• Stephen Nolan: Stop claiming you have "the biggest show in the country"
    RAJAR, the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK, has found that, on average, from 9am to 10:30am, Cool FM reaches 286,000 adults compared to BBC Radio Ulster's 272,000. It's time for Stephen Nolan and his producers to remove "the biggest show in the country" tagline from the show's title sequence.
    5 of 100 Signatures
  • TCD Should Host a Public Debate on PhD Employee Status
    The issue of employment status has become particularly pressing with the recent launch of PWO's report, 'Workers in All, but Name, Pay, and Conditions' (find at: https://pwo.ie/our-policies/); and imminent publications the Irish Universities Association (IUA) and the final draft of the government's 'National Review of State Supports for PhD Researchers.' PhD researchers have none of the standard entitlements of employees such as PRSI, sick leave, maternity leave, the minimum wage, or the right to join a trade union. They earn less than subsistence wages in conditions of insecurity. The call for employee status has been made as a solution to these problems, bringing us in line with European best practice. Recently organisations such as IFUT, SIPTU, and the USI have all endorsed employee status. But the IUA and university administrators have voiced their opposition. We believe an issue as important as this should be debated openly and across the entire college community. The discussion should not be confined to boardrooms, and all should have the opportunity to hear both sides and express their opinion. That is why we call on the Provost to commit to organising a public debate on the issue that will be open to all students and staff.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rory OSullivan
  • Skerries Fishermen & boating community ask for your SUPPORT
    The new bye-laws concerning the harbour of Skerries are being brought into effect of March 1st 2024 which effect the town of skerries and the use of the harbour and the surrounding "inner harbour" use by all persons and vessels. Local government and representatives have done nothing to support the concerned people of Skerries and stop the Fingal County Council from making new sets of rules which will introduce fines and call for people to be guilty of an offence by continuing their boating/vessel activities in the harbour and surround bay / "inner harbour" of Skerries. Your support to object to the county council heavy handed and authoritarian methods is required. Not only to cause resistance to the new bye-laws but to bring a stop to local authority and elected representatives to doing "whatever they want" when it comes to our town of Skerries with little to no consideration for the people of the town. The people who have voted for such representatives yet receiving no representation once the votes have been counted. When done to others for other issues that do not directly affect YOU, it is no big deal right? Until the day it does effect YOU. Then you will understand why a town must pull together and support each other. The bye-laws proposed do not follow any law of the land of Ireland and are being introduced by the county council to undermine the use of the harbour as we have all known it for generations to date. Your support in signing this petition is to take a stand and have your say or voice heard. It is one thing to join a protest or a march and it is another to know what is going on in your own local back yard and see how changes may not always be for the better of the majority. Again if the local "reps" wish to receive continued support for their careers then it is YOU and all of us together that can demand of them TRUE & PROPER representation. Do not allow local reps and Fingal county council to sweep things under the carpet or make swift changes to the town you have grown to love without having YOUR say. You will note that some of the bye-laws are supported by acts of law or Irish statute, while other new bye-laws are creating / being invented without the support of any established Irish law or statute. It is important to sign the petition for so many more reasons than can be typed into this box. The bye-laws below have been voted on in favour of by council members and approved to come in to effect March 1st 2024. Sign below to support the towns of Skerries, Balbriggan, Loughshinny & Rush. A copy of Harbour bye-laws can be found online
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aidan Mc Nally
  • Public toilets for a Bull Wall + Dollymount Strand
    Public toilets are vital to visitors. Supporting this petition will help to support others who have previously requested facilities. There is power in numbers.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy Moore
  • Save UCC's International Development BSc (CK214)
    We, the students and alumni of UCC’s BSc International Development, are petitioning Cork University Business School (CUBS) to prevent our program from moving into Temporary Cessation on the path to Permanent Cessation. CUBS claims their decision to discontinue the course is due to low engagement numbers. However, we believe this is simply a result of poor advertisement and under-representation on behalf of CUBS. The BSc International Development (IntDev) degree provides an opportunity to learn and act on critical local and global issues such as sustainability, poverty, health, education, aid and development, rural development, food systems, and the Sustainable Development Goals. IntDev is the only undergraduate degree of its kind in Ireland and is indispensable now more than ever because of contemporary matters of pandemics, conflict, and the climate crisis. This course is vital and is the foundation for generations of citizen activists who approach change through various ideological lenses and opportunities. Help us save it for future generations! With its loss, not only are students affected, but also alumni, professors, and other organisations that are looking for people's knowledge and experience in International Development. As the only undergraduate of its kind in Ireland, without it, students will be forced to travel abroad for this education. The degree directly reinforces UCC’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and CUBS’ promise to ‘shape the leaders for a sustainable future.’ CUBS is squandering UCC’s opportunity to become a pioneer for International Development and Aid, an ethos Ireland heavily prides itself on. We implore CUBS to reconsider their decision and encourage them to make a greater effort to promote the course to future leaders at home and abroad. With proper funding and advertisement, International Development has the potential to become one of the foremost degrees in the country and UCC a hub for Aid and Development, but only if we can keep it from being cut. Save BSc International Development!
    2,336 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Freddie Phipps
    ✍🏼… this criminal fraud investigation by An Garda Síochána can help unravel the “fraudulent misrepresentation” by the Vulture Funds
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Reilly
  • Campaign for a Community Woodland in Corca Dhuibhne - Feachtas chun coill comhphobal a bhunú
    We need a woodland in Corca Dhuibhne to help act against climate change and to support biodiversity and our community's wellbeing - a space that will be of benefit to all. The Dingle Peninsula is a place of outstanding natural beauty, we are blessed with a rugged coastline, small sheltered coves, long sandy beaches, rolling hills, majestic mountains, cliffs, wetlands, valleys, lakes and much more, except we have no natural native woodlands. It is the one missing piece in the mosaic of our landscape. To get an immersion in a woodland habitat, residents of the peninsula need to (most likely) drive to Tralee or Castlemaine - our nearest woodlands and a journey of one hour. Our nearest forest, the south side of Killarney National Park, is an hour an a half away. There has been a desire to have a woodland on the western half of the peninsula for many years - this desire coalesced in a working group being formed in Dec 2020 but then the covid lockdown struck and the energy and cohesion dissipated. We are trying to revive the idea again, and the Kerry County Council Climate Action Fund might be an avenue to acquire land and the other necessary resources. We have built up a considerable stock of trees over the years, through seed collection outings, seed processing workshops and nursery care meitheals. Our nursery contains over 3000 native trees, which would be a great start to populate a couple of acres of land. Our vision is to have a native woodland for nature, to support biodiversity, and for the local community. It would be a great asset for the locality, locals and visitors alike, it will enhance our health, wellbeing, community cohesion and offer education possibilities for all ages. Get in touch if you want more information or if you want to be involved [email protected]
    278 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Transition Corca Dhuibhne
  • Speed ramps in Kilfinane Co. Limerick
    To prevent an accident as the speed the cars are driving is disgraceful
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aine Carroll clancy
  • Ferries: stop discrimination against cyclists and foot passengers
    Flying has hugely damaging carbon impacts, and to travel overseas from Ireland, the only lower-carbon option is to take a ferry. Travelling by ferry as a foot passenger or cyclist is lower carbon than taking a motorised vehicle on the ferry. However, the ferry companies which provide services from Ireland to overseas prioritise passengers with motorised vehicles, and in many cases refuse services to cyclists and foot passengers. I have heard many stories from friends who can't get a ferry on a particular route or at a particular time simply because they are travelling without a motorised vehicle instead of with one. I experienced this myself recently on the Irish Ferries Pembroke-Rosslare route, when I decided to pay for a motorcycle ticket with the intention of cycling onto the ferry with my bicycle instead of a motor cycle, but was refused entry to the ferry, and forced to take a much longer and more complicated journey home. See: - https://cyclist.ie/2024/02/inexplicable-bikes-not-on-ferries-policy-highlighted/ (article on Irish Cycling Campaign website) - https://bit.ly/3OWaPCG (my video blog folder about this trip) Other cyclists have also documented their experiences as cyclists crossing the sea to and from Ireland, highlighting ferry companies' nonsensical policies on cyclists. https://philsturgeon.com/bikes-on-ferries/ - documents the nonsensical reasons given for refusal to take cyclists (P&O Ferries). I have heard from families who have been forced to pay a higher price for traveling without a car than than they would if they traveled with a car (Brittany Ferries). This petition: - calls on ferry companies operating from Ireland to provide services to cyclists and foot passengers on every ferry service on which they provide services to motorised cars and motorcycles. - calls on the National Transport Authority to make passenger ferry licenses conditional on non-discrimination against cyclists and foot passengers Please sign and share this petition. Thank you, Elaine Baker, cycling campaigner and environmental activist ( @ElaineActivism on twitter and mastodon, member of Irish Cycling Campaign http://cyclist.ie ).
    1,088 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Baker
  • Improve the 350 Bus Service
    The 350 bus service is highly used, connecting rural villages such as Kinvara, Ballinderreen, Ballyvaughan, Doolin and surrounding areas with Galway city. For many young people this is their only means of travel to Galway city, it is especially important to those attending university in town as with the housing crisis students often cannot afford or even find accommodation in town and rely on this service. Despite the amount of people this bus service should be serving, people are frequently left stranded at their bus stop due to the bus already being packed full at the Cliffs of Moher and other tourist attractions along the way. On several of occasions in the last two years I have waited up to an hour for the bus to arrive only for it to drive past the stop without even stopping in Kinvara, where more than ten people have been left to find alternative ways to town. This is especially frustrating to those trying to get the five o'clock bus on weekend days as the next bus does not come until 8. I was driven to make this petition with my friend Síofra when only today she was left stranded by a passing bus in Kinvara, for the third time since she has started university. Additionally, TFI provide this route with the lower capacity buses which have room for significantly less passengers than the buses used to serve Gort and its surrounding areas. The 350 bus route was referred to the Guardian as being "the most scenic bus route in Ireland" in 2022, as most of the route is now part of Discover Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way tour. While one can appreciate the push for tourists to avail of slow travel and it is wonderful to see our surrounding areas being promoted, the 350 bus service is not a luxury to us as locals, it is a necessity. Signing this petition is a demand for change from the National Transport Authority (TFI) to provide more frequent buses as there is a very clear demand for hourly bus services. I am sure if you ask any bus driver on this route they will be very familiar with this problem, but unfortunately it is not in their control to change this. It is up to the National Transport Authority to acknowledge this problem and resolve it with an increased servicing of this area. TFI are unlikely to attend to this issue without political power behind us as individuals, but collective action and a push from local Councillor Joe Byrne, Galway South-East TD's Ciarán Cannon, Séan Canney and Anne Rabbitte could be all we need for this change to happen. If you have been affected by the poor servicing, we understand your frustration! Please consider signing this petition, which will be presented to the relevant TDs and our local Councillor as well as TFI. Please also consider sharing this petition as I'm sure you know someone who has also experienced this. Thank you, Aoibhín and Síofra
    1,134 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aoibhin Twomey
  • Action needed for derelict buildings in Youghal Co. Cork
    Many of you will know my parents Thomas and Maura Walsh, they have lived at 31 Friar Street for the past 52 years, they take pride in their house and maintain it to a good standard. They have worked hard, pay their taxes including their property tax. They are adjoined to 30 Friar Street, once a historical building now vacant and left to ruin. Living next to a derelict building has a very negative impact if you are attached. 30 Friar Street has no roof therefore the weather is causing the interior of the building to collapse causing damp and infestation of rodents especially in the winter months. Going to bed every night not knowing if the wall your bed is against may collapse is very stressful for my parents. This is compounded by the concerns over the potential danger to pedestrians if the beam collapses and falls through one of the front windows onto Friar Street. My father has asked the town hall councillors for help over this matter for over three years. As there has been no action to remedy any of the safety concerns he has asked me to help. Since January 2023 we have contacted the Councillors at Youghal town hall, the Garda station, requested freedom of information (FOI), Ombudsman, Director of service, East Cork Municipal District officer, CEO Cork County Council. Ireland have a Derelict site act and a Local government (Sanitary Services) Act 1964 that can be served on behalf of the Town council to ensure the safety of buildings to prevent public liability. A notice was served to the owner of 30 Friar Street in September 2022 with 8 weeks to respond. The owners of the property did not respond to the request. My parents were told that under Tort law it is their responsibility for the upkeep of their property and to go after the owners themselves if the property is causing a nuisance! However the Director of Service has promised some remedial work but this has not happened. We have 25 vacant properties in Youghal and about 9 could be defined as derelict. Without the support of the Town Hall to use the law to protect this town and its residents these buildings are going to become liabilities for all and health and safety hazards for those in close proximity. As we have failed to progress this matter using all avenues available to us, resulting in no signs of a resolution or progress in any form, could we please ask for your help and support? 30 Friar Street is at risk of further deterioration and potential collapse in the coming months. The facade of the building is listed due to its historic interest. There are likely many other buildings across our town with similar fates. If you think that Cork County Council should prioritise the plight of derelict buildings, could you please sign this petition as putting pressure on this issue may support my parents and the health and safety risks they inevitability face as the building continues to deteriorate.
    1,291 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Irene Karrouze
  • Pay Irish Student Nurses
    Student nurses in Ireland are working 12 hour shifts 3 days a week and aren’t paid a cent. They’re paying for their transport to and from placement and their meals whilst working. They deserve to be compensated for the money they’re spending. They play an important role in our healthcare system and are the future of our care.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Smith