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To: Minister of State Malcolm Noonan

Stop Fox Hunting and Fox Cub Hunting

Bring in a Law banning Fox Hunting for Sport.

I knew that the horrible sport of fox hunting goes on in Ireland but was shocked to read an article by John Fitzgerald in Dublins Northside People (28-08-24)
This article gives graphic details of fox cub hunting:
The hunters and dogs surround a covert known to contain fox cubs, the dogs and hunters make a lot of noise to flush the poor young foxes out and then they are ripped apart to “blood" the hounds for the fox hunting season. 

John Fitzgerald writes regularly in Northside People about cruelty to our native animals and he never stops highlighting these barbaric activities.
We in Dublin have grown to love our urban foxes and I, for one, get excited every time one passes through my garden. 
By starting this petition I want to put more pressure on our Government to ban this barbaric hunting of our precious native animals.

Why is this important?

With people power we can achieve a lot. I know so many people in my area who have grown to love the fact that we can have such an amazing creature in our own back gardens in Dublin.
We should stand up and protect them.



2024-08-30 17:58:47 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-08-28 07:06:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-08-27 20:41:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-08-27 19:06:21 +0100

10 signatures reached