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To: THE Minister for Housing , LocaL Government and Heritage Darragh O'Brien

We demand our water referendum now

Photo by Jong Marshes on Unsplash

Give us our water referendum now!
We've waited long enough

Why is this important?

For over seven years the Irish Government has refused to hold a referendum on the public ownership of our water. The only logical explanation for their refusal is the unspoken intention to privatise our water system.
In May 2016 legislation was tabled and unanimously passed in the Dáil in support of a water referendum, but since then Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party have prevented this important referendum from progressing.
Enough is enough. Name the date and give us our referendum now!
Water has become one of the most valuable and profitable commodities on the planet. Privatisation has been a disaster in almost every country that outsourced their water supply to profit making entities. Costs have gone up, services has declined. Dividends are paid to owners, taxpayers bail out depleted infrastructure.
Every day we don’t have our water referendum, we move closer and closer towards the full privatisation of our water system.
We stood together between 2014 – 2016 to stop water charges: now we need to stand together to prevent privatisation.
The Right2Water Campaign is demanding the following wording which was provided by Senior Council is adopted for our referendum:
Article 28 Section 4:2:1:
“The Government shall be collectively responsible for the protection, management and maintenance of the public water system. The Government shall ensure in the public interest that this resource remains in public ownership and management.”
Please sign the petition and tell your local politicians you will not be giving them a preference until they hold our water referendum.
For over seven years the Irish Government has refused to hold a referendum on the public ownership of our water. The only logical explanation for their refusal is the unspoken intention to privatise our water system.
In May 2016 legislation was tabled and unanimously passed in the Dáil in support of a water referendum, but since then Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party have prevented this important referendum from progressing.
Enough is enough. Name the date and give us our referendum now!
Water has become one of the most valuable and profitable commodities on the planet. Privatisation has been a disaster in almost every country that outsourced their water supply to profit making entities. Costs have gone up, services has declined. Dividends are paid to owners, taxpayers bail out depleted infrastructure.
Every day we don’t have our water referendum, we move closer and closer towards the full privatisation of our water system.
We stood together between 2014 – 2016 to stop water charges: now we need to stand together to prevent privatisation.
The Right2Water Campaign is demanding the following wording which was provided by Senior Council is adopted for our referendum:
Article 28 Section 4:2:1:
“The Government shall be collectively responsible for the protection, management and maintenance of the public water system. The Government shall ensure in the public interest that this resource remains in public ownership and management.”
Please sign the petition and tell your local politicians you will not be giving them a preference until they hold our water referendum.
For over seven years the Irish Government has refused to hold a referendum on the public ownership of our water. The only logical explanation for their refusal is the unspoken intention to privatise our water system.
In May 2016 legislation was tabled and unanimously passed in the Dáil in support of a water referendum, but since then Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party have prevented this important referendum from progressing.
Enough is enough. Name the date and give us our referendum now!
Water has become one of the most valuable and profitable commodities on the planet. Privatisation has been a disaster in almost every country that outsourced their water supply to profit making entities. Costs have gone up, services has declined. Dividends are paid to owners, taxpayers bail out depleted infrastructure.
Every day we don’t have our water referendum, we move closer and closer towards the full privatisation of our water system.
We stood together between 2014 – 2016 to stop water charges: now we need to stand together to prevent privatisation.
The Right2Water Campaign is demanding the following wording which was provided by Senior Council is adopted for our referendum:
Article 28 Section 4:2:1:
“The Government shall be collectively responsible for the protection, management and maintenance of the public water system. The Government shall ensure in the public interest that this resource remains in public ownership and management.”
Please sign the petition and tell your local politicians you will not be giving them a preference until they hold our water referendum.


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2024-04-20 10:14:29 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-04-13 15:24:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-04-12 20:57:05 +0100

10 signatures reached