• Rename Docklands to 'Dublin Markievicz'
    Whilst many stations around the country are named after leaders of the revolutionary period, none are named after female revolutionaries. This is a sad reflection on the historical lack of importance attached the gender equality in the public realm. Constance Markievicz was a trailblazer in many ways: she was the first women to be elected to Westminster, the first female cabinet minister in Europe in the first Dáil, a suffragette, socialist and feminist. It is time we began to recognise the contribution of such women to our nation, and this would be a fine way to recognise her.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yusuf Murray
  • Offaly County Council release Budget Vs Actual Data
    A Chairde, As a "blow-in" to the Rhode area in Co Offaly I have been shocked at the state of the local roads within the area. At the beginning of this year, after spending more money on suspension issues on my car I did a small audit of section B04 (local roads) of the Offaly county council budget. The main findings so far: Variance of over €445K in the 2022 budget compared to Prior year figure in 2023 file. No additional funding provided with the exception of €150K additional funding in 2024. No Data or information relating to how much of the budget has actually been spent. No Data provided on where the money is actually being spent. After speaking with other locals, it appears that due to a lack of representation within the Rhode/Edenderry area, Other areas in Offaly are looked after at a higher rate than we are. I have sent on a Freedom of Information request to Offaly County Council asking for the following: "Would it be possible to ask for a breakdown of Section B04 for budget's 2020/21/22 and an explanation for the variance in 2022 figures. Is there an "Actual V Budget" Breakdown available anywhere? Can you provide expenditure data on B0402 Local Rd Surface Rest/Road Reconstruction/Overlay? Is there data available for what road's/areas resurfacing works were carried out for 2020/2021/2022/2023 and the associated spends? Same as above for B0405 Local Roads General Maintenance Works. It is clear that B0402 Local Rd Surface Rest/Road Reconstruction/Overlay has seen no increase in budget for over 3 years, can you provide an explanation as to why? Is there a forecast for the additional 150K that has been budgeted in B0405 Local Roads General Maintenance Works in 2024? Is there currently any National or EU schemes available for the reconstruction of local roads in rural/farming communities?" My Request has been refused by the council and I am in contact with the Office of Information Commission in order to appeal the decision. I am asking that you sign this petition in support of transparency within our local council and would ask that you contact your local councilors and ask them to release the Data that has been requested: https://www.offaly.ie/c/councillilors/ Go raibh maith agat! Ross
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Extend the Development Contribution Waiver
    Self-builders are saving between €7k and €30k+ thanks to the development contribution waiver. It's been extended until the end of 2024, which is great news for those who are at the planning stage or looking for a builder to hire. With construction costs high and builders hard to get, we need the waiver permanently instated those building a new family home.
    2,206 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Selfbuild Ireland Picture
  • Call a General Election: People deserve a better life.
    The current government have failed the people. Please leave a comment on this petition sharing the reasons why you have signed.
    14,339 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Permanent Public Toilet Block in Rossnowlagh
    Rossnowlagh Community Needs you 👆 Donegal's busiest beach – but still no public toilets block. The few sub-par portaloos have been deemed insufficient for the public at Donegal's busiest beach - Michael McMahon Let's keep the pressure on the council and get Rossnowlagh, the locals and our visitors what it truely deserves - A Permanent Public Toilet Block in the Council Car Park We look forward to hearing the outcome of the March council meeting next week, when this is on the agenda! Sign the petition today.
    1,401 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by James Garvey
  • The removal of Joe Biden mural in Ballina
    Having a large mural of US president Joe Biden in Ballina reflects very badly on the people of Ballina, Mayo and Ireland who hold very different views to Joe regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ginty
  • Reduce electricity prices
    Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. The government must intervene and force energy providers to lower their prices.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Álvaro Pérez Picture
  • TCD Should Host a Public Debate on PhD Employee Status
    The issue of employment status has become particularly pressing with the recent launch of PWO's report, 'Workers in All, but Name, Pay, and Conditions' (find at: https://pwo.ie/our-policies/); and imminent publications the Irish Universities Association (IUA) and the final draft of the government's 'National Review of State Supports for PhD Researchers.' PhD researchers have none of the standard entitlements of employees such as PRSI, sick leave, maternity leave, the minimum wage, or the right to join a trade union. They earn less than subsistence wages in conditions of insecurity. The call for employee status has been made as a solution to these problems, bringing us in line with European best practice. Recently organisations such as IFUT, SIPTU, and the USI have all endorsed employee status. But the IUA and university administrators have voiced their opposition. We believe an issue as important as this should be debated openly and across the entire college community. The discussion should not be confined to boardrooms, and all should have the opportunity to hear both sides and express their opinion. That is why we call on the Provost to commit to organising a public debate on the issue that will be open to all students and staff.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rory OSullivan
  • Skerries Fishermen & boating community ask for your SUPPORT
    The new bye-laws concerning the harbour of Skerries are being brought into effect of March 1st 2024 which effect the town of skerries and the use of the harbour and the surrounding "inner harbour" use by all persons and vessels. Local government and representatives have done nothing to support the concerned people of Skerries and stop the Fingal County Council from making new sets of rules which will introduce fines and call for people to be guilty of an offence by continuing their boating/vessel activities in the harbour and surround bay / "inner harbour" of Skerries. Your support to object to the county council heavy handed and authoritarian methods is required. Not only to cause resistance to the new bye-laws but to bring a stop to local authority and elected representatives to doing "whatever they want" when it comes to our town of Skerries with little to no consideration for the people of the town. The people who have voted for such representatives yet receiving no representation once the votes have been counted. When done to others for other issues that do not directly affect YOU, it is no big deal right? Until the day it does effect YOU. Then you will understand why a town must pull together and support each other. The bye-laws proposed do not follow any law of the land of Ireland and are being introduced by the county council to undermine the use of the harbour as we have all known it for generations to date. Your support in signing this petition is to take a stand and have your say or voice heard. It is one thing to join a protest or a march and it is another to know what is going on in your own local back yard and see how changes may not always be for the better of the majority. Again if the local "reps" wish to receive continued support for their careers then it is YOU and all of us together that can demand of them TRUE & PROPER representation. Do not allow local reps and Fingal county council to sweep things under the carpet or make swift changes to the town you have grown to love without having YOUR say. You will note that some of the bye-laws are supported by acts of law or Irish statute, while other new bye-laws are creating / being invented without the support of any established Irish law or statute. It is important to sign the petition for so many more reasons than can be typed into this box. The bye-laws below have been voted on in favour of by council members and approved to come in to effect March 1st 2024. Sign below to support the towns of Skerries, Balbriggan, Loughshinny & Rush. A copy of Harbour bye-laws can be found online
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aidan Mc Nally
  • Save Doci’s Café
    We are a little coffee truck in an area where there is no other barista coffee, we have been in this area for the last 4 years, in which we have made many friends in addition to our customers, to be able to continue in this area we need your help. Please sign our petition.
    844 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lenuta Doci
  • UK Government: Stop Censoring Kneecap and Irish Art
    On February 8th 2024, the UK government blocked a British Phonographic Industry (BIP) funding award that would help Belfast rap trio Kneecap to expand their music in global markets. Their application was approved and signed off by an independent selection board, but he UK government overruled this decision. A spokesperson for Kemi Badenoch cited that the UK government "didn't want to hand out UK tax money to people that oppose the United Kingdom itself." The British government blocking arts funding for a group because they aren't pro-union goes against the very essence of the Good Friday Agreement, artistic freedom and free speech. No government should be removing funding due to an artist’s position on constitutional the future of the north.
    330 of 400 Signatures
  • A zebra crossing near Knocknaheeney
    Because we should be able to cross the road safely, without causing an accident.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Walsh