Gaelscoil Inse Chór pupils and their families are in danger every day crossing Chaplizod Bypass!
Cars jump the red lights.
There is not enough time on the pedestrian crossing.
Crash barriers are missing.
Bushes are overgrown on the traffic island, blocking visibility.
Cars are speeding up Con Colbert Road and across the roundabout.
Some of the very high lamp posts on the roundabout, have had no working bulb for months.
There are no CHILD TRAFFIC SAFETY SIGNS telling motorists there is a primary school near the roundabout.
There are no child safety road markings, on South Circular Road or Concolbert Road, approaching the school - warning motorists to drive carefully near a primary school.
Parents/children on the school cyclebus do not feel safe.
We need support and action from the Sustainable Mobility and Projects Division in DCC and for the area traffic engineer(s) to meet with parents/carers and implement urgent child safety measures for Gaelscoil Inse Chór primary school pupils and their families.