• Roderic O'Gorman, don't evict me and my family
    No matter who we are or where we come from, all any of us want is to protect and take care of our families. Being evicted from the only shelter we have is cruel and heartless.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ferry Ediagbonya
  • Ask the GAA to stop the misuse of Kilkenny GAA logo
    "Kilkenny says No" is a group of people of far right ideology with ties to The Irish Freedom Party protesting a previously vacant building now intended to be used to accommodate IPAS residents. The GAA is Irelands largest sporting organisation and has a long history of being diverse and inclusive and the misuse of the county emblem is a disgrace.  Many supporters and players are people of colour and the GAA must take steps to seek the removal of the county emblem from hateful, racist social media profiles. The GAA continues to develop abroad, led by the Irish Diaspora with both regional and club units now well established in the United States, Australia, Britain, mainland Europe, Canada, Asia and many other parts of the world. 400 clubs promote the activities of the GAA around the world. Sign the petition to implore the GAA to address this misuse! 
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kilkenny For All Picture
  • Ask the Mayor of Kilkenny to Address Misinformation In Relation To People Seeking Refuge
    People seeking refuge make up an important part of society, Irish people have flocked all over the world for generations and we cannot pull the ladder up behind us now that we are a thriving economy.  We want Kilkenny to be a safe and welcoming place for all residents.  We want Mayor Andrew McGuinness to very clearly state the differences between emergency accommodation for homeless people and the temporary accommodation provided during the asylum application process.  “An asylum seeker is a person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious human rights violations in another country, but who hasn’t yet been legally recognized as a refugee and is waiting to receive a decision on their asylum claim. Seeking asylum is a human right. This means everyone should be allowed to enter another country to seek asylum. - Amnesty International” Emergency accommodation for homeless people is usually provided by County Councils and/or housing bodies. People seeking asylum are not taking a bed away from anyone and usually being accommodated in basic rooms like hotel rooms or previously empty buildings often without access to cooking or laundry facilities. People seeking asylum are not legally permitted to work during the asylum claim unless they have not recieved a first decision on their application for 6 months. They may recieve an expense allowance which is means tested. The rate for an adult is €38.80 per week (€5.54 per day) and are not entitled to recieve child benefit for their children.  People seeking refuge did not cause the housing crisis. A lack of investment in social housing and the overinflation of rental properties has. The reliance on private landlords through schemes like HAP have only encouraged this.  We have had a lack of investment in our health services for many years, not accepting new residents will not address this situation.  Please sign and share and let's make Kilkenny a safe and welcoming society again. 
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kilkenny For All Picture
  • Give Kingswood Football Club access to local pitches
    Kingswood Football Club has 7 teams with no local pitch to play on. We have been told we can train and play on pitches in Tymon Park, which is 4km away, but this would leave behind kids who don't have a parent to drive them. 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess Spear Picture
  • Support access to employment for Non-EEA PhD students' spouses in Ireland
    Joining our campaign supports fairness by eliminating employment barriers for non-EU PhD students' spouses, who are crucial in helping their partners’ studies. This change will make Ireland more attractive to top talent, strengthen the economy with diverse skills, and foster social integration. It also alleviates financial strain on students, enhancing their research focus. Advocating for this change sets a positive example of solidarity and inclusivity. Sign the petition to help make a difference for these families and promote a fairer society.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Non-EU/EEA PhD Students Society-Ireland Picture
  • Support access to employment for Non-EEA PhD students' spouses in Ireland
     Joining our campaign supports fairness and equality by eliminating employment barriers for non-EU PhD students' spouses, who play a crucial role in supporting their partners’ academic pursuits. This change will enhance Ireland’s global appeal, making it a more attractive destination for top talent and strengthening the economy by bringing diverse skills into the workforce. Additionally, it fosters social integration, enriches cultural diversity, and alleviates financial strain on PhD students, allowing them to focus on their research. Advocating for this change sets a positive example of solidarity and progressive policy, demonstrating Ireland’s commitment to inclusivity and encouraging similar measures globally. Sign the petition today to help make a significant difference in the lives of these families and promote a fairer, more inclusive society. 
    466 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Non-EU/EEA PhD Students Society-Ireland Picture
  • No votes for Von Der Leyen
    In the days after October 7th, when Israel initiated collective punishment and indiscriminate bombing against the people of Gaza, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant stated... "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."  Ursula Von der Leyen personally went to Gallant and Netanyahu's side in Israel. In the days following, she lit up the European Commission office in the Israeli flag and tweeted, ‘Israel has the right to defend itself – today and in the days to come. The European Union stands with Israel’.  This not only demonstrated horrific judgement, it also demonstrated genocidal intent and a complete disregard for International and Human Rights Law. This was not a mistake by Von Der Leyen, prior to October 7th she had always demonstrated her unconditional support for Israel whilst ignoring the plight of the Palestinians. In the last 9 months of horrific war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, Ursula Von der Leyen has not taken one action against Israel or uttered one word of rebuke against Netanyahu. In fact, she has ignored the Irish and Spanish governments request to review the EU-Israel trade agreement, a slap in the face to the people of Ireland and Spain. And now government wants to reward her with votes?  
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jane Hogan
  • Support legal protections for students living in Digs
    The student accommodation crisis in Ireland is escalating, with a severe shortage of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) forcing many students to settle for less-than-ideal living situations. One common option is Digs, where students live in a homeowner's spare room. The government encourages this by allowing homeowners to earn up to €14,000 tax-free. While practical, this has left students vulnerable, with no legal protections. In some cases, students in Digs can face overnight eviction, excessive restrictions, or misrepresentation of their living arrangement, all while homeowners benefit from tax relief. The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) sees the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024 to address these issues. This bill introduces moderate legal protections for those living in Digs, such as minimum notice periods for ending a tenancy and ensuring rented rooms cannot be entered without prior notice. These protections align with those guaranteed to students in PBSA. We understand the government's concern that mandatory written agreements might discourage homeowners from renting out spare rooms. However, USI research shows that in 66% of cases where an agreement exists, it was the homeowner who suggested it. This indicates that such agreements are not a significant barrier. We urge you to view this legislative proposal with an open mind and support the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024, ensuring students have basic rights in this government-endorsed living option. Thank you for your consideration.
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture
  • Reject Coercive Medical Interventions for Cannabis Use
    The Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use has the potential to bring justice-based reform to the archaic and abusive Irish drugs policy. However, figures within the HSE, Department of Health and the Irish Government are pushing for a new system which will see all those caught with small personal amounts of cannabis coerced into 'brief' SAOR medical interventions in order to avoid criminal sanctions. This policy will have massive consequences on human rights, bodily autonomy and basic dignity. It will also have disproportionate impact on: • Marginalised communities and people. • Medical cannabis users and patients. • Those in need of addiction treatment. The proposed system will clog up addiction treatment services, filling it with people who use cannabis and will result in people who need genuine help waiting longer. What we really need is a harm-reduction based approach to cannabis which focuses on safe consumption and cultivation, similar to what has been done in Malta with their cannabis social club model.
    1,477 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Crainn Campaign
  • Let the public decide on the minimum legal age for Smart Phones
    *WARNING* Possible wake up call ahead, be prepared to grab the wheel! To all the parents like myself on all the WhatsApp groups, checking the time of GAA training for tomorrow... Recently driving home from work I felt I was nodding off a bit, a product of this modern world, too much on, too much running around, too much technology coming at me, I'm exhausted to be honest! When I got home and after doing the domestic dance of who's making dinner that night, I fell in front of what was my "babysitter" growing up - the TV. At the same time my kids are spread out all over the house in front of their modern "babysitter" - the mobile phone. Why did I get them these devices? Because you got them for your kids, and you got them because I got them for my kids, peer pressure at its worst! The internet is an amazing tool, the reason you are reading this message, but we all know there is the dark side that we don't like to think about, is it a case of modern life has us so tired that we are asleep at the wheel or are we just turning a blind eye? The internet is like a car, difficult to live without one, safe and practical in the hands of an adult, but give a car to a 12-16 year old and it's possibly a form of abuse! Dangerous to the child and dangerous to those around that child! The state has a dark history of child abuse, something you would think would not happen again in our modern society, that we would not let it happen on our watch, however abuse can come in many subtle forms! Are we all guilty of staying quiet like all those cases years ago, choosing the easier path!? The media is awash with the side effects of these devices - social media anxiety, mental health issues, shore attention span, behavioural issues, desensitization to violence, social disruption, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, underage sex, teenage pregnancies, underage sex crimes - the list goes on, it’s some punishment on our kids and on our communities just so they can be "connected" and watch a few dance videos! Even with something as trivial as dance videos you start to realise the algorithms are pushing more and more sexualized content towards you! The sexualization of our kids at such a young age and the normalization of that fact is a serious modern-day issue. "You need to build a relationship with your kids, educate your kids" - this is what most internet guides tell parents. Good advice but it only addresses "pull" technology i.e. educate your kids not to go looking for the darker side of the internet. The problem is exacerbated now by "push" technology such as Snapchat where the darker side comes looking for you! Everything is not how it seems when it comes to Snapchat, on one side there is what appears to be a harmless app where kids can swap funny photos etc. On the other side it’s an unregulated, unfiltered, hidden, dark network, where kids can make and receive any kind of content they like, and I mean ANYTHING! Sure, wasn't there always a playboy magazine knocking around back in the day I hear you say, but the playboy magazine didn't contain graphical content of underage kids, and wasn't interactive, asking you to create content back! If you said 20 years ago that we're going to create a device and put it into each child's pocket and one thing it will enable is for kids to send naked pictures and videos of themselves to each other, then people would have thought you were crazy! Snapchat knows this but are too busy making millions, it will argue they are only supplying the pipes, the kids are the ones pushing the toxic water through. It's the gun manufacture debate, they only make the guns, you're the one pulling the trigger. Just like web email has filters, Snapchat could implement filters, they choose not to, they could even put AI software in place that says “we know that's you, cop yourself on”! As a 16-year-old, I would have been all over Snapchat, it has the thrill of a new relationship, aspects of gaming (fishing for better rewards) as well as the titillation! The content circulating on Snapchat can trigger kids to have an interest in porn, they then go looking for stronger content in other places on the internet. There's also a known sextortion scam circulating on Snapchat which has led to numerous shocking suicides! People say you can't change Society, but Society is the people, Society is us, we can change! Why did we get the phones in the first place? Society put peer pressure on us to get them, so let’s put peer pressure back on Society to change, then Society can go full circle and remove the phones! I believe most parents deep down know we've made a mistake with access to these phones at too early an age. Forget all the serious issues above, even just to get rid of the domestic arguments around screen time would make them worth removing! This is the cigarettes of our time causing the cancer in our Society, I truly believe in 10 years’ time people will look back and say, “what the hell were we thinking?!” Our government knows they are awash with social and underage issues but are they asleep at the wheel or is it a case of too little too late? Are they willing to take on the phone manufacturers?! The ask here is that you put your name to this petition asking for a public vote on smart phones. I believe if the vote was put to the public, the public would do the right thing! If you want to get involved in our movement, please join our Smartphone Free Childhood Ireland WhatsApp Group Invite And/or please take this quick poll (only two questions - do you believe there should be a minimum age and if so, what age?) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8PJK9SH Thanks for reading, let's keep our kids safe out there! Sound Bytes Sam References: Jonathan Haidt on the Mental-Health Crisis and Smartphones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6NfPHrVilc The Anxious Generation Evidence  https://www.anxiousgeneration.com/research/the-evidence
    387 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sound Bytes Sam
  • Reassign the abandoned Israeli Embassy to Palestine
    This is important because we have recently recognised Palestine as a state, and should accommodate them with an embassy.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Campbell Picture
  • Abolish parking charges at Galway University Hospital
    It's been revealed that the HSE has taken in more than €3.5 million in parking charges from Galway University Hospital and Portiuncula over the past four years. [1] It's disgraceful that people are paying such high costs for parking at a hospital. Those who are being treated for cancer or other long-term conditions bear the biggest burden of hospital parking charges – this is disgraceful and must change. Together, we call on the HSE to scrap parking charges for Galway University Hospital for patients with immediate effect so that people who are seeking healthcare can do so with dignity. [1] https://connachttribune.ie/hospitals-e3-5-million-profit-from-patient-parking-613/
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Kelleher