead/front Irish female artists. 3,255,000 listeners tune into Irish radio every weekday. When it comes to music, getting your song added to a playlist on a radio station can be life-changing for an Irish artist. The Irish broadcasting sector has historically not supported women or diverse artists in music from Ireland. Following a series of Gender Disparity Data Reports conducted by Linda Coogan Byrne and her team at Why Not Her?, the evidence showed that Irish radio managers consciously decide year in and year out to exclude Irish female-identifying artists, female fronting bands and diverse artists from Radio Playlists across Ireland. Of songs featured in the Top 50 Radio Charts of 2022, only 12% were by domestic Irish artists or bands (0% Irish female solo artists). This translates to 6 songs by 4 Irish artists: 1 song by Belters Only feat. Jazzy; 3 songs by Dermot Kennedy; 1 song by Moncrieff; and 1 song by Welshy feat. Nono. None were by Irish persons of colour - solo artists or groups - and none were by female solo artists or groups. Fast forward a year later and only 3% of the Top 100 Songs on Irish radio in 2023 included solo/lead/front Irish female artists: Jazzy*, Aimée and Dolores O'Riordan of The Cranberries. As the years go by, it is becoming more and more difficult for Irish people to discover and hear the music of Irish women and diverse artists. When asked why there are so few women artists played on the radio, managers said: "Men make better music than women" "Why are you feeding us to the wolves?" "We don't have the budget to be diverse" "We don't make the rules" "Women just moan" "She is too old and long in the tooth to be making music" "We actually had some women on a Special Friday Night show back in Feb" "It's the label's fault, not ours" "You should analyse the record companies. You’ll see an imbalance in what we’re being sent". "It is whatever makes the charts" "People prefer to listen to male acts, they request them on air!" "You need to be careful and stop stepping on people's toes in radio" "You need to stop asking questions" In the meantime, many new and emerging male artists are recognised and supported across the airwaves, allowing for a host of new household names to emerge in the landscape of Irish music in the past decade. It is common for white male lead/front artists/bands such as Hozier, Gavin James, Cian Ducrot, Robert Grace, Moncrieff, The Script, etc. to be heavily played during the day and evening on Irish airwaves, while their diverse and female counterparts are played in the middle of the night. The Journal.ie 13.02.24 https://www.thejournal.ie/prev/6298235/dvX7Tyf5Xocvo/
    1,406 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by linda coogan byrne
  • Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated Education
    In 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.
    532 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • No Gardaí at Dublin Pride!
    Gardaí have completely failed to protect LGBTQI+, migrant and other marginalised communities from far-right violence and intimidation - with Garda Commissioner Drew Harris even admitting this to be a tactic. We can still remember the violent policing approach used on the striking Debenhams workers, students and water charges protestors. There is only one fair conclusion to draw from this, and it should leave Gardaí unwelcome at Pride events.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph B
  • Eir, let trans people use their preferred name.
    Trans people deserve to be able to use their preferred name and don't want to feel humiliated. The bureaucracy of Eir is causing huge hurt. It is a human right to be able to use your own name.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paul hamilton