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To: Simon Harris & Micheal Martin

Block the Body Bag Bill - Save our Triple Lock

Keep the Triple Lock as it is and respect Irish Neutrality

Why is this important?

The vast majority of people in Ireland support our neutrality and want to keep the Triple Lock in place too. 

The government has been meeting with arms lobbyists and spreading disinformation about the Triple Lock, which in reality does a great job of keeping us safe and making sure Irish soldiers only serve on UN sanctioned peacekeeping missions and not unsanctioned operations like the illegal invasion of Iraq.

  • The Triple Lock is a system designed to keep Ireland out of wars overseas.
  • We are are incredibly proud of our neutrality and understand that it keeps us and our families safe.
  • That's why people in Ireland rejected two EU referendums (Nice and Lisbon) that had sections about us getting dragged into EU wars 
  • As a compromise we were made to vote a second time in those referendums but were given special allowances so that we wouldn't get dragged into these wars. This is where we got the Triple Lock which, to quote Micheal Martin in 2013, "is the core of our neutrality" 
  • The Triple Lock basically means that in order for Ireland to send more than 12 troops to any overseas missions, there needs to be approval from:

  • 1. The Government
  • 2. The Dáil (which is the government and the opposition)
  • 3. The UN
    • This can be authorised by either the UN Security Council OR the UN General Assembly , where there is NO veto (The government won't tell you that) 

The Triple Lock works extremely well.

The government has been deliberately misleading the public into thinking that Russia can stop us from participating in UN missions because of their veto at the UN Security Council, but this problem was actually fixed back in 2006. The Defence (Amendment) Act 2006 says that we can get authorisation from the UN General Assembly instead where no country has a veto.

As we mentioned earlier, no country has a veto at the UN General Assembly.
The UN General Assembly is the closest thing we have to the opinion of the rest of the world. They've consistently passed resolutions for a ceasefire in Gaza, to end the blockade of Cuba, and to eliminate nuclear weapons globally.

We have absolutely no business taking part in wars without a UN sanction.
The only thing the Triple Lock stops the government from doing is taking part in wars that the UN doesn't agree with, like the illegal invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.
While we're on the topic, there has also been disinformation spread about evacuating Irish citizens from overseas. Once again, the Triple Lock allows us to do this.

There is no good reason to get rid of the Triple Lock. It allows us to take part in peacekeeping missions that have been given the green light by the UN and keeps us out of wars for profit and oil that have not been given UN permission.

Wars are the worst thing that humans do. The only people who benefit from wars are arms dealers who make billions selling weapons and don't care about the lives of ordinary people who are killed and maimed.

It's clear that these arms dealers have been pushing this idea of scrapping our neutrality and getting rid of the Triple Lock because they see Ireland as an opportunity to make money.

Now the Irish government is fast-tracking legislation to get rid of the Triple Lock and the govt have done a complete 180 on their past positions 

Polling shows that across all ages, regions and even political parties, the vast majority of people in Ireland value our neutrality exactly as it is and do not want our soldiers sent off to fight in foreign wars for the profits of a small few.

Block the Bodybag Bill


2025-03-06 02:29:04 +0000

500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

2025-03-04 19:22:54 +0000

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached