• Stop Ireland Outsourcing Cruel Animal Testing
    A Freedom of Information investigation by the Irish Anti-Vivisection Society has uncovered horrific chinchilla experiments on an estimated 23 chinchillas commissioned by the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. The vivisection project, which broke animal welfare rules on multiple occasions, was intended to test a potential new treatment for chronic ear drum perforation (Tympanic Membrane Perforation). The procedures, which took place in the spring and summer of 2021, were performed in the USA at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Unlike Ireland and the EU, the USA has no independent government regulation of animal experimentation so there are no legal limits on animal cruelty. Therefore, the IAVS is calling on the government to initiate the drafting of legislation prohibiting the outsourcing of animal testing or research - by any Irish laboratory, institution or commercial enterprise - to countries with weaker regulations.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Irish Anti-Vivisection Society Picture
  • 5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rainer Theuerjahr
  • Don't Ban Teen Disco's
    Discos are a big part of being social, making friends and having some fun. They are excellent spaces for young people to meet and they are supervised. Every teen disco venue should be in line with safeguarding rules. https://www.96fm.ie/news/96fm-news-and-sport/government-urged-to-ban-teenage-discos-for-under-16s/
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Boycott Israel from the European song contest 2024
    I believe the world leaders are deliberately turning a blind eye to the horrific injustice being perpetrated against innocent civilians. Governments are not listening to their people. Ireland has always been to the forefront of standing up for injustice. We have a history of occupation which gives us a unique understanding of the plight of the people of Palestine. This appeal is only a drop in the ocean but then, the ocean is made up of many drops.
    499 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Joe Mullins
  • Support the Dáil Motion to Sanction Israel
    We need your support to ensure a majority of TDs in Dáil Éireann back our motion calling for the Government to: - Intensify its advocacy for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages. - Provide strong leadership at EU level to advocate for economic sanctions on Israel, including: - Suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement on the basis of a serious breach of the essential elements human rights clause in that agreement. - Suspension of the EU-Israel Horizon Europe Association Agreement and Israel’s access to the €95 billion Horizon Europe fund for research and innovation. - Make a referral to the International Criminal Court requesting that it investigate whether members of the Israeli government and military have committed war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza. - Enact the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 and the Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 as a matter of urgency. - Withdraw the diplomatic status of the Israeli Ambassador given the failure of the Israeli State to cease the deliberate targeting of civilians, journalists, UN staff and healthcare workers. - Pursue all possible avenues at the EU and the UN to build an international alliance for peace to provide a pathway away from violence and back to the negotiation table.
    1,605 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Irish healthcare workers call for a ceasefire in Gaza
    We unequivocally condemn the attack by Hamas on October 7th. This attack cannot be used to justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian population.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciara Ní Mhurchú
  • Reform Dublin Bus
    If you live in Dublin and have ever have any interactions with dublin buses you know what I’m talking about: the buses are rarely-if ever- on time… the schedule is a joke… the digital displays never tell the truth; when the driver sees you running to the bus stop, he shuts the doors and drives off; if you are a cyclist you are afraid for your life; and if you are stuck without change- good luck! We live in a modern industrialised nation; but the developing world has much better bus services. Why do we put up with grumpy, rude drivers and a bus service which can’t get our kids to school on time? Dublin Bus is a joke, but no one’s laughing. Sign up to this and let’s get the minister to institute a proper reform of Dublin Bus so we can get a service that actually works. Where the drivers are courteous and friendly and treat their passengers and fellow road users with genuine respect and care for their safety; where the drivers enjoy their job and their interactions with the public; where the buses run according to the schedule; where the information provided by the digital displays are accurate; where it’s a pleasure to take a bus in Dublin because it’s a true public service that takes care. For the environment, the workers, the public, and the city: Reform Dublin Bus!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Seamus Dinneen
  • Ceasefire
    For peace in the world,supporting others when they need us,for justices,for innocent
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rehab Jawad
  • Newport Road Public Footpath & Lighting
    Please help our 40-YEAR campaign to get a short footpath laid between two estates Grangewood and Rich Hill Woods on a very dangerous road, which has only become busier with trucks and fast moving traffic. Local resident JJ Ryan has been campaigning to get a footpath built for years. “This is an extremely dangerous stretch of road. There’s no lighting and no footpath between the two estates. “Pedestrians, the elderly, and schoolchildren getting on and off the local bus or cycling to school have to scramble up a very steep bank to get out of the way of traffic.” Mr Ryan, whose son was struck by the wing mirror of a passing car last year and suffered a broken arm, said that “there have been scores of near misses and accidents involving cars and pedestrians. It’s only a matter of time before someone is killed. Do we really have to wait for that to happen before something is done?” If you are a local resident, or would like to support local residents, please consider signing our petition to have a footpath built to ensure the safety of the residents. We are stronger together, and together we can ensure the safety of everyone in our community. This affects more than 200 local residents at least. Please reach out to anyone you know who can support us.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James Ryan
  • Make Louth County Council call for Israeli Ambassador expulsion
    To stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Hickey
  • Stop the use of palm oil
    Every 5 seconds in the Amazon, land nearly the size if a football pitch is cut down, just for the use of palm oil! When we reach our 1000 signatures goal, we are going to send this petition onto Nestle, the company that uses the most palm oil in there products in the world
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Curran
  • Palm Oil Debate
    My friend and I are going to send this on to Nestlé when we reach our 1000 signatures goal
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Curran