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To: Taoiseach Simon Harris

Passport Failures Ireland

For a total reform of the offices of Passport. Why in such an age it takes months and in some cases years to get a passport is ridiculous. Yes apply online and get it quicker, apply by passport express and express must mean the slowest.
Paper applications should not take so long nor should it be passed from one to another before more information is requested. First time passports you may aswell apply when born and might revive by adulthood. 
And why if you visit an office should they not be allowed to take your information.
Why do we pay extra for express when we don’t recieve express. Online documents can be altered paper can’t yet online is quick. Why should people of this country lose holidays because of a flawed system

Why is this important?

Because recent we lost out on a family holiday and due to no communication from the passport office even when they have been contacted in relation to passports they still didn’t give no information until a TD contact them on our behalf. We not only lost out on my daughters first holiday, a family holiday the first since my brother passed away but also my sisters 50th birthday.
I am more angry that when I posted this that hundreds across Ireland have come up against the same problem 

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