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Make empty houses into homeseveryone deserves a safe place to call home17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teresa Carr
Make Water Referendum an Election issueIt is essential given the examples worldwide including the likes of Thames Water in England that privatisation of water services cannot happen in Ireland. This can only be guaranteed through referendum11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Moore
Details of all rents should be publicly availableThe Residential Tenancies Board knows how much each property registered with them charges renters. On HowMuchRent.com, you can see non-landlord-occupied properties advertised on Daft, which are not registered with the RTB. Why is this still occurring? Some properties have increased by over 30% without penalties/fines from the RTB. Why? RTB seems to have a tactic of only caring to investigate something when an individual has a case before the court rather than trying to proactively protect renters' rights. The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has powers to investigate, on its own volition, certain breaches of rental law by landlords called improper conducts. One of these improper conducts is raising the rent above the amount allowed by the Rent Pressure Zone I have tried solving this at Howmuchrent.com, where renters can share their rental experiences, creating a transparent database of past rents and experiences at properties. For most renters, it's their biggest expense each month. The aim is to give tenants free access to historical rental data, similar to what prospective buyers have with property sales. Please sign and share this petition with those seeking a fair deal for renters. Housing Commission: details of all rents should be publicly available and pressure zones replaced: https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/05/22/make-all-rents-publicly-available-housing-commission-says-in-report-critical-of-system/31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vinny Glennon
Make the Clarecastle Link Road Safe. Reduce Speed; Safe Verge for Walkers & CyclistsThe current state of motorists speeding on the road is an accident waiting to happen. The 50km/hr speed limit is largely ignored, and the condition of the road-- a residential stretch of 2 km of road-- makes speed motorists an even more dangerous situation. Before someone is gravely injured or killed, make the road safe for everyone.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Ellingstad
Andrew Muir: Clean up the illegal dump at MobuoyMobuoy dump is beside the River Faughan, which supplies 60% of Derry's drinking water. Experts say the Mobuoy site may contain 1.6m tonnes of waste. If the dump is not properly cleaned up soon, then the river could be contaminated, making our water undrinkable. Even though the site closed in 2013, people are still illegally dumping at the site! The minister responsible for waste in NI, Andrew Muir has yet to come up with a recovery plan for the site. The only suggestion his department has provided is to give local residents bottled water if the river becomes impacted. It is time for the Minister to get a grip of the situation: secure the site, clean up Mobouy and ensure clean and safe drinking water for the people of Derry.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
Urgent call to immediately resolve family visa delays #FastTrackFamilyVisaDear all, I hope you are all in good health. As you all know, Irish Society of International Doctors (ISID) and Association of Irish Pakistani Physicians and Surgeons (AIPPS) who represent 1000's of international doctors and their families have been engaging and working with stakeholders on visa delays for the past year or so to benefit everyone especially healthcare workers in Ireland. All skilled professionals living in Ireland are facing serious delays in processing for their families visas but some nationalities are facing more delays than others with waiting time beyond one year before their applications are being processed. This has negatively impacted their mental health and emotional well being and in turn might be worsening the staffing crisis and patient care. Foreign healthcare workers constitute more than 60% of the Irish health system and are the backbone of this system. They deserve to be treated fairly and to have their families with them in Ireland especially when their jobs are so demanding. A recent survey conducted by us revealed that certain countries (including Pakistan) have: 1) High visa rejection rate for family members i.e. spouse, children, parents etc 2) Long delays in application processing - more than one year for even visit visas 3) Vague and generic copy paste refusal reasons 4) Processing time for appeals is one year plus 5) Poor Communication: there is a serious element of broken communication with applicants and the Department. Lastly, we urge Pakistani Ambassadorin Ireland to take up and investigate this issue with the Irish Consulate in Karachi as the community is not happy with their treatment; through an audit of applicants being rejected as THERE IS NO COMPLAINT CELL THAT EXISTS WHERE THESE ISSUES AND UNFAIR TREATMENT CAN BE RAISED. Please sign this petition and spread the word to resolve this grave issue. #FastTrackFamilyVisa Many thanks. Dr Liqa Rehman ||| Mr Nauman Nabi President ,ISID ||| President AIPPS G.Secretary, AIPPS ||| Executive, ISID295 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Dr Liqa ur Rehman
Stop Ireland being a Tax HavenWe are siphoning off the tax base of many, often poorer countries by our corporate tax policies and loopholes. We deny them the funds for hospitals, schools, social supports and infrastructure as well as their capacity to fight climate change. As a tax haven we are doing far more global damage than anything we do that damages the world’s climate. Apple admitted to the US senate that their effective tax rate in Ireland is 2%. Microsoft acknowledged that they put €98 billion through Ireland ‘that was not subject to tax in this jurisdiction’ They paid €3 billion in tax that year ( on €24 billion at 12% ?) making it approx 2% tax rate again. The untaxed money comes from Profit Shifting to Ireland ie profits from other countries. My friend in sub Saharan Africa said all the youth have smartphones but not enough to eat. That’s the power of advertising a product-on which no tax was paid. Ireland is a country that is generous in it’s contributions to developing nations but we completely undermine this by our tax haven activities. It’s time to call for a change in direction to a more ethical business and tax model13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Connolly
Expel Israeli EmbassySimply watch what #Netanyahu is doing and saying.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Tierney
Stand Against Racism and support Migrant Women in IrelandFor a long time the Irish police did not recognize racism as a form of discrimination. Meaning that the state was not aware or have any official record of the extent of racism in the country. everyday people from migrant backgrounds face prejudice in their workplace, homes, schools and colleges. It is important that institutional and State bodies implement adequate policies and procedures to ensure that racism is combated within Ireland. Without proper support from their institutions people of color and people of migrant backgrounds will continue to be impacted by discrimination and institutional racism throughout their daily lives.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by brianna rossback
Put limits on the purchase of land by the mega wealthyIt doesn’t have to be this way. There are alternatives. In France they have a system called SAFER which: *Intervenes in land sales in the public interest where there is land speculation by non farmers and billionaire investors *Ensures viable land holdings, *Maintains rural communities and the viability of existing farms, *Controls prices so land is affordable. https://www.landcommission.gov.scot/downloads/6554aa4252c5a_Review%20of%20France%C3%94%C3%87%C3%96s%20SAFER%20Land%20Market%20Interventions.pdf Our politicians are avoiding this issue. They have their heads in the sand. We demand that they address the problem now to ensure viable landholdings for farming families. Irish Family Farms is a group of landowners and other citizens who have got together to raise awareness of this issue and demand change. We will use this petition to apply pressure on government ministers McConalogue and Hackett to change the system and set up a multi-stakeholder Land Observatory. This would act as a watchdog to oversee land-related issues and foster collaboration to protect our most precious physical resource: our land.525 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Irish Family Farms
Rename London to DerrylondonIn order to due homage to the heritage of the Celtic Isles, and to acknowledge the immense history of Irish people who were (albeit due to forced migration and British invasion) a part of constructing infrastructure in England, we petition that the city of London be formally renamed to Derrylondon. Chun ómós a thabhairt d’oireacht na nOilleáin Ceilteacha, agus chun stair na nÉireanach a rinneadh (fiú más de bharr imirce brúite orthu ag fórsaí Sasana a rinneadh) chuid mhór de thóigeáil infreastruchtúr Sasana, éilímid do dtugfar an t-ainm “Doirelondain” ar chathair Londain.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fear na gCrúb
We demand our water referendum nowFor over seven years the Irish Government has refused to hold a referendum on the public ownership of our water. The only logical explanation for their refusal is the unspoken intention to privatise our water system. In May 2016 legislation was tabled and unanimously passed in the Dáil in support of a water referendum, but since then Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party have prevented this important referendum from progressing. Enough is enough. Name the date and give us our referendum now! Water has become one of the most valuable and profitable commodities on the planet. Privatisation has been a disaster in almost every country that outsourced their water supply to profit making entities. Costs have gone up, services has declined. Dividends are paid to owners, taxpayers bail out depleted infrastructure. Every day we don’t have our water referendum, we move closer and closer towards the full privatisation of our water system. We stood together from 2014 – 2016 to stop water charges: now we need to stand together to prevent privatisation.1,346 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Margaret ODwyer