• ROI: Boycott St. Patrick's Day Celebrations at The White House 2024
    I am calling on you to boycott St. Patrick's Day Celebrations at The White House this year. This would be a powerful sign of solidarity with Palestine that would reflect the feelings of Irish people & have a massive impact around the world. You are either against genocide in Gaza or you are not. I will not vote for any politician who travels to Washington & shakes the blood-soaked hands of Joe Biden.
    17,363 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Hutton Picture
  • Teachers Around the World Demand an Immediate Ceasefire
    We are teachers; we teach children. We teach them about society and how they will grow up to be full participants in society. We teach them about empathy and solidarity; and we teach them, when they see obvious injustice, that they should act. We are horrified to be witnessing a deliberate, catastrophic humanitarian tragedy being inflicted on Gaza. We say this because we do not believe that the killing of children can be justified as "collateral damage," in the pursuit of a murderous, illusory, self-defeating and futile goal. Nor do we accept assurances that efforts are being made to avoid the deaths of children. Since October the 7th, over 13,000 children have died violently in Gaza; 4551 of them were school students. An additional 8,193 children have suffered injuries. We teach children every day, we know that these are not just numbers. Each of these children is as precious as your own child. These are innocent lives, cut short in the most barbaric manner. To date, 231 of our teaching colleagues in Gaza have been murdered, and 762 injured in brutal attacks by the Israeli army, which has been given billions of dollars by the United States to destroy Gaza. Schools - the bastions of hope and enlightenment - are being mercilessly and illegally targeted. A staggering 281 schools have been bombed or damaged; 83 are severely damaged; one-third are inoperable; and seven are utterly destroyed. To compound this tragedy, 133 schools are now makeshift shelters for displaced civilians, clinging to the vain hope that schools will not be targeted. We cannot turn a blind eye to the unambiguous war crimes that are being committed; to the genocidal assertions made by members of the Israeli cabinet; nor to the on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, to facilitiate colonisation of their land. If you also believe that the mass slaughter of children, the assassination of teachers and the destruction of the educational system of Gaza is unacceptable, then we ask you to join us in saying stop. Just stop. Simply stop. We, the undersigned teachers from every corner of the globe, urgently demand you use your influence and resources to champion an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and in the West Bank. The time for diplomatic solutions and decisive action is now. We demand an immediate permanent ceasefire and the effective application of international law. Your contribution doesn't mean you are pro one group or against another. Your petition means you are pro humanity
    3,042 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Teachers for Palestine
  • A 'no carbon' future
    At COP 28, the Irish government spoke on the news about false solutions, like carbon capture and storage. These insufficient solutions are a distraction and so many people around the world know this truth. As young people, we already know that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change and that fossil fuels are responsible for 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. We are the ones that will have to face the climate chaos that we didn’t create. We need to make sure Ireland does not fall into the trap of the fossil fuel industry! Please sign your name and SHARE! Bella, Aya, Zoe, Lucas, Tom, Roisin & Riley! students from North Wicklow Educate Together secondary school
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by North Wicklow Educate Together students
  • Stop the Demolition of Havelock House
    In November 2023, Lotus Property brought Havelock House from Olympian Homes with the aim of using its site for a social housing development for Clanmil Housing. Olympian had made two failed attempts to demolish Havelock House, which were rejected by the local community and Belfast City Council. ​After buying the building, Lotus and Clanmil promised that community concerns would be listened to and there would be proper consultation on the proposed development. Lotus managing director, Alastair Coulson, said that: "The next 12 weeks will be about listening to stakeholders and local communities about these draft plans. We look forward to hearing all views and considering them in our plans." ​But within two weeks, Lotus and Clanmil had sent in contractors to strip out Havelock House with the aim of demolishing in January, even before the public part of their consultation began. Havelock House is one of Northern Ireland’s best-known cultural landmarks. Originally a Victorian linen factory, the building then saw service during World War II as accommodation for soldiers and was most recently the home of UTV. The local community played a key role in overturning the previous plans to demolish Havelock House. Lotus Property's rushed demolition must stop, until the promised community consultation takes place.
    263 of 300 Signatures
  • Stop Hospital Parking Charges
    Last year, NHS workers and patients won a huge victory by campaigning for the NI Assembly to pass legislation to remove all hospital parking charges for all staff, patients and visitors. Devolved governments in Scotland and Wales were able to remove charges - why can't we?
    654 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Ban single use vapes.
    Millions of the devices are thrown away in Europe each week. As a result, thousands of tones of lithium from e-cigarette batteries wind up in landfills each year, threatening nearby waterways with toxic nickel, cobalt, and organic solvents.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Crow
  • Bring compassion to the upcoming decriminalisation bill on cannabis in Ireland
    It's a change for the people of Ireland who understand the health benefits of consuming a natural product than an unnatural one and about the people having a say about there own experience and how it's positively affects them in there personal life
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Show Support Picture
  • Save Moore Street from Demolition
    We the undersigned wish the Moore Street area to be conserved as a cultural historical quarter and street market. We wish the sixteen-building Moore Street terrace to remain intact. We do not wish the decision on how to manage the area to be left in the hands of property developer or developers. Three freedom fighters and a number of civilians received fatal wounds from British gunfire in this street. The seven signatories of Proclamation, five of whom spent their last hours of freedom in Moore Street, were executed by the British along with another seven.  We recognise the enormous historical importance -- not only for Ireland but for the world -- of the events of the 1916 Rising that took place in this area and the value of the artifacts of buildings, footprint laneways and street of the area.  We recognise too the important social history and current value of a daily street market and independent small business area which needs further development along in character which cannot be achieved by the installation of chain stores. We believe that the future sensitive development and conservation of this area should be in public ownership and along lines agreed by public consultation.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Save Moore Street From Demolition
  • Naul - Safe pedestrian routes to school
    We need the community of Naul to come together in one strong voice to demand these changes. What we are asking for is very basic. We want our children to be able to access their school and education in the safest manner possible. For years Naul has been ignored and side lined with more and more traffic coming through the village and past the school at speed. We need to stand up now and make our voices heard and take action before its too late and someone loses their life.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mags Road Safety
  • Make public transport reliable and efficient!
    It should be the norm in a self proclaimed „city“ to offer functioning public transport. People need and deserve to be able to trust time tables, to have access to public transport, in order to commute and to rely on public transport. On paper Galway offers two different bus services - the private bus company Citydirect such as the state-owned company Bus Èireann. In reality, these companies do not fulfill their offered services. Buses do not show up, bus time tables cannot be trusted, buses arrive at self-chosen, random times and are constantly late. This must stop!
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sophia Thieme
  • Swimming Pool for North Fingal
    Children in Balbriggan and surrounding areas do not have the abillity to swim. Only 6/23 schools surveyed in north county Dublin have swimming on the curriculum. Balbriggan was promised a swimming pool in partnership with the rugby club in a plan scrapped in 2016. Skerries was promised a swimming pool years previously. People have to spend time and money to access a pool outside the area. Swimming is a basic life skill and contributes to sport and health of our community.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
  • Petition to get Waterford Council to buy Gallweys Hill site in Tramore
    Defining a site as an area of high amenity and then allowing it be sold to the highest bidder would be a missed opportunity for WCCC and risks it falling into unscrupulous hands. The stability of the cliff face, bird nesting area and viewing platform on this site are extremely important to the town, as confirmed by the Council when planning was denied. The next step to safeguard the site has to be the public purchase of the land.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy