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To: Minister Jim O' Callaghan - Department of Justice

Reform Irish Laws on Pet Theft

In the words of the new Minister -

 "Pet theft is a serious crime which can come with prison sentences of up to ten years for theft and for handling of stolen property and up to five years for possession of stolen property.

They are NOT Property.

Dogs and other companion pets are still being stolen daily in Ireland.

The theft of a pet needs its own classification and adequate punishment


Why is this important?

I've been campaigning for nearly 4 years.

There is a silent epidemic happening here in Ireland that started during the pandemic in 2020 when more people started bringing dogs into their homes.

Companion animals, dogs in particular, are still being stolen in large quantities and daily. 

They are being stolen to order or if the dog happens to be a breed in high demand. 

Currently the theft of a pet is treated by the law, the very same as stealing a mobile phone.

Pet theft needs its own classification as a crime within the law. 

The theft of a pet can have a devastating effect on its owners and their family.

This should be reflected in the sanction given out for such a theft.

Where the theft is of therapy or support dog there should be an even greater sanction.

Please help me by signing today.

How it will be delivered



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2025-02-13 13:24:23 +0000

My interview on Spotify with Rob the Dog Podcast and Dec's Pets.

2025-02-13 13:08:52 +0000

We've a new Minister for Justice. On emailing his department I got the same copy and paste answer that he got from the last government. This was sent back to me again. Please help by sharing and asking others to sign and share.

2024-11-19 18:30:01 +0000

Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition. I am awaiting an update from the House of Oireachtas, hopefully this week. I am also watching closely who will be elected the next Minister of Justice. I will keep campaigning to get laws changed in Ireland.
Currently the theft of a pet is still treated by the law as the very same as stealing a deck chair. The theft of a pet can have a devastating effect on its owners and their family.
This should be reflected in the sanction given out for such a theft.
Dogs and other companion pets are still being stolen daily in Ireland.
The theft of a pet needs its own classification and adequate punishment.

2024-08-20 13:21:06 +0100

On 11/7/24 - My Petition was read & considered after engagement with the Ombudsman & Information Commissioner & representatives from his office.

During these meetings, the Committee agreed that: 
- The correspondence from the Department of Justice be forwarded to the petitioner for comment within 14 days.
- To write to the Minister of State, Deputy James Browne, to see where the legislation is presently.

Update 25/7/24 - I replied to correspondence from General Secretary Department of Justice and forwarded to Public Petitions Committee.

Update 2/8/24 - Reply from Joint Committee on Public Petitions to inform me the above will be brought to the attention of the Committee at its next private meeting on Wednesday 18 September 2024.
Link to transcript and recording - Debate of the 11 July meeting via the Oireachtas website -

2024-07-11 18:02:38 +0100

Thank you to Everyone who has signed, shared and supported the Online campaign.

My Petition being read today. It's so important that these Animals and their families have a voice.
Petition Number P00049/24 “Reform Irish Laws on Pet Theft”
The petition was considered after the engagement with the Ombudsman and Information Commissioner and representatives from his office.

2024-07-10 21:24:05 +0100

Petition Number P00049/24 “Reform Irish Laws on Pet Theft

Some Positive news and movement on the Campaign.

I submitted the Petition to the House of Oireachtas.

The petition will be discussed in public session at the Committee meeting tomorrow
(Thursday 11 July 2024) which is due to commence at 1.30 p.m.

The petition will be considered after the engagement with the Ombudsman
and Information Commissioner and representatives from his office.

You will be able to view the meeting live online via the Oireachtas website.
On behalf of the myself and the campaign,

This wouldn't have been possible without your support. Thank you!

2024-06-17 14:28:21 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2024-06-06 16:18:32 +0100

For Anyone outside Republic of Ireland who would like to sign please select option in Constituency box - “Not in Ireland” thank you
Thank you.

2024-05-31 22:43:02 +0100

I was interviewed on a panel discussion on Newstalk Lunchtime Live 30/5/24. Listen back -

2024-05-25 17:44:56 +0100

We have passed the 4000 mark. Thank you Everyone for your Support.

2024-05-19 00:04:05 +0100

My interview for radio 18/5/24 -

2024-05-15 16:54:01 +0100

We have passed the 2000 mark. Let’s keep this going. Thank you Everyone for signing.

2024-04-29 18:09:10 +0100

For Anyone outside Republic of Ireland who would like to sign please select option in Constituency box - “Not in Ireland”
Thank you.

2024-04-22 18:18:48 +0100

Thank you Everyone that has signed. We have reach over the 1000 mark. Let’s keep this going.

2024-04-22 10:20:09 +0100

1,000 signatures reached