• Support legal protections for students living in Digs
    The student accommodation crisis in Ireland is escalating, with a severe shortage of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) forcing many students to settle for less-than-ideal living situations. One common option is Digs, where students live in a homeowner's spare room. The government encourages this by allowing homeowners to earn up to €14,000 tax-free. While practical, this has left students vulnerable, with no legal protections. In some cases, students in Digs can face overnight eviction, excessive restrictions, or misrepresentation of their living arrangement, all while homeowners benefit from tax relief. The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) sees the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024 to address these issues. This bill introduces moderate legal protections for those living in Digs, such as minimum notice periods for ending a tenancy and ensuring rented rooms cannot be entered without prior notice. These protections align with those guaranteed to students in PBSA. We understand the government's concern that mandatory written agreements might discourage homeowners from renting out spare rooms. However, USI research shows that in 66% of cases where an agreement exists, it was the homeowner who suggested it. This indicates that such agreements are not a significant barrier. We urge you to view this legislative proposal with an open mind and support the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024, ensuring students have basic rights in this government-endorsed living option. Thank you for your consideration.
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture
  • Save Our Town, Shut Re-Gen Waste Down!
    We urge the  Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Mr Andrew Muir to listen to the fears and concerns of the community of Warrenpoint / Carlingford Lough, to call for Re Gen Waste to be removed from Warrenpoint Harbour Authority and to have their licence revoked due to the foul smell/flies / loud noise to a harbour so close to homes and business in the town. We ask the Minister to move this Waste to an unpopulated site and to another harbour that has the capacity and infrastructure and away from populated areas. We as the community of Warrenpoint / Carlingford Lough are asking the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Andrew Muir to Get Re -Gen Waste out of Warrenpoint. We do not need political point-scoring from other parties getting in the way of the community with this petition. Mr Muir is a new minister, other parties have had their own ministers over time also, so no point-scoring to take here as have had time to help us stop this. we as the community take this petition forward to the minister. 1. Health and Wellbeing of the public/workers   The storage of large quantities of rotting waste in a mismanaged waste operation in Warrenpoint Port which has been documented as “non-compliant” on multiple occasions by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) ) has given rise to infestations of flies and a stench which has been described as “vile”, “nauseating”, “evil” “foul” and “sickening” by residents, port workers,  business owners, Independent Councillors, MLA’s and the MP for South Down. 2. A legacy of waste controversy and safety risks. Stories of the 2023 and 2024 stench follow on from a toxic waste controversy involving the same waste company (Re-Gen Waste Ltd) dating back to 2017 and the combined evidence has been reported extensively on print, broadcast (BBC and ITV), and social media. A waste fire in the Port and, in the past month alone,  two truck fires on motorways, all involving Re-Gen Waste Ltd) have led to growing concerns regarding safety management or lack thereof. 3. Invasion of public spaces and other negative impacts All of the above points have raised concerns around toxic invasion of open spaces and the negative economic impact on local festivals and tourism. As a result of the proximity of the mountains of waste storage bales to residences, the well-documented scourges of flies and bluebottles combined with the disgusting stench have forced residents off the streets and out of their gardens to take refuge indoors, often with windows now specially fitted with fly screens. Outdoor spaces have been invaded and concerns have been raised about the devaluing of property as a result of the public nuisance plague which is particularly harmful to people with long-term health issues. 4. Environmental damage The other serious concern is damage to the environment caused by leaking bales in close proximity to the protected shores and waters of Carlingford Lough. Again, NIEA officials have noted the leaks and, in September 2023, have shared their concerns in a letter to the local MLA stating that “these non-compliances are a concern to the NIEA and we are focused on ensuring that Regen addresses the odor as quickly as possible.” 5. The Remedy With the stench now prevailing for more than a year since Warrenpoint Port executives first acknowledged that it was out of control, it is now abundantly clear that despite the spraying of vast quantities of deodorants over the festering waste bales and the best efforts of Re-Gen Waste Ltd,  NIEA and Warrenpoint Port, the only solution is to remove the mismanaged operation out of Warrenpoint to an appropriate site with the facilities and required level of competence to keep the odours away from residential areas.  This move would also negate the unsustainable transport aspects which include carrying waste by road from Belfast, south to Newry and then Warrenpoint for storage close to a residential area before being exported by sea, back northwards again, past Belfast towards Scandinavian countries.  This solution was agreed by residents and the three political parties who attended the recent Hustings in Warrenpoint and we feel that to delay in delivering this solution any longer  is to cause unnecessary suffering and expense to a community and environment that has already suffered more than enough.
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Rotten to the Point Campaign Picture
  • Support the Aer Lingus pilots
    No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve a fair wage we can live on – but right now, Aer Lingus pilots aren't being properly paid for the work they're doing.  Aer Lingus pilots are now being vilified unfairly for daring to ask for the most basic thing – for their pay to be increased in line with inflation. Together, we want to show Aer Lingus that we support the pilots in their fight for fair pay. Responsibility for cancelled flights lies with Aer Lingus management, not with pilots.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher
  • 2,227 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Broxson
  • Justice for Natasha O'Brien
    Natasha O'Brien was beaten unconsciou by Cathal Crotty in an unprovoked attack. He only stopped when a male passer by intervened. He then fled the scene and boasted about the attack afterwards on snapchat saying "2 to put her down, 2 to knock her out". He has been given a fully suspended sentence. While the victim has lost her job and suffers ptsd from the attack. Cathal Crotty is a serving soldier paid by the state and continues to be paid by the state while he used homophobic slurs and when asked to politely stop grabbed Natasha by the hair and punched her unconscious. This man should not be allowed to continue in his position in the army. His sentance needs to be appealled as being overleniant. What message is this sending to the women of Ireland? 
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda O'Sullivan
  • Equestrian facilities
    We would appreciate if everyone from the area could sign this and get the equestrian facilities for the area that are needed. Our kids put there hearts and soles into looking after there horse keeping themselves busy and out of trouble until the horse pound come in and does a clear out after all the tender loving care and money  has gone into our horses the last visit from the pound was at 10.40pm on the 18/06/2024 siezed 5 horses and left many young kids heartbroke this so going on far to long now the love for horses is not going to leave the area by just keep pounding the horse but pounding the younger generations horses is just going to give them more free time and push up anti social behaviour in our area so we are asking for a safe and secure location for the horses for our younger generations to keep them doing what they love and keep them off the streets 
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Garreth Foley
  • Zebra Pedestrian Crossing on Dublin Rd
    This is a petition to erect a non-traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing on the Dublin Road between the Forge Estate entrance and the entrance to Chapel Farm.  This crossing currently only has sloped curbs, an island in the middle of the two flows of traffic on the road with no signage. This route is used daily by all residents of the Lusk community, including those travelling to preschools in the area with young children. The problem this crossing currently has is that traffic does not stop to let pedestrians cross safely and when there is no traffic at any given time and a pedestrian commences crossing, vehicles then come from the roundabout or Lusk Village direction at high speeds before the pedestrian gets a chance to cross safely. With the influx of new builds in the area there is an increase of young families now travelling to schools and preschools with their children and this crossing is currently unsafe for those children.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Boylan
  • Fix Enduring Powers of Attorney
    Prior to April 2023 an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) only needed to be registered in the event that the person who created it subsequently lost mental capacity.  Approximately 1,200 EPAs were registered each year up to 2022.   It is estimated that only 15% of EPAs created under that old system subsequently required to be registered, which would mean that approximately 8,000 EPAs would have had to have been created each year to produce the figure of 1,200 registered, or 670 a month. In April 2023 the Decision Support Service (DSS) was established and the system for creation of EPAs was radically changed.  It was expected this new system would enable wider uptake of EPAs by the public and ensure greater protection of vulnerable people as they age.  However, as of 28 February 2024, it was stated in answer to a parliamentary question that only 697 EPA applications had been submitted to the DSS for registration in its first ten months of operation, roughly what would have been created in one month under the old system. In other words 10 times less than before.   The new system intended  to increase the number of people with EPAs has resulted in a collapse in the numbers being created  in contrast with the old system which worked very well.  The problem is an online platform  imposed on the creation of EPAs  by the DSS which does not enable a professional adviser to access the platform on behalf of anyone wishing to have their assistance with the creation of the documentation to ensure that it is done correctly. Anyone wishing to have professional assistance in the creation of an EPA via a digital platform should be facilitated in doing so and is entitled to have their professional adviser access the system on their behalf  to advise and assist in preparing what can be complicated and profoundly important documents with serious legal consequences. Revenue’s online ROS system allows a tax adviser to prepare and file returns for a taxpayer. The Injuries Resolution Board’s web-portal allows an agent to prepare an injury claim on behalf of a claimant. The Land Registry, the Companies Registration Office and others all do likewise.  The DSS platform does not and that needs to be fixed urgently  to allow people who want help from their professional advisers in creating an EPA to get it by providing professional advisers with access to the new online platform on behalf of anyone wishing to have their assistance. This is a change required to fix the system for creation of EPAs that can and should be made immediately to end this crisis in the creation of  EPAs which is causing serious problems for vulnerable people who need to have them in place. We are signing this petition to ask the Minister for State to fix this problem as soon as possible.
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Flor McCarthy Picture
  • Make voting easier in Northern Ireland
    Voting in Northern Ireland is much harder than in Great Britain.  Voters in Northern Ireland must provide a Digital Registration Number (DRN) when they register online to vote by post or by proxy. But the DRN is not a requirement in any other part of the UK  Over 5,000 absentee vote applications were rejected in NI before the 2023 council elections due to issues with the Digital Registration Number (DRN).  This is up from the 3636 people whose votes were rejected in the 2022 Assembly election for the same reason. Every vote matters. In Northern Ireland election results can depend on a very small number of votes - like in Fermanagh South Tyrone when the seat was won in 2019 by 57 votes. The Digital Registration Number must be scrapped, to make sure everyone get to exercise their right to vote.
    365 of 400 Signatures
  • 366 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Boyle
  • Reject Coercive Medical Interventions for Cannabis Use
    The Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use has the potential to bring justice-based reform to the archaic and abusive Irish drugs policy. However, figures within the HSE, Department of Health and the Irish Government are pushing for a new system which will see all those caught with small personal amounts of cannabis coerced into 'brief' SAOR medical interventions in order to avoid criminal sanctions. This policy will have massive consequences on human rights, bodily autonomy and basic dignity. It will also have disproportionate impact on: • Marginalised communities and people. • Medical cannabis users and patients. • Those in need of addiction treatment. The proposed system will clog up addiction treatment services, filling it with people who use cannabis and will result in people who need genuine help waiting longer. What we really need is a harm-reduction based approach to cannabis which focuses on safe consumption and cultivation, similar to what has been done in Malta with their cannabis social club model.
    1,477 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Crainn Campaign
  • Shut down Kildare's Horse Abattoir
    The abuse uncovered by RTÉ Investigates at Shannonside Foods' horse abattoir in Kildare has shocked us all. Footage captured by RTÉ has shown horses being hit, punched, whipped and struck with plastic piping.  Together, we are calling on the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to shut down this abattoir with immediate effect. If those who own the abattoir feel it's OK to treat animals like this, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them.  Please sign and share our petition today, and help us get this abattoir shut down.
    35,138 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher