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To: Dear Minister Chambers, The current lack of support for small businesses is pushing many towards collapse. Immediate action is needed to safeguard their future, and by extension, your position with voters.

Save Our Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops: Act Now Before It's Too Late

Dark Doors, Dark Futures.

Has been  created to spotlight the urgent crisis in Ireland’s retail and hospitality sectors. Crippling taxes, skyrocketing energy costs, and unsustainable labor charges are pushing businesses to the brink of closure, leaving workers in peril.

These are the main concerns that must be urgently addressed.

What Needs to Be Done:

  • Reverse the VAT Ievel bring back 9%
    The VAT at  13.5% is unsustainable for small businesses. Reversing increase bring back 9%, this will ease tax burdens and help businesses survive rising costs.

  • Pause & Reform Further Labor Cost Increases
    New measures like sick pay, PRSI hikes, and pension auto-enrollment are overwhelming businesses. A pause and review of these policies is essential to prevent further strain on already struggling businesses.

  • Conduct a Full Policy Impact Review & Reform
    The government must assess how their policies are affecting small businesses, from vat to excise duty and wage rises especially in labor-intensive sectors, before introducing any more cost-increasing measures.

  • Provide Targeted Financial Support
    One-off grants are not enough. The government needs to introduce sustained support, such as tax breaks, wage subsidies or energy cost rebates to address the long-term challenges faced by the hospitality and retail sectors.

  • Immediate Action to Prevent January Closures
    Without government intervention, more closures are expected in coming months, and a  dark future for 2025 . Urgent action now will protect jobs, businesses, and communities across Ireland.

We are Open for Change, 
Goverment, Where are you

Why is this important?

Support Is Crucial: 
We cannot wait any longer. The heart of our communities—restaurants, pubs, cafés, and shops—are at risk. Each closure means more jobs lost, more social spaces gone, and greater isolation for all of us.

If you work in these industries, your job could be next. We are nearing a tipping point, and without public pressure, the future of our cities, towns and villages are in jeopardy.

Sign the petition + Spread the word.
We need the help of your voice to demand government action now before it’s too late. Together, we can protect our businesses, our jobs, and our communities.

As a customer or fellow worker who values your local coffee shop, retail or hospitality business, realise that we are suffering and that your support and encouragement is important.

Follow Us for further action.
Follow us on X for updates.
Don't let it be another Dark Door.

Support material for your business.
Posters/POS art work  & What's App Badge
(make your customers aware & to sign the petition)


A day of mass nationwide voluntary closures.
This silent protest will have Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops, will darken their doors to highlight the plight of these sectors.

A date will be confirmed soon.
Follow us on X for updates.

Minister Jack Chambers
Message him on  X

We are Open for Change, 
Goverment, Where are you?

How it will be delivered

After this day of silent and dark door protests, the signed petition will then be delivered in person to Minister for Finance, Jack Chambers office. We also be asking for meeting with key industry contacts.

Make your voice heard now and at the next Election.
Minister for Finance Jack Chambers
The Constituency office for Jack Chambers TD is in Dublin West
His contact number is 01-6933393
[email protected]



2024-10-19 10:55:33 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-10-17 12:32:06 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-10-16 13:36:15 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-10-15 18:28:24 +0100

10 signatures reached