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To: An Taoiseach Simon Harris, The Minister for Mental Health Mary Butler, The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, HSE CEO Bernard Gloster,

Save Us From Suicide

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Reform our Public Mental Health Services Now!
 Improve the current inadequate public mental health services to make quality support immediately accessible for all. 

Why is this important?

My name is Jaime Noonan, I am 25 and suffer with my mental health. 
I am still fighting to try and get the right support to allow me to function and live my life. 
The current support available is not adequate and has not been for years. Under trained GPs, meeting a different junior doctor each time, medication not being monitored correctly and adjusted, year + long waiting lists for therapy and counselling. Being sent home the same day after suicide attempts with no support. It is not working or enough. We need GPs and health professionals to have a better understanding of mental health along with training, better medication monitoring, more frequent appointments and immediate access to quality supports and therapy. Specialised A&Es and better community supports also. 
It is possible and it is needed. 
No one should ever have to feel as though suicide is their only choice. 
I hope you will join me in my fight to reform and revolutionise the current system. 
Thank you. 

How it will be delivered

In person


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2024-09-27 20:40:32 +0100

10 signatures reached