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Reform Irish Laws on Pet TheftI've been campaigning for nearly 4 years. There is a silent epidemic happening here in Ireland that started during the pandemic in 2020 when more people started bringing dogs into their homes. Companion animals, dogs in particular, are still being stolen in large quantities and daily. They are being stolen to order or if the dog happens to be a breed in high demand. Currently the theft of a pet is treated by the law, the very same as stealing a mobile phone. Pet theft needs its own classification as a crime within the law. The theft of a pet can have a devastating effect on its owners and their family. This should be reflected in the sanction given out for such a theft. Where the theft is of therapy or support dog there should be an even greater sanction. Please help me by signing today.5,932 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa O'Connor
The removal of Joe Biden mural in BallinaHaving a large mural of US president Joe Biden in Ballina reflects very badly on the people of Ballina, Mayo and Ireland who hold very different views to Joe regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.3,141 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Paul Ginty
The coxies should get a dogthe Cox family need a dog because it will teach us responsibility, commitment, to get off screens,be more active, sharing and will also give us emotional support.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Riley Cox
Stop Ireland Outsourcing Cruel Animal TestingA Freedom of Information investigation by the Irish Anti-Vivisection Society has uncovered horrific chinchilla experiments on an estimated 23 chinchillas commissioned by the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. The vivisection project, which broke animal welfare rules on multiple occasions, was intended to test a potential new treatment for chronic ear drum perforation (Tympanic Membrane Perforation). The procedures, which took place in the spring and summer of 2021, were performed in the USA at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Unlike Ireland and the EU, the USA has no independent government regulation of animal experimentation so there are no legal limits on animal cruelty. Therefore, the IAVS is calling on the government to initiate the drafting of legislation prohibiting the outsourcing of animal testing or research - by any Irish laboratory, institution or commercial enterprise - to countries with weaker regulations.150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Irish Anti-Vivisection Society
Stop the use of palm oilEvery 5 seconds in the Amazon, land nearly the size if a football pitch is cut down, just for the use of palm oil! When we reach our 1000 signatures goal, we are going to send this petition onto Nestle, the company that uses the most palm oil in there products in the world59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emily Curran
Palm Oil DebateMy friend and I are going to send this on to Nestlé when we reach our 1000 signatures goal8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emily Curran
End Animals tied to chainsNo living creature deserves to be chained and left alone in the rain, cold and feeling sad and hopeless. All animals deserve respect and a good life.74 of 100 Signatures
Save Our TreesTrees are essential to our existence. They provide us with oxygen, reduce carbon and give life to the world's wildlife. Saving our trees will reduce greenhouse gases, protect our wildlife and bees, and make sure our environment and communities can be enjoyed by future generations.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Keogh
Stop BOTOX Animal TestingBotox is the brand name of one of the products containing the nerve poison botulinum toxin. The toxin is used for medical and increasingly for cosmetic applications. A small injection causes facial wrinkles to disappear. But the price for the short term 'beauty' is paid by the suffering and death of thousands of mice. Each batch is tested using the LD50 test before it reaches consumers. A sample is injected into the abdomen of mice. The mice suffer paralysis, impaired vision and respiratory distress. After three or four days of suffering, they die from suffocation. The IAVS has supported the campaign 'Stop Botox animal testing' since 2009 to inform the public, to put pressure on the manufacturers still testing on animals as well as on authorities to speed up the validation and implementation of animal-free methods and to remove the LD50 mouse assay in the EU legislation.2,062 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Irish Anti-Vivisection Society
Don't shop, adoptMore than 30 dogs are abandoned every day in Ireland. These animals don't have a place to call home or an owner to cuddle with. Think twice before paying hundreds for a new puppy. There are a lot of animals in cages, sad and unloved, who are willing to find a new home.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Noelle Carrizo
Stop Return of UCC Race Day-Students in UCC do not want to see the return of Race Day. - Race Day promotes animal cruelty, gambling, fast fashion and binge drinking. All the while, creating an unsafe environment for attendees and portraying a bad reputation of the student body to the public. -Efforts should be put into events which promote better values; events that do not use animals for our entertainment, and that do not encourage young people to gamble during a cost of living crisis. Horse Racing in Ireland -176 horses have died on racetracks since 2021. Thousands more are bred for the industry and are killed when they are not profitable. -€72.8 million of taxpayers money was paid out to the horse racing industry in 2023, compared to only €15 million total which was paid to the FAI, GAA, Athletics Ireland, Swim Ireland and the Special Olympics combined. -Horses are unique and intelligent animals, we don’t need to use them for entertainment. For more information… -List of Horses killed on Irish Racetracks https://irishhorsedeathwatch.com/ -Watch the BBC’s documentary ‘Panorama - The Dark Side of Horse Racing’ -Visit website of the National Animal Rights Association https://naracampaigns.org/ and read their campaign to stop Horse Racing https://naracampaigns.org/horse-racing/ -Further reading on Blood Sports in Ireland https://banbloodsports.wordpress.com/?fbclid=PAAabu4O8kG-Vv2TmH-3iaB3_MvIfy2pNcc51VIVVam3SVW80ndInZ0EvA0YU -Sign petition to stop government funding of Horse Racing https://www.change.org/p/irish-government-stop-giving-millions-of-euros-to-horse-racing - Australian Coalition for the Protection of Rachorses, #NupTheCup Campaign https://horseracingkills.com To support horses in Ireland visit My Lovely Horse Rescue https://www.mylovelyhorserescue.com/216 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Vegan Society
Stop Poisoning/Polluting Ireland's FreshwatersThere is nothing more important to us as a nation than to care for, nurture, protect and preserve the health and well-being of our children and grandchildren. A very close second is the need to protect and preserve our natural environment for those generations that follow us, who will depend upon it. A recent submission to the Citizens Assembly examining Bio-Diversity Loss in Ireland confirmed that our natural freshwaters are being deliberately, unlawfully polluted by 5000 defective (leaking) slurry/effluent storage tanks that were built on NI farms, thousands of which were built in the border counties of Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh and Armagh. * Updated to: https://citizensassembly.ie/wp-content/uploads/396_Redacted.pdf The toxic contents leaking from those defective tanks pollute/poison local streams rivers and lakes that flow across the 310mile border and pollute/poison the freshwaters in the border counties of Donegal, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and the counties beyond them, killing the marine life and flora and fauna that exist in those freshwaters and causing/contributing to the pollution recorded by the EPA in their reports. RTE reported the EPA Studies that confirm the levels of pollution in our natural freshwaters. https://www.rte.ie/news/environment/2022/1014/1329164-epa-water-quality/ https://www.rte.ie/news/2022/1020/1330259-epa-sewage-report/ Those streams, rivers and lakes are the source of the water that we all use/drink every day. Think of this when you pour your next cup of tea/coffee or hand your child a glass of tap-water to drink. *Update: On 26-01-23 the European Commission referred Ireland to the European Court over its failures to protect its freshwaters from pollution and maintain acceptable standards of drinking water.* Please sign this petition and forward it to your elected representative and please also share it with your friends and family and ask them to do the same.225 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Pat O'Connor