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To: TDs, Councillors, Principals, Teachers, Community

Save Donegal Education Centre

Prevent Donegal Education Centre moving from Donegal Town to Letterkenny.

Why is this important?

The dedicated staff who work there are asking for our support to help them keep their jobs local. The Centre supports our schools and local community. It is too valuable a resource to loose. Please sign and share my petition if you wish to give your support to my campaign. Alone I can do nothing, together we have a chance to succeed. Thank you all so much.
Donegal Town Centre, Donegal, Co. Donegal, Ireland

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2025-02-03 18:02:12 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2025-01-31 22:29:52 +0000

500 signatures reached

2025-01-31 20:23:19 +0000

100 signatures reached

2025-01-31 19:59:52 +0000

50 signatures reached

2025-01-31 19:52:26 +0000

25 signatures reached

2025-01-31 19:45:12 +0000

10 signatures reached