• Save Our Malahide Road Bus Stops
    Bus Connects has been granted permission by An Bord Pleanala to remove the bus stops at Danieli Road (1219) and Killester Avenue (1220). These are proposed to be replaced by a single bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower, on a narrow footpath with no room for a bus shelter. This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km. The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities. This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly. The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala. At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works. Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design. Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.
    1,562 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Stops
  • BE YOU AT SCHOOL - join the campaign to allow kids wear their own clothes at school
    It is not natural to put children into uniforms for all of their childhood. Be in no doubt that they sap some of the light and levity out of the child and out of the school. They introduce fear and conflict because they involve enforcement, punishments, reprimands, and alienation. Schools become that bit more hostile to many children. Teachers waste enormous amounts of time enforcing and harassing and haranguing students about the clothes they are wearing and very stupid things like the colour of their shoelaces. They are expensive, restrictive, uncomfortable, oppressive and outdated. They reflect a right-wing conservative need for ultra-conformity to control children. In France it is Le Pen's neo-Nazi's who want to introduce uniforms. They are counter to modern educational philosophy which values plurality, problem-solving, creativity and self-expression. Ireland and Malta are the only two EU countries with this widespread practice, both with a British colonial past and a widespread smothering conservative, Catholic control of schools. It is a myth that uniforms protect children from bullying. In the wider European continent, out of 40 countries, uniforms are the norm in eight, and all eight of those report above average levels of bullying (Statista 2018). Rather than trying to make everyone look the same (impossible anyhow) by enforcing ridiculous dress and appearance rules, better for school to focus on developing children's ability to be resilient, accept themselves and other people for who they are in all their wonderful human diversity.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gearóid Ó Riain Picture
  • Killester Raheny Clontarf needs a new secondary school
    The Killester Raheny Clontarf school planning area (KRC SPA) has seven secondary schools. All are taxpayer-funded and all are controlled by religious institutions. Five of the schools are single-sex. Of the remaining two schools, one prioritises children from Protestant backgrounds and the other is a small Catholic school. We have raised this issue repeatedly with the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, through representations in the Dáil. Through questions to her Department we have learned that there is a serious lack of secondary school places in the KRC SPA. The statistics we received from the Department of Education show, for example, that year after year between 60% and 70% of boys who finish sixth class in the KRC SPA leave the area for secondary school. This is unsurprising as only one of the single-sex schools mentioned above caters for boys. The schools in our area are already oversubscribed and the statistics show we need a new one. We need a school that offers parents a choice. Please sign the petition and let’s make sure it’s a non-religious school that boys and girls can attend together.
    878 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Monahan
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • CitiBank: Stop fuelling War on Gaza
    Citibank is one of the dirtiest banks in the world. Israel is one of its most important markets. Citibank has facilitated the purchase of weapons by the Israeli military and we are seeing the devastating results of this. Already the second largest funder of fossil fuels in the world, it is giving more money to fossil fuel companies such as BP who are exploiting the war on Gaza to drill for gas off Gaza's coast. Over 25,000 people have been killed over 100 days of Israel's onslaught in Gaza. Hundreds of thousands are at risk of disease and starvation as Israel refuses to allow aid to enter. Despite this mass suffering, Israel is planning to extract the natural resources off the coast of Gaza through licensing, drilling and extraction. This is all underpinned by funding from Citibank. We know that only outside pressure can stop Israel. Citibank has its main European offices in Belfast and Dublin, and has received over £40 million in public money from Invest NI. We need to take a strong stand across this island against Citi profiting from Israel's brutal attack on the people of Palestine.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
  • TV stations must add live captioning & subtitles. Deaf & hard of hearing people need TV too.
    Both my parents are hard of hearing, they had three children with full hearing. We grew up with sign language, with subtitles on the telly and with an appreciation for how hard things are for deaf people. There's 103,000 deaf or hard of hearing people in Ireland. They deserve a decent subtitling service, regardless of the T.V station, show or type of programme. Unfortunately subtitling is patchy, sometimes out of sync or sometimes not provided at all. Please support this by adding your name.
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jason Collins
  • Irish Artists demand the exclusion of Israel from Eurovision 2024
    The exclusion of Russia from Eurovision in 2022 following its invasion of Ukraine was hugely significant and demonstrated Eurovision's capacity to take an ethical stance on human rights. Martin Österdahl, Eurovision’s executive supervisor, previously spoke about this decision regarding Russia, stating, "When we say we are not political, what we always should stand up for are the basic and ultimate values of democracy."
    16,716 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Irish Artists For Palestine
  • Stop Israel from participating in the Olympic Games 2024
    Israeli military action in Gaza and the ongoing conflict in the Occupied West Bank have led to appalling suffering and loss of life for Palestinians and to a deteriorating humanitarian situation, which is unprecedented.  Israel has disregarded all calls for a ceasefire and for allowing adequate delivery of humanitarian aid. Israeli military have caused the death of over 35,000 people, the destruction of 80% of civilian building and infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, water, sanitation and energy infrastructure.  Senior politicians in the Israeli government have openly declared their intention to continue their military action, which is a breach of international law and which has been recognised as amounting to genocide by many international experts.  In addition to the unspeakable level of suffering in Gaza, the oppression and illegal treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is well documented. In the world of sport, it is undeniable that Palestinian athletes may at this time not be in a position to participate in any sporting events: the killing, injuries, and maiming of people, the destruction of houses, displacement of the vast majority of the Gazan population, lack of nutrition, water and sanitation, the appalling state of healthcare facilities, would make it next to impossible to even consider participation in sport at any level. For this reason, we believe that there are grounds to act on Israel’s disregard for human rights of Palestinians, by urgently implementing measures in respect of Israel’s participation in international sporting events. 1) We call on Sport Ireland to condemn the invasion and ongoing military action in Gaza, which is a blatant violation of international law, as well as of the Olympic Charter; 2) We call on Sport Ireland to request that the International Olympic Committee take action in relation to Israeli’s actions in Gaza, and implement the following measures:  - Athletes with an Israeli passport may not be considered for participation in the Olympic Games Paris 2024;  - IOC to issue recommendations to all Sporting Federations in relation to Israel’s participation in international sporting events, including the following: a) That no international sports events be organised in Israel; b) That no Israeli flag, anthems or other national symbols whatsoever should be displayed at any international sports events; c) That no Israeli government or state officials should be accredited for or invited to any international sports events; d) That the Olympic Committee of Israel is no longer entitled to operate as a National Olympic Committee, as defined in the Olympic Charter, and cannot receive any funding from the Olympic Movement. As individuals involved in Irish sport, we have a moral obligation to take action in relation to the ongoing violation of human rights of the Palestinian people. We therefore call on Sport Ireland to act in line with its values and to use its role within the international sporting community to try and put a stop to this destruction and restore humanity.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sabrina V
  • Healthcare Workers for Palestine
    These actions would: Bring an end to Ireland's trade with and investment in the illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestine (in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention) Would end the Irish State's support for the gross violation of human rights being perpetrated by Israel; and would support the Palestinian people's right to self-determination https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bill/2023/28/ (Occupied Territories) https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bill/2018/6/ (Illegal Settlements) https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf https://www.nad.ps/en/publication-resources/faqs/recognition-palestine
    1,087 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Angela Skuce
  • Don't rename Pairc Uí Chaoimh in Cork
    This stadium belongs to the fans. It holds great memories for us all. The County Board are not the owners of the stadium, just the custodians of it. To open the door to corporate renaming for the highest bidder will strip away an intangible element of what makes the GAA so special here in the Rebel County. Once that deal is made, there is no going back. We don't want our stadium named after Supervalu, McDonald's, Shell or whoever else has deep pockets. Do not rename Pairc Uí Chaoimh as Supervalu Park.
    1,241 of 2,000 Signatures
  • The coxies should get a dog
    the Cox family need a dog because it will teach us responsibility, commitment, to get off screens,be more active, sharing and will also give us emotional support.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riley Cox
  • OPEN LETTER: We support the public sector strike in NI
    We, the public, patients, parents, carers and workers are standing up to support our underfunded public services and underpaid public servants. While the Secretary of State uses your pay award as political football, we support your action for better pay and services - because we all depend on them.
    470 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill