• DUP: No government, no salaries
    We are in the midst of a cost of living crisis and the pressure on the health waiting lists is unparallelled. Article 47 of the Northern Ireland Act confers on the Secretary of State powers to cap or reduce salaries if the Executive isn’t functioning. We need a government in Northern Ireland. In signing on the roll, but refusing to nominate a Speaker, the DUP has ensured that they will be paid their salaries, while they refuse to do their jobs. This can't stand.
    9 of 100 Signatures
  • Delay New NMH Cabinet Decision
    The new NMH will be our new maternity hospital. We need all uncertainty removed (all documents published) and questions answered such as: - Publishing all correspondence between the Sisters of Charity & the Vatican to demonstrate what, if any, conditions apply to the transfer of land to SV Holdings CLG - What conditions, if any, are applied to the Indemnity provided by SVHG to the Sisters of Charity? - What happens to operation of new NMH if a claim against the Sisters of Charity significantly impacts SVHG finances? Will the State be expected to vail out the hospital group? - Given a new hospital lifespan is 50-70 years, does this 299 year lease sign the taxpayer up to building successive new maternity hospitals in order to not breach 10 euro yearly discounted rent? - What requirements are detailed in contracts to require SVHG to provide all required adult services (as detailed in 2008 KPMG report) for the life of the new National Maternity Hospital (and potential subsequent replacement hospitals)? - Why not adopt Slaintecare patient rights based values as opposed to the Sisters of Charity values in the constitutions of SV Holdings CLG and SVHG (which new National Maternity Hospital will be a subsidiary of)? - Will a definition of "clinically appropriate" be added to the contracts? Or removed? - Under what conditions can the HSE/State break the lease with the landlord, SVHG? - Why do SV Holdings CLG refuse to sell or gift the land at Elm Park to the State given single ownership is not required at the James' site to facilitate and support co-location? - If a patient at the new National Maternity Hospital requires the Minister of Health to enact their golden share, what is the procedure for this to happen? - In the published documents, SVHG has the power to set healthcare policy in the new National Maternity Hospital. As such it is possible to impede the access of healthcare that is prohibited by Catholic ethos. How will the Minister ensure that accessibility of elective/on-demand healthcare is not overly onerous on a patient? - In the published documents, SVHG has the power to hire staff. As such it is possible for SVHG to hire predominantly anti-choice staff. How will the Minister ensure that this will not happen? - Specific adult services (as identified in the 2008 KPMG report) are required to support the new National Maternity Hospital and is the purpose of co-location. Where in the contracts is SVHG required to ensure adequate staffing at all times, night and at the weekend for example, to ensure that all services required are accessible to new NMH patients? Similarly, what legal guarantee is there that patients of the new NMH will be prioritised as they compete for resources at St. Vincent's University Hospital?
    438 of 5,468 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Murphy
  • Reduce the Russian Embassy headcount now
    "11 million Ukrainians wander, they have had to abandon their homes, take their children under their arms and flee? How else can one treat the mass rapes, the mass murders, the bombing of maternity hospitals"... In view of the unprovoked aggression by the Russian government in attacking Ukraine and killing thousands of its citizens call on the Irish government to reduce the number of Russians based in the Russian Embassy in Dublin without delay. 29/03/2022 - Today the Irish government asked 4 Russian diplomats to leave Ireland. Of the 31 Russian diplomats based in its Orwell Road embassy 27 remain. Ireland has 5 diplomats in Moscow. Today the Netherlands and Belgium announced they were expelling 17 and 21 Russian diplomats respectively for engaging in espionage. The Irish government need to expel more Russian diplomats or justify why they are not. Add your name to this petition to encourage the government to take this action. Also please ask your friends to sign the petition. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/four-senior-russian-diplomats-expelled-from-state-following-security-advice-1.4839308?mode=sample&auth-failed=1&pw-origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishtimes.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Ffour-senior-russian-diplomats-expelled-from-state-following-security-advice-1.4839308 https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/garda-expands-security-operation-around-russian-embassy-in-dublin-1.4829674
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shay Fennelly
  • Petition to expel Russia's ambassador in Ireland
    The people of Ukraine are losing their homes, families, and lives as a result of Russia's war of aggression. Ireland should stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people by expelling Russia's ambassador in Ireland. Taking this action will generate international headlines and send a clear message to Ireland's allies and diaspora that we resolutely oppose Russia's war and we support the people of Ukraine.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Campbell Picture
  • Stop Intentional and Negligent Dereliction
    Housing prices in this country are astronomical. Paired with the increasing cost of living, and high rents, living in Ireland is becoming harder and harder. The fact that there are so many potential homes lying empty and going derelict while people sleep on the streets is a tragedy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Hale
  • Make Integrated Education A Priority
    It's been 40 years since the first integrated school was started here, but in 2022 only 7.5% of schools here are integrated schools - bringing together children from all backgrounds - Catholic, Protestant and other. But there is overwhelming demand: 71% of people here believe our children should be educated together. Stormont has commissioned a new Independent Review of Education that could change everything - but we need you to tell them integrated education matters to you so that they make recommendations to promote integrated education! Now's your chance to speak up! Email the panel members now and tell them that you want to live in a future where all our children are educated together, promoting reconciliation.
    262 of 300 Signatures
  • Don't allow Russian missile tests off the Irish coast
    Russia seems to be carrying out these tests as part of its efforts to increase global tensions.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Rathdown Needs A Women's Refuge Now
    We are failing the women and children in the community. Currently we have a population of 218,018 and no domestic violence refuge. The shortage of emergency accommodation for people affected by domestic violence is an issue that is getting progressively worse. Domestic violence spikes significantly during the festive season which is exacerbated by the pressures brought about by Covid-19 and the housing crisis. The provision for domestic violence in our area is comprehensively under developed. There are 144 refuge spaces available nationwide yet Dublin alone needs 143 refuge spaces, and Ireland needs almost 500. There are only 31 spaces, in 4 refuges, to service the entire Dublin area. 68% of the calls Women's Aid made to refuges are being turned away due to there being no room left. The nearest refuge for Rathdown is in Bray, this means that many people may have to travel for over an hour on public transport to be turned away. This huge lack of essential support services results in: • Unmet requests for refuge everyday; • Accommodation problems and homelessness; • People trapped in abusive relationships; • Increasing likelihood of people returning to violent and abusive homes; • Fear of reporting the abuse due to the lack of emergency accommodation available; The government is failing women and children. The most vulnerable people in our society are being failed on every level and government inaction continues to silence them. This is a national issue - there are currently 9 counties without a refuge. Please sign this petition, and please support the work of Carlow Women's Refuge Campaign too: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/carlow-needs-a-women-s-refuge
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rohana Perera
  • Remove Prayers at the Beginning of Local Authority Meetings
    Church and state should be separate, and given the appalling history that Ireland has when it comes to Church control of State affairs and institutions this should be evident. This not only happens in Waterford County and County County but in the majority of Local Authorities around Ireland.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Ní Chó
  • Safe Staffing levels for Healthcare Workers in Private Nursing Homes Ireland
    It is in every Irish citizens interest to protect our Healthcare Workers and the people they care for, one day it might be you who needs to be cared for! This petition is not only for Healthcare workers but for every single person who lives in Ireland. We Need every one of you. This is a movement in itself. If we get enough signatures we could help to improve the quality of life not just for the healthcare workers but also for the vulnerable people they care for. We need the people of Ireland behind us and we need the minister for health and the government to listen to us and take us seriously because we will not stop, we will never give up until this catastrophe is fixed. We need your support now!! We need better working conditions for all healthcare workers so that we can provide the best quality of care for the people we care for!!
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Power
  • Support Youth Demands for Climate Justice
    The more young people who sign in support, the more we can pressure our decision makers to implement these demands.
    632 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Rose Sebastian
  • COP on - stop letting big business destroy our climate
    Big business are producing more, not less emissions and are making the climate crisis worse. Government decisions are letting them off the hook and pushing the burden for the climate crisis on to regular people, not the corporations who drive it.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick O'Brien Picture