• Close the 15% Gender Pay Gap at Queen's University Belfast
    Queen's is now a leading UK university - but for all the wrong reasons. Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that in 2017 - QUB's female professors earn an average of almost almost 15% less than their male colleagues - an average gap totalling £11,798. To put this into some perspective - this is the highest pay gap among the 24 leading UK universities, known as the Russell Group. It's entirely unacceptable that in 2017 a leading publicly funded university pays men 15% more than women for the same job. Join with Uplift today and sign our petition to demand the Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Queen's University take meaningful action today to address and reverse this shameful pay gap.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ciarnan Helferty
  • Keep people working in libraries not machines
    People are losing contact with people leading to poorer mental health. Libraries are ideal places to have a chat with someone. Also working there is a lovely satisfying job.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sinead O Brien
  • Equality for ROI Women's Soccer Team
    Our international women's team is being treated very unfairly. The IFA are a wealthy organisation and have a duty to all players to treat them with respect and equality.
    725 of 800 Signatures
  • Extend the remit of Mother and Baby Homes Commission
    The Mother and Baby Homes Commission has found that there is a 'culture of “institutionalisation and human trafficking” has existed amongst various religious orders and State-funded institutions.' In light of the horrific news of the mass grave in Tuam, all other Mother and Baby Homes now need to be investigated. Only 14 Mother and Baby Homes and 4 County Homes are included within the Commission's Terms of Reference, but numerous people and organisations, including the United Nations and women who spent time in these homes, believe that the scope of the Commission's investigations should be widened.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Panti Bliss to present Shamrock to Trump
    It is important to try and send a strong and crystal clear message from as many people worldwide to show defiance against the tyrannical regime that seems to be infecting the United States of America.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Make the world a nicer place
  • Michael D for the White House
    Enda will not stand up to Trump. He will embarrass the nation. Michael D Higgins on the other hand will eloquently represent us and honor our human values.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paudie Quirke
  • Dont let Irish Airports be used to enforce Trumps ban
    We are not racist, dont let Trump make us look like we are.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Malone
  • The Irish Times should not legitimise racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or fascism
    Dear Mr. O' Sullivan, We the undersigned are asking that the Irish Times publish an apology for printing an article containing racist, transphobic and misogynistic slurs in an uncritical manner. It is abbhorent that an article would be published by a media outlet about a fascist movement without using the word fascist to describe that movement. Instead, the editorial team uncritically accepted and presented the language of the so called 'alt-right'. Thus far, instead of an apology for this failure in media responsibility, the editor of the opinion section, John MacManus, has attempted to justify his position by making a false comparison between fascism and the movement for reproductive rights in Ireland. This is unacceptable and shows a deep misunderstanding of the issue at hand and what the responsibilities of the media are in this instance. We are at a watershed moment when fascism is rising across Europe and the USA and the media has a responsibility to report this in an accurate and critical manner. Fascism thrives on stereotyping and scapegoating vulnerable groups in society. By publishing this piece the Irish Times is feeding into the normalisation of intolerance. We sign this petition to send a clear message to you and the editorial staff of the Irish Times. We do not want this paper to be a platform for fascism. We do not want people from vulnerable groups to be hurt by slurs against their personhood.We want you to apologise so as to make it clear that you agree that we do not want to see such failures in editorial responsibility becoming commonplace in the Irish media. Regards,
    576 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Bogue
  • Include professional childminders in new childcare subsidies now
    At the moment, only 125 childminders are registered with TUSLA & included in the new childcare package in Budget 2017. However, up to 2000 more professional childminders are: -Registered members of Childminding Ireland or -Notified to County Childcare Committees, or -Registered with Revenue for Childcare Tax Relief Most of these professional childminders have insurance, garda vetting and training in childcare. Surveys indicate that over 50% have FETAC 5 in childcare. They are not registered with TUSLA because they are NOT ALLOWED TO, since they mind 3 or fewer children at any one time. Thousands of parents choose childminding because they feel it's the best for their children. Thousands more rural parents choose a childminder because there is no other option. Thousands more choose a childminder because they offer flexible, often very long hours, to parents, who may need childcare for over 12 hours a day. They should be able to avail of the childcare subsidies at their professional childminders. The Goodbody Report estimated that there were 19,000 childminders with as many as 57,000 children attending a 'hidden‘ childminding service in 2011. It is completely unacceptable that only 125 childminders (,0.1%) will be included in the new scheme. Ultimately all childminders should be included in some form of registration and all families who choose childminder care should be supported. In the meantime, at least include those who have spent considerable time and money in becoming professionals and engaging with professional and state agencies. IT IS UNFAIR TO EXCLUDE THEM WHEN THEY CANNOT REGISTER WITH TUSLA. IT IS UNFAIR TO THE THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES AND CHILDREN THEY SERVE. Minister, do the right thing, and include these professional childminders in the new childcare subsidy scheme.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by M. A. O'Reilly
  • Stay-At-Home Parents Provide Childcare Too
    Childcare costs for stay-at-home parents - it costs 100% of their salary. It's a matter of equality that any provision for childcare in the budget needs to be paid equally to these families, who are struggling to keep their heads above water. A payment to help one family and not another pits families against each other, when all families deserve to be helped. We need to put people first. This is about giving every parent, regardless of their gender and their family structure, the right to choose how to care for their children, which is such a short period of their lives but can be such a struggle. All financial positions are comparative and what makes families poor is that they shoulder the financial burden of bringing up the next generation. This burden is every bit as real for those whose childcare costs involve them working at home for no money. It makes it harder to rent a house. It makes is harder to buy a house. And it makes it harder to put food on the table. The fact that we do not have occupations in the public eye does not mean we don't exist and it does not mean that we don't provide a valuable service for society. Help show that this matters by supporting the campaign.
    3,071 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Pauline O'Reilly
  • Protect Lone Parents
    This is simply unfair. Lone parents are being forced in to an impossible situation where they have to seek maintenance from non custodial parents, or risk having their payments cut. But, get this - at the same time the Department of Social Protection has told non custodial parents, that they don’t have to pay. This is placing an unfair burden on lone parents who have to seek maintenance from the other parent. Domestic abuse survivors have to choose to suffer a financial loss or make contact with their abuser. A lone parent without an address can not issue legal proceedings and can not comply with the condition. These are just some examples of the countless ways that this oversight by the department is making lone parents suffer. Many lone parents have lost child maintenance after the Department of Social Protection wrote to non custodial parents, it is unfair for the department to now threaten these same parents because of their own legislative error.
    817 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Bayliss
  • Change the rules so that lone parents can go to college
    I and other lone parents like me want the opportunity to go to college and break the cycle of poverty for myself and my daughter. But without being able to access the Back to Education Allowance this is not possible. I have been offered a place in Trinity College but can't take the offer because I work part time and rely on FIS. The rules were changed last year and are forcing lone parents to remain in poverty.
    4,726 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Erica Fleming