• Ferries: stop discrimination against cyclists and foot passengers
    Flying has hugely damaging carbon impacts, and to travel overseas from Ireland, the only lower-carbon option is to take a ferry. Travelling by ferry as a foot passenger or cyclist is lower carbon than taking a motorised vehicle on the ferry. However, the ferry companies which provide services from Ireland to overseas prioritise passengers with motorised vehicles, and in many cases refuse services to cyclists and foot passengers. I have heard many stories from friends who can't get a ferry on a particular route or at a particular time simply because they are travelling without a motorised vehicle instead of with one. I experienced this myself recently on the Irish Ferries Pembroke-Rosslare route, when I decided to pay for a motorcycle ticket with the intention of cycling onto the ferry with my bicycle instead of a motor cycle, but was refused entry to the ferry, and forced to take a much longer and more complicated journey home. See: - https://cyclist.ie/2024/02/inexplicable-bikes-not-on-ferries-policy-highlighted/ (article on Irish Cycling Campaign website) - https://bit.ly/3OWaPCG (my video blog folder about this trip) Other cyclists have also documented their experiences as cyclists crossing the sea to and from Ireland, highlighting ferry companies' nonsensical policies on cyclists. https://philsturgeon.com/bikes-on-ferries/ - documents the nonsensical reasons given for refusal to take cyclists (P&O Ferries). I have heard from families who have been forced to pay a higher price for traveling without a car than than they would if they traveled with a car (Brittany Ferries). This petition: - calls on ferry companies operating from Ireland to provide services to cyclists and foot passengers on every ferry service on which they provide services to motorised cars and motorcycles. - calls on the National Transport Authority to make passenger ferry licenses conditional on non-discrimination against cyclists and foot passengers Please sign and share this petition. Thank you, Elaine Baker, cycling campaigner and environmental activist ( @ElaineActivism on twitter and mastodon, member of Irish Cycling Campaign http://cyclist.ie ).
    1,127 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Baker
  • Improve the 350 Bus Service
    The 350 bus service is highly used, connecting rural villages such as Kinvara, Ballinderreen, Ballyvaughan, Doolin and surrounding areas with Galway city. For many young people this is their only means of travel to Galway city, it is especially important to those attending university in town as with the housing crisis students often cannot afford or even find accommodation in town and rely on this service. Despite the amount of people this bus service should be serving, people are frequently left stranded at their bus stop due to the bus already being packed full at the Cliffs of Moher and other tourist attractions along the way. On several of occasions in the last two years I have waited up to an hour for the bus to arrive only for it to drive past the stop without even stopping in Kinvara, where more than ten people have been left to find alternative ways to town. This is especially frustrating to those trying to get the five o'clock bus on weekend days as the next bus does not come until 8. I was driven to make this petition with my friend Síofra when only today she was left stranded by a passing bus in Kinvara, for the third time since she has started university. Additionally, TFI provide this route with the lower capacity buses which have room for significantly less passengers than the buses used to serve Gort and its surrounding areas. The 350 bus route was referred to the Guardian as being "the most scenic bus route in Ireland" in 2022, as most of the route is now part of Discover Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way tour. While one can appreciate the push for tourists to avail of slow travel and it is wonderful to see our surrounding areas being promoted, the 350 bus service is not a luxury to us as locals, it is a necessity. Signing this petition is a demand for change from the National Transport Authority (TFI) to provide more frequent buses as there is a very clear demand for hourly bus services. I am sure if you ask any bus driver on this route they will be very familiar with this problem, but unfortunately it is not in their control to change this. It is up to the National Transport Authority to acknowledge this problem and resolve it with an increased servicing of this area. TFI are unlikely to attend to this issue without political power behind us as individuals, but collective action and a push from local Councillor Joe Byrne, Galway South-East TD's Ciarán Cannon, Séan Canney and Anne Rabbitte could be all we need for this change to happen. If you have been affected by the poor servicing, we understand your frustration! Please consider signing this petition, which will be presented to the relevant TDs and our local Councillor as well as TFI. Please also consider sharing this petition as I'm sure you know someone who has also experienced this. Thank you, Aoibhín and Síofra
    1,136 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aoibhin Twomey
  • Construct a Footpath to our School
    As a parent and concerned resident of Youghal, I'm fearful for the safety of our children going to school daily with the lack of a footpath leading to the school from the bottom of the Newline to Pobail Scoil Na Trionoide. There are over 1,500 people attending the school daily including Children and staff. This makes for an extremely busy place. The right for our children to walk to school safely is not just about convenience, it's about their fundamental right as citizen. According to UNICEF's convention on the rights of the child (article19) governments must do all the can to protect our children from harm. I believe that this includes providing them with a safe route to and from school. Our school is growing annually, thus creating a greater risk of an accident. There is so much happening on Cork Hill. The largest portion of the town is living up there. Also very close to the school there are factories, industrial units, Hospital, Ambulance base, Petrol station, Athletic club, Rugby club, water tower several farms, planning for a health centre the list goes on. If this footpath was built it would take some pressure off Cork Hill and make the strand area more accessible to our children & all residents of our town. I understand that infrastructure projects like this require funding and planning, but I believe our children's safety should be prioritised. The project would benefit our community now and for future generations. I urge Cork County Council and our government to act now. CONSTRUCT A FOOTPATH TO OUR SCHOOL. By signing this petition you are standing up for the safety of Children and showing your support for making their journey safer every day........
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Eimear Coffey
  • Grit the main Sligo/Roscommon Road
    Updating the road will create safe environment for drivers and reduce crashes between Sligo and Roscommon.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kelly
  • A zebra crossing near Knocknaheeney
    Because we should be able to cross the road safely, without causing an accident.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Walsh
  • Extend DART+ to Kilcock
    Kilcock has become an important commuter town and must treated as such. Residents in the area are becoming increasingly and justifiably frustrated with the transport options in the town; an unfit train service, and a bus service that is unreliable and lacking punctuality. The people of Kilcock deserve better. The NTA will be reviewing the plans in 2025. We must throw our full support behind a campaign for a "bolt-on" service to the train depot, that would facilitate a station and secure the DART+ for Kilcock.
    1,129 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Melrose
  • Update Ireland's Aviation Policy
    The stated main goals of Ireland's aviation policy are about: 1. Enhancing connectivity for the needs of business, tourism and consumers. 2. Growing aviation enterprise 3. Maximising the contribution of the aviation sector to Ireland’s economic growth and development Goal 3 is incompatible with other areas of government policy, in particular in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. Goal 3 also encourages the aviation sector to behave in ways which are contrary to the well-being of the citizens of Ireland in the future, as well as to other people outside Ireland likely to be impacted by climate change. Given that commercial aviation fuel is tax exempt, this amounts to a subsidy of tens of billions of euros in Europe annually, and this subsidy should be discussed in the formation of Ireland's new aviation policy.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cornelius Traas
  • Protect our children – install zebra crossings
    We should be able to walk to the local shops without fear of being hit by a car. The footpath down to the local shops and playground / teen space leads directly to a busy road at a T-junction. There is no zebra crossing on the road, so children and residents are forced to look 3 ways to ensure they can cross safely. A zebra crossing is a quick and cheap solution. It would force cars to slow down and allow children and residents safe passage.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jess Spear Picture
  • Reopen train line Cork - Midleton - Youghal
    With growing developments and population around Youghal area, train lines can reduce traffic and improve public transport for people living between Youghal-Cork. There are around 20k cars travelling on N25 coming through Castlemartyr a day. New developments in the area mean more cars and further traffic. Proper train line could help reduce it.
    4,789 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Save Our Malahide Road Bus Stops
    Bus Connects has been granted permission by An Bord Pleanala to remove the bus stops at Danieli Road (1219) and Killester Avenue (1220). These are proposed to be replaced by a single bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower, on a narrow footpath with no room for a bus shelter. This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km. The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities. This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly. The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala. At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works. Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design. Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.
    1,565 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Stops
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • Newtownmountkennedy roundabouts-not lights
    We believe that implementing roundabouts instead of traffic lights can enhance traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve overall road safety. Sign this petition to advocate for the installation of roundabouts in our community. Let's create a smoother and more efficient traffic experience for everyone!
    1,425 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Shauna Soady