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To: The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin TD

Revoke the Irish Passport of the UK fascist Tommy Robinson

Photo by Blake Guidry on Unsplash
The avowed UK fascist that is known as Tommy Robinson ( Stephen Yaxley -Lennon) has acquired an Irish passport. 
This allows him access to countries, including Ireland, to spread his hateful racist rhetoric.

The far- right have been emboldened by agents like him culminating in riots and violence towards minorities here in Ireland and more recently in the UK 

Irish citizenship can be refused if a person does not fulfill the requirement of being of good character.  He would also fail on the grounds of continuous residency. 

As Irish passports remain the property of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, I appeal to you to alert immigration authorities across the EU, that you wish to seize that passport. 

Why is this important?

Having an Irish passport is something we are suppsed to be proud of.
 It is not supposed to be a travel pass for racists to move between countries to flee from their local police forces when they are being sought to answer for the consequences of their actions.

To quote the Imelda May poem. "You don't get to be racist and Irish".

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