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To: Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture

Shut down Kildare's Horse Abattoir

Thanks to thousands of Uplift members, Minister McConalogue has shut down the Shannonside Foods horse slaughterhouse.

But we know it is not enough and we can’t rest, while more animals are still being horribly abused. We are going to get to the truth about what’s really going on! We'll commission an in-depth investigation into why there are so many animal welfare problems in Ireland.

Will you help make this project a success by chipping in to reach the €4,000 needed to get going?

Shut down Shannonside Foods' horse abbatoir in Kildare. The appalling mistreatment of horses uncovered by RTÉ Investigates must not be allowed to stand.

Why is this important?

The abuse uncovered by RTÉ Investigates at Shannonside Foods' horse abattoir in Kildare has shocked us all. Footage captured by RTÉ has shown horses being hit, punched, whipped and struck with plastic piping. 

Together, we are calling on the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to shut down this abattoir with immediate effect. If those who own the abattoir feel it's OK to treat animals like this, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them. 

Please sign and share our petition today, and help us get this abattoir shut down.
Kildare, Ireland

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2024-06-19 14:50:47 +0100

Petition is successful with 33,783 signatures

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20,000 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached