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To: The people of Munster petition Munster TDs and Councillors, and the Irish Government, to take urgent action.

Stop Aughinish Dumping Sediment Across The Shannon Estuary

The Russian-owned alumina plant in Aughinish on the banks of the Shannon in Co. Limerick has applied to dump almost 700,000 tonnes of accumulated sediment across the Shannon Estuary in the next eight years. Our politicians must reject this.

Why is this important?

The Shannon is the main artery of this country, and home to a vast array of wildlife, including dolphins and salmon. Endangering this rich habitat would be an act of environmental vandalism that is unacceptable to our people and, surely, to our Greens-supported Government.

The people of Clare, Kerry and Limerick have long been worried about the health impacts of the red waste dust from the plant that flies into our communities and our food chains and water supplies. The spreading of such vast quantities of sediment into our waterways could present a risk to human, animal, fish and plant life.

We ask, and expect, our politicians to say "No! Enough!"


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2024-03-06 23:18:40 +0000

100 signatures reached

2024-03-04 16:58:45 +0000

50 signatures reached

2024-03-03 19:16:57 +0000

25 signatures reached

2024-03-03 15:37:05 +0000

10 signatures reached