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To: Mayor John Moran

Young People Left in the Cold by Council

We are calling on John Moran, the Newly Elected Mayor of Limerick to use his new position to make a real difference to the people of Limerick and save our youth space.

Why is this important?

We have found out that our community youth  space is about to be closed because the council won't continue to fund it. 

The Factory Youth Space in Limerick City is a space for all the community. Every week hundreds of people use if for youth groups, dance classes, sports and disability groups. The place is hopping! Yet the council just couldn’t be bothered to guarantee funding to keep this essential space open.

We are calling on John Moran, the Newly Elected Mayor of Limerick to use his new position to make a real difference to the people of Limerick and save our youth space.

By Christmas the youth and sports groups will be made homeless as there are no other community spaces to be found. Even Scrooge wouldn’t kick young people with out into the cold. 

We won’t go quietly and are going to kick up a stink. If enough of us shout loud enough together, they can’t pretend not to hear us. We are calling on Mayor John Moran to act on behalf of the people he is supposed to be serving

Sign the petition to help make our voice loud enough that the Mayor can’t pretend not to hear us.  

Limerick Youth Voices
Limerick, Ireland

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500 signatures reached

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