To: Department of Housing, Fingal County Council, MKN Properties, Ryanair.

Homes for Need Petition in Swords

1.  The 25 Ryanair homes at Boroimhe must be immediately given to Fingal County Council to give homes to families on the waiting list.

2. The 85 new homes at Holytree House in Swords need to be taken into public ownership and used to give homes to families on the waiting list.

Why is this important?

“You wouldn’t sell food to a speculator in a famine;
You shouldn’t sell houses to Ryanair during a housing crisis”

Earlier this year, MKN properties sold 25 family homes in Boroimhe in Swords to Ryanair. Eight months later the houses remain empty. Meanwhile there are 14, 486 people, including 4, 419 children, who are officially homeless. A scandal. Not a surprise: You wouldn’t sell food to a speculator in a famine; you shouldn’t sell houses to Ryanair in a housing crisis. Michael O’Leary loves flinging insults at Swords locals, calling them “loonies” for objecting to his and DAA’s profit-crazed plans to increase passenger numbers. We see him. Using vacant family homes as bargaining chips in his squabble with the Department of Transport shows how little he cares about the people of Swords.

MKN properties are currently building another 85 apartments on the nearby Holytree House site. They must not repeat the grossly anti-social act of selling to a for-profit corporation like Ryanair.

Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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